z♥e profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Your Birthdate: December 30
You have the type of personality that people either love or hate.
You're opinionated...dramatic...intense...very outspoken...
and some people can't get enough of you...they're totally addicted.
Others...well...they wish you were a little more reserved
Your strength: Your flair
Your weakness: If you think it...you say it
Your Rising Sign: Aries
You're full of energy...and people look to you to get the party started.
Confident and honest...you'll be the one to say what everyone is thinking.
You are easily bored...and you always find unique ways to do things.
You don't just dream it...you do it...and that's why you're so successful.
Too intense for some...often times people are intimidated by you...
but you're usually smart enough to charm them anyway
Year of the Dragon
You have both a fiery energy and a warm heart.
Your charisma and charm makes it easy for you to influence others.
Lucky in life...you also have a reputation of being lucky in love.
Power hungry...you are determined to get what you want
no matter what it takes
You Are 22% Impulsive
You're a pretty stable and serious person...you don't take
things lightly. This doesn't mean you can't have fun...you just
have fun responsibly. You definitely have a spontaneous side...
but you only let loose when it's appropriate
You Are 24% Cynical
Generally you give people the benefit of the doubt...
but there are exceptions. You buy into many of the things that
mainstream society believes...but you're not anybody's fool
You Are 44% Brutally Honest
Honesty is important to you...but generally...
you try not to be brutal about it. You'll sugar coat the truth
when you need to...and tell a white lie when necessary
You Are 48% Obsessive
You're somewhat obsessive...especially when it comes
to a couple things...like horrifying thoughts or cleanliness
You Are 50% Normal
While some of your behavior is quite normal...other things
you do are downright strange. You've got a little of your freak
going on...but you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself
You Are 68% Open-Minded
You are a very open-minded person...but you're
also well grounded. Tolerant and flexible...you appreciate most
lifestyles and viewpoints...but you also know where you
stand firm...and you can draw that line. You're open to considering
every possibility...but in the end...you stand true to yourself
How You Live Your Life
You have a good sense of self-control and hate to show
weakness. You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from
sticky situations. You tend to have one best friend you hang
with as opposed to many acquaintances. You have one big dream
in your life...and you never lose sight of it
How Do You Live Your Life?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Interests


shopping...wherever I may roam

sports...not watching...playing

the outdoors...nature

singing...anything and everything

dancing...good exercise!!!

reading...it's good for you

teddy bears...don't ask...

strategic games...challenging

cats...sooo cute...

astrology...because I'm a freak!

people...very entertaining

dressing up...for fun

food...everything spicy

my work...just because

sex...it's part of life

money...makes the world go round

tropical places...refreshing...

helping others...good karma

snowboarding...a rush

massages...they feel nice

baby lotion...makes you feel soft


I'd like to meet:

B e a u t y w i l l o n l y g et y o u n o t i c e d
i t 's y o u r c h a r a c t e r t h a t w i l l
c a p t u r e m y i n t e r e s t


RnB/Hip-Hop are my passion

Dancehall/Reggae are my obsession

Last but not least...anything that appeals to my ears and makes my body wanna move...




Thai movies


Only when I need to watch movies


Nothing I can mention


My mother...my mother....... ♥ truthful ♥ humane ♥ friendly ♥ strongHave a nice day! ♥

My Blog


New Year's resolutions 1. I know this is a big one for everybody...to lose weight. I would love to lose about 5 pounds and get my body nice and toned again. I've been feeling a bit jiggly lately...i...
Posted by z♥e on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 02:55:00 PST

Odd? No way!

My first tag ever...hahahaha...thanks All That. I'm not sure if I have 12 odd things to share...but here's what I came up with... 1. I always remember how I place things and all the little detail...
Posted by z♥e on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:44:00 PST


I am 3/4 Thai 1/4 Laotian I'm an only child...no siblings I was born in Thailand but left when I was 1 I attended Judson boarding school in Paradise Valley, AZ I was expelled my senior year Did ...
Posted by z♥e on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 04:28:00 PST


If you enjoy eating or cooking Thai food...you might want to check out this site. It has some easy to follow recipes and also videos. Give it a try...enjoy! http://www.thaifoodtonight.com/thaifoodton...
Posted by z♥e on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:15:00 PST


I will not...GIVE you my number...SEND you naked pictures...DATE you...nor ENTERTAIN any sick perverted individuals. Thank you! I just wanted to warn everyone that I'm very bad when it com...
Posted by z♥e on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:17:00 PST


I joined Myspace because my "friend" had invited me to and didn't really think much of it. It was more the artistic part that I founded very interesting...being able to create something out...
Posted by z♥e on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 02:39:00 PST


 Proverbs 1. Laws control the lesser man...right conduct controls the greater one. *chinese proverb* 2. Do not tell the man carrying you that he stinks. *african proverb* 3. It's better to be so...
Posted by z♥e on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 05:15:00 PST

*Irritates me

1. Stupid questions...you can only expect a stupid answer back then. 2. Long line-ups anywhere...damn...get some more cashiers...what's the problem. 3. People that blame others for problems that they'...
Posted by z♥e on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 02:16:00 PST