I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4GRACE KIDS CENTER
P.O. BOX 51260 -00200 NAIROBI, KENYA
TEL: 0721 923183 OR 0723920702
[email protected]
Website www.myspace.com/gracekidscenterGrace Kids Center is a faith based project a non-profit making Christian N.G.O. committed to providing basic human of self reliance. The project was initiated to take care of a young talented orphan children in the slums of kenya and to provide with them spiritual nourishment, love, education, food and to assist those kids that are gifted in different ways to notice their future career or to make use of their talents.
The issue of HIV/AIDS and orphans are both major problem in the society today in every society the scourge HIV/AIDS always leaves a negative impact behind susceptibility to this is no any choice of human being. The result of this may however rock the society deep if left untouched and unattended absolutely where there is a hot culture of spread Aids there is a steady developing orphans who are actually hard to take care of despite of the disaster of Aids life must continue as usual and developments as well perhaps the most dynamic if taken to mean the positive change it must focus first and foremost on child.
Development actually starts right from childhood however it must be accorded the sustainable foundation so far nevertheless it is not obvious that we readily have at hand all the requirements of the child.
In recent years three forums namely
(1) The convention on the right of children (1989)
(2) The world summit for children
(3) The world conference on education for all
1990 underscored the flight of children and the need to improve their survival and development. The three forums called for a broadening of the vision on education and other services to include all children from conception, food education and health seem to be limited with the developing countries such as Kenya but more can be seen and realized in the slum areas. Therefore all this problems cannot be attended fully without a solidarity support from outside donors, Government and the community mobilization on voluntary and charitable mind. Hence Grace Kids Center now calls for empowerment and support to actually reach the goal of fighting both.1.THE VISIONTo provide orphaned children basic human needs as they are ushered into a stable adulthood.2.THE MISSIONTo show mercy, restore hope give vulnerable children’s a second chance in life.3. ACTIVITIES1) Learning programs
2) Care and support
3) Sustainable nutritional programs
4) Education facilities expansion
5) Provision of sporting and future career activities
6) Nursing and care to the kids4. PROBLEM FACEDAs we stated earlier Grace Kids Center project is faced with lack of enough funds to enable it run or meet its objectives effectively. Thus the appeal is to sent to the government institutions , Donors (groups or individuals who may be touched to assist this noble causes) James 1:27 religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this to visit orphans and widows in their affection and to keep oneself unstained from the world.Project Founder