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Extended Network Banner GeneratorI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Music is becoming a big part of my life. Before, it was "eh". Now I am free to pick and chose the good from the bad. I can be very picky and evil when criticizing a band in its genre. If you are an EMO band, I will not listen. I can't stand whiners. These bands are in no particular order. If your are on my "Friends List" and you don't see your banner, it doesn't mean I don't like you, its cause there is not enough room. There is plenty of room on my "Friends List". I love you all. Keep up the good work.
Any movie that has a good story line/plot, costumes, set, sound. As for Invader Zim, I don't have cable, so I went to the next best thing and buoght the DVD. ITS AWSOME.
Ugly Betty, Law and Order: SVI, Lost, Bones, Ellen
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes books: In the Forest Of the Night, etc; "The Black Swan"; It's Swan Lake, "The Witches of Eileanan" series "Rhiannon's Ride" series, and "I Thirst for you", "Primal Heat".
my mother, God and Jebus (Jesus)