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About Me

Ah reckon what you was a wantin to know is what Ah'ma doin in here. Ah reckon the reason Ah'm in here is cause Ah killed somebody. Mmmmhmm Well Ah reckon what you was a wantin to know is how cum me to kill somebody so Ah reckon Ah'll start at the front and tell ya. Mmmmm Ah lived out in back of my Mothers and Fathers place most a mah life in a little ole shed that mah Daddy'd built fer me. Mmmmhmm They didn't to much want me up there in the house with the rest of mostly ah jus sit around out there in the shed a lookin at the ground. Ah didn't have no floor out there but Ah had me a hole dug out tah lay in....a quilt or two tah put down thar. Mmmmhmmm Mah Father was a hard workin man most a his life not that Ah can say the same fer mahself. Ah mostly just sit around out thar in the shed..messed with a lawn mower er two...went to school off and on from time to time...but the Childern up there were very cruel to me and made quite a bit a sport a me quite a bit.... so mostly Ah just sit around thar in the shed. Mah Daddy worked down thar at the saw mill at the planer mill fer an ole man named Dickson. Ole Man Dickson was a veery cruel feller..didn't treat his employees veery well.. didn't pay um to much of a wage. Just barely anough to get by on Ah reckon... but Ah reckon we got by all right. Mmmmmm They used tah come out one or the other of um...usually mah Mother. Feed me purdy Ah know he made anuf ta were Ah could have musturd and biskits three er four times a week.Mmm Well Ole Man Dickson..he had a wer Jesse Dickson. Jesse was really more cruel that his Daddy was. He used ta make quite a bit a sport a me when Ah was down thar at the schoolhowz..Used tah take advantage uh the litle girls thar in the nayberhood an all. They used tah say that Ma Mother was a veery purdy woman..they sayed that quite a bit from time ta time when Ah'd be down thar at the schoolhowz. Well Ah reckon ya wan me tah git on with it and tell ya what happened so Ah reckon Ah'll tell ye. Ah was a sittin out thar in the shed one evenun not doin to much a nuthin..just kinda starin at the wall. Mmmm Waitin on mah Mother ta cum out and give me mah Bible lesson. MmmmHmm Well Ah heared a cahmocean up thar in the house.. so Ah runned up thar on the screened in porch... Ta see what was a goin on. Well Ah looked in the win der thar and seen Mah Mother a layin on the floor witout any clothes on. MmmmHmm and Ah seen Jesse Dickson a layin on top a her..... he was havin his way wit her.MMMmm Well Ah jus seen RED. Ah picked up a Keiser blade that was a sittin thar by the screen door.. some folks call it a Slingblade Ah call it a Kieser blade. Kinna got a long wood handle shaped like an axe handle with a long blade on it shaped kinna like a banahner. MM Sharp on one edge and dull on the otherin. MMmm It's what them highway boys use tah cut down weeds and whatnot. Well Ah went in thar in the house and Ah hit Jesse Dickson up side dah head wit it and knocked eem off mah Mother. Ah reckon that did'nt quite satisfy me..Mmm.. so Ah hitteem agin in dah neck wit it wit dah sharp edge and jus plum near cut hes head dof..Mmmm..KILLT EEM! Mah Mother she jumped up from thar and started hollerin,"Whattahd ya keel Jesse fer whated ya keel Jesse fer?"....Well...Mmmmm... cum tah find out Ah don't reckon Mah Mother minded what Jesse wassa doin to er...Mmmmm Ah reckon that made me madder n what Jesse'd made me...So Ah takin the Keiser blade sum folk ed call it a Sling Blade Ah called it a Keiser blade...Mmmmm... and Ah hit Mah Mother up side a dah hayd wit it....KILLT ER. Some folks have assed me if Ah had it tah do over agin would Ah do it duh same way? Well Ah reckon Ah would. Mmmhmmm Anyhow they seen fit tah put me in here and here Ah been fer a great long while. Ah learned tah read sum.. took me four years tah read duh Bible. Ah reckon Ah understand a great deal of it. It waddent what Ah expected in sum places. Mmm I've slept in a good bed for a great long day seen fit tah put me outta here..Day say day a sittin me free tahday. Anyhow Ah reckon that was all ya wassa needin tah know. Ya wanna hear bout more details Ah reckon Ah could tellum to ye's. Would Ah ever kill anybody agin? Ah don't reckon Ah got no reason tah keel no body.MmmmHmmmO.K. No not really. Jeez.. just havin a little fun.This is Tolliver. He's an orphan in a foster home, waiting to find his human. This is a great dog. Contact Diane from my friends list. She's with Mid-American Bully Breed Rescue & is also Tollivers foster Mom.Me on my Daughters back porch in 2002 or 3.Are these some kick-ass little Pitts or what?
This is my imitation of a Missouri State Convict. Check out that stash. What was I thinkin? Anyways, I paid the dept I owed em. Been pretty much lettin freedom ring since then.(no more locked doors)
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My Interests

1. Getting to work on time.(I rarely am but I have an interest in it) 2. Fouling up peoples chaotic situations through calm patient unemotional rational behavior.... cause it just really gets them besides themselves. 3. Fixing appliances for free on Wednesdays. 4. Filling out silly questionaires about my interests. 5. And oh yeah, I kinda dig Pitt Bulls, the finest, most loyal dogs on the planet. Grossly abused & misunderstood by unimformed or misimformed, people all over this Country... Mid-America Bully Breed Rescue. P.O. Box 410233 Kansas City, MO 64141-0233WELCOME! Mid-America Bully Breed Rescue was created to place homeless dogs in forever homes. We do not have a physical building and all dogs listed are either being sponsored in various boarding facilities, foster homes, or they are running out of time in local kill-shelters.Pit Bulls are currently the most over bred animal in the United States. Sadly current statistics are that only 1 in 600 Pit Bulls will actually find a forever home. Mid-America Bully Breed Rescue works tirelessly trying to promote spay/neuter and education for these much maligned dogs.MABBR is run by volunteers who work full time jobs and have full time families, and try to place a few dogs independently that there is no space for, before they run out of time. The realistic truth is that ALL rescues are overwhelmingly full and a tragic number of very deserving dogs lose their lives on deathrow every day in shelters all across the nation.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody whos real & understands how short life really is, & the importance of Loving God & eachother on a daily basis.I'm tryin to get this little guy on at the post office as a stamp licker er er er. O.K. so he's not a rapper, but he does a mean Achy Breaky Heart. Yeah..starts out being a Bummer & stinks worse everyday after that. But seriously Folks...I thank God & all the young people in our armed forces today, as well as all the brave men & women who've fought thoughout our history, so that I can be free to post about any kind of whatever comes to mind, on this My Space page. Freedom as we know it,has never been free. It's been bought & paid for by unselfish people who've put themselves on the line so Smarta__es such as myself might prosper. Let's face it people, messed up as it is, we still live & breath in the greatest Country in the world. God bless America!


Lynard Skynard, Led Zepplin, Bob Segar, Eagles, Jackson Browne, Soggy Bottom Boys, Hank Williams(jr), AC/DC, Aerosmith, Johnny Cash, Waylon & Willie, Elvis, (that's right I said Elvis) Thank You Very Much.


Kentucky Fried Movie, Joe Dirt, Forest Gump, Office Space, Rainman, The Goonies, Sandlot, Pulp Fiction, Platoon,


King of the Hill, That 70's Show, Deadwood, Sapranos, Dirt, The Riches, CSI, John Wayne Movies, Nascar, & KANSAS CITY CHIEFS football.


Anything by John Grisham, The BIBLE, & Curious George.


My P.O. if he lets me walk down another year on paper without violatin my old ass.

My Blog

Man Rules

  ..>   We always hear " the rules " From the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules! Please note.. these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE! 1. Men a...
Posted by Jess on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 01:39:00 PST

Not so much a subject... closer to a reject probably.

If yer a kissin with yer Honey & her nose is kinda runny, She may think it's kinda funny.....But it's Snot!!...
Posted by Jess on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 05:05:00 PST