Orin profile picture


You do know Rupert Murdoch owns MySpace... don't you?

About Me

I'm one of that rare breed known as the Seattle Native--I've lived in Seattle most (but not all) of my life. Other places include San Francisco, Portland and Bend, Oregon, and Nuremberg, Germany. Careers have included radio disc jockey, graphic designer, pizza delivery driver; current career is mainframe computer programmer.

My Interests

travel, road trips, motorsports, journalism, photography, live theatre, art, science and technology, cars, scooters, motorcycles

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is doing something interesting with their life... travel, learning, stuff like that. Being passionate about something makes one much more interesting.



Sicko, Knocked Up, The Lives of Others, Blade Runner (the director's cut), Farenheit 451, The Big Lebowski, Grand Prix, Le Mans, Grosse Pointe Blank, Bridge on the River Kwai, Vanishing Point (the original, not the lame-o 1997 remake), Cars, Ratatouille (so sue me...)


Movies on CBC British Columbia (fewer commercial breaks in the movies, and they leave the "bad" words in!) Futurama, Veronica Mars, daVinci's Inquest/City Hall, K-Ville.


Now reading: Fast Guys, Rich Guys and Idiots by Sam Moses. Recently read: Speed Tribes, by Karl Taro Greenfield; Vroom with a View, by Peter Moore; What's the Matter With Kansas?, by Thomas Frank. Also, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, Watership Down by Richard Adams, Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain, The Death and Life of Great American Cities and Dark Age Coming, both by Jane Jacobs


My intelligent, wise, funny-as-hell friend Frank Eubel, who passed to the next life in 2004. I'm sure by now Frank has managed to prove to Aristotle (using his own philosophical arguments) that he, Aristotle, doesn't exist...

My Blog

Get Safari for Windows, and see more stuff in my profile

Windows users, try Apple's Safari browser for Windows... get it FREE!!! at www.apple.com/safari and see things in my profile that don't get through with IE. Don't worry, you won't see anything naughty...
Posted by Orin on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:20:00 PST

See a snippet of my racing career!

Don't forget to check out the video of my neck and neck race with a red Alfa-Romeo elsewhere in my profile!
Posted by Orin on Wed, 30 May 2007 08:58:00 PST