Phyl the Ill Lyricist profile picture

Phyl the Ill Lyricist


About Me

Phyl is a founding member of the legendary live rap crew Japrazz and likes talking about himself in third person. Having been born and bred in Hong Kong, english is his mothertongue and therefore his chosen language to rap in. Living in Lucerne and Berne - Switzerland, Phyl works mainly with, pianist and producer of Japrazz and the rest of the crew. (Check out Japrazz's myspace on the top friends.) His love for live rap music, beats played by instruments and the freedom that comes as a package deal with the above knows no boundaries. However, a little diversity is needed to broaden the mind, so right here is Phyls play- and trainingground, built to enhance progressive emceeing skillz. Here is the rare chance to hear him rapping on straight, basic mpc produced beats. Collaborating with various swiss artists, both swiss german and french rapping, Phyl intends to drop the obligtory mixtape somewhere in spring '07, featuring various swiss (-german and french rapping) emcees and producers, and also some international collabs with people from areas unknown to the larger Rap audience.PHYLS VIEW ON RAP: It's a good thing! This is how verbal culture, poetry, lyricism, cultural exchange and skillz can be respectively cultivated, kept alive, taken to the next level, practised and honed, rap is probably THE platform for polarising opinions and stating ones own, so f*ck yeah, he lives for Hip Hop. Please check this page from time to time to watch quality in progress, comments would be greatly appreciated.PHYLS VIEW ON RAP AS SEEN BY THE IGNORANT MASSES: She's one big fat bitch performing oral sex on herself. The images propagated by certain industry big head rappers are not only respectless, mindless, blabbering and nonsensical perversions of reality, but actually quite intentional direct manipulations of weak minds, the minds of media-stuffed KIDS who represent that particular part of society that blows all their money on records, clothes and video games. Good for the "real gangstas", 'cause they sure produce all three mentioned components of commerce. Ok now Phyl's gonna stop before he get's all political on your ass, but for your information he sez: Fornicate that rectally. Listen to real music, and underground dogz out there trying to copycat the bigwigs, give it a break allright and rap about something more palpable than the chingching. Show some skillz! Bun' down ignorance!Also: Phyl is not about dissing, beef or bitches. So stay away, haters, your emails shall not be reciprocated, your comments shall be deleted and your being ignored. All others: Peace! ;)Hit me up and drop comments for props and criticism, visit our band webpage to book us (yes please), and for fucks sake, keep it real." / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

My Interests


Member Since: 10/9/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Phyl the Ill Lyricist, (production), various producers and guest emcees
Influences: Promoe, A Tribe Called Quest, Tonedeff, CunninLynguists, Buckshot Lefonque, Zack de la Rocha, Blumentopf, Chords, Demigodz, Gangstarr, KRS1, Louis Logic, Das EFX, Roald Dahl, Lords of the Underground, Masta Ace, Non Phixion, IAM, Saian Supa Crew, Dilated Peoples, Defari, Gift of Gab, Jurassic 5, Looptroop, Delinquent Habits, NTM, Cali Agents, Friedrich Schiller, Square One, Nas, Methodman, EPMD, People under the Stairs, Slum Village, Herbaliser, Ty, some Dre, some Snoop, De La Soul, Timbuktoo, Arsonists, Mr Lif, Akrobatik, Supernatural, Black Sheep, Jim Morrison, Sensunik, Lone Catalysts, Punchline....
Sounds Like: Hear for yourself, others may compare me, I don't
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None