music, people, books and movie. i like to watch people sllep its a peaceful experience in its own . i like to see how much i can get unde a persons skin and see how long i can stay there. I dont do it to irritate i just like to see what makes them tick after the irritation is over then i'll know if there is a future.
the man on the moon
music makes the people come together lol, but ive never heard a better quote then that .
my all time faveriote movie is pretty in pink yea yea you suck
bring back boy meets world please
where's waldo and for serious reading curious george. light and easy reading bring me V.C. andrews or Dean Koontz
My sister jenny and my sister Tamara my neice cheri and my neice nicole if it wasnt for them always being there for me i'd be more then hitting the rock hard ground . i'd be 6 feet under