/\/\ ... - Mikey - ... /\/\ profile picture

/\/\ ... - Mikey - ... /\/\

Shurup ya Muppppppeeeet

About Me

[xxxx] Hey all, I live in the not so sunny Stockton-on-Tees................. [xxxx] Used to live in a lil village called Belford waaaaay up in Nothumberland. Suppose I should say some lies about what I think I’m like. Well I'm funnyish I think, can always make people laugh anyways, general annoying bloke. Never impulsive, like to think I’m funny, sporty, love films and dvds spend way to much time watchin them..... Chats way to much, thinks too much about stupid things! always self conscious of what I do and say, a rite pish taker out of everyone i like and very bad tempered when i'm in a strop like [xxxx] That sort of sums me up. Bet your thinking "Oh my god he’s wa muppet.... well ya right!" anyways don’t say you weren’t warned what I’m like............... [xxxx] Anyways if ya wanna to chat to me sometime then message me or add me on msn michaelturnbull1@hotmail.com [xxxx]
M Masculine
I Intelligent
K Kinky
E Eccentric
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

My Interests

Suppose sports is one, do alot of that.. footy, running, badminton, golf, walking, sex, teasing (ok not technically a sport but very much an interest). Also love films, dvds, watch about 3 a night when im in lol... mainly action or comedys.. love american pies, and my all time fav ICE AGE!!!! woohoo. I'm a sadddddoooo too cuase im on the net a fair wack... mainly cause its fun :P and u get to annoy everyone yey!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Hmmmmm welll noooow then... suppose its gotta be a sheeeee (very important that bit!) so no hesheeees allowed! ... someone cute, cuddly, kind, caring, sweet,sexy, stunning, funny, booootiful, sportyish.... hmmm dont ask for much do i :D lol..... ooh yeah she must like me!!!! altho thats not generally thr case!


Music... wats that? i only own about 15 cds and some of them are stupid ones like.. "The Simpsons", "Reservoir Dogs" and "James Bond" lol... but i like theme tunes so... there canny gud, other than that i'll listen to almost anything on the radio... altho i have a memory like a goldfish for music... so i cud listen to a song and have no idea of the name, who sang it.. so dont even ask me!


As i said up there ^^^^^^ lovafilms, got about 400 now... and always watching them. Love comedies, like american pie, eurotrip, old school, all sorts like that :D.... also love cartooooony ones hahah yes im a big kid! but like Ice Age, Team America etc..... You'll be sadened to know i also have some chick flicks ergh... no idea why i baught them.. well apart from some cute lass in them of course :D... other than that its killing, war, murder, horror..... ooooh not forgetin scaries! saying that tho.. ive got Crep, Bogey Man and Whitenoise to watch but im too scared ot on me own! :(


Wey favourite TV stuff... gotta be South Park, Jackass, Scif-fi, anything really. I prefer me films tho... cuase i know wat happens in them... so i can miss bits and still know the plot lol... also The Simmmmmpssoooons cuase homers the dude!!!! i wanna be just like him! gotta my skin graft coming soon so il be yellow :D yey :D joke btw!


Stephen King stuff is great, specially the Dark Half..... dont like his films tho they scare me! :'( Dont read that much other than that... if i read at all, most of my stuff i read is technical garbage for work.. with words that are the length of this page!....


I love them chocolates.... there mmmmmm tasty....... nah gotta be the Devil, only joking but he does have alot of fun