Well about 'kedidjein'...later maybe !)
Now about r.n.kedidjein
I am 23...
...Yes I am..
And as poor little unsignifiant unsigned artist, I am actively looking for a record label, obviously [that guy is insane, let's go back Jack]; Here is only an extract from my work (four tracks on 15 (now :) and others in progress) but I'd love to make you listen more, you but also the other people! ... And you the producer, the record label, etc...That's all for now as I'm late; well sorry even if you were our deeeear president Jacques Chirac (hem...).So to be continued 4 the bio :)
Ok now that it's a few days later I can say that you should listen to the sound unstead to read that so uninterresting digital text, because music is playing in the background, so STOP now and listen!!, pleease!! :) :) :)
Let's Electrize That World