Grilled Swiss Cheese Sandwiches, People
The wonderful peoples willing to lend an ear (or two!) to hear what I have to say about my BEAR TRAP PROPOSAL that could CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!
Read just a tiny sample of the people who have found success with my Bear Trap Proposal!!
Seth Harrington from Lakewood, Colorado:
Last year when I was fired, I came very close to losing my house. I mean, I owed a lot of money to a lot of scary people. But now, thanks to Eric's Bear Trap Proposal, I got a new job- walking to my mailbox and taking out checks from people I don't even know.
Tesla Macintosh from Butte, Montana:
From Eric's Bear Trap Proposal, I have been clued in to products and services that are invaluable to people like me who are in need of knowledge and help, to get their businesses going. Learning from Eric's program with first-hand experience is a real life-saver! His Bear Trap Proposal has probably saved me several thousand dollars. This is money I would have spent [that] I now know is a big waste of time and money. This kind of information alone is worth many times the cost of your life.
Lasandra West from Chicago, Illinois:
My name is Lasandra, and I just want to say that ever since listenin' to [Eric's] Bear Trap Proposal I was able to get my phone bill paid, I got sounds and 13's put up in my Cavalier and I was able to get a free trip to Cancun and what's most importantly is that I ain't gotta fuck Ray Ray's broke ass no mo'
Shannon Ezrin from Hurley, New Mexico:
This is my 6th Bear Trap Proposal Workshop and the review was alive for me and inspiring, deepening my practice and commitment to taking loving action for my highest good. It is like reading wisdom literature -- the words come alive in different ways, reaching into your heart in new places, transforming you anew.
Milton Atric from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin:
You're not gonna see a Bear Trap Proposal like this one! Safe and humane, it'll keep prowlers from knocking over your birdfeeders without crushing their foot into a bloody disgusting mess on your lawn! All over your new Kentucky Green! If you want to feel good about yourself without permanently injuring creatures of the forest, take a look into Eric's Bear Trap Proposal!
Arlene McRae from Kissimmee, Florida:
I don't even remember how I found out about your seminar on the Bear Trap Proposal, but I'm sure glad I did. I love reading the words of wisdom from your daily Bear Trap Proposal calendar. You have done a wonderful job, and have helped me see once again that with God all things are possible. I have lost 36.6 pounds so far and feel like a new person. I still have a ways to go but know now I CAN do this. My daughter has lost 32 pounds so far and my sister is down 23 pounds. We ARE making it happen. Thanks again Eric and God bless you!
Mary Cherniack from Polkville, Mississippi:
I had to write and tell you guys how invaluable this Bear Trap Proposal is. The nominal amount of money you charge for this information-packed seminar did wonders for me. Learning the pitfalls before you fall into them from people who have been there is priceless. The fact that these are average everyday people who are making a living living a life like I once did is quite the motivator. I cannot stop telling people about the wonders you've done for me and recommending they hear your Bear Trap Proposal. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daniel Carlisle from Yuma, Arizona:
My sister has had a chronic backache for years. (The original injury began after a minor car accident.) She also has had candida on and off. Recently, after hearing your Bear Trap Proposal, she started showing signs of tremendous improvement using Eric's Bear Trap META-Body Cleanse Formula® (internally and externally). She is now pain free and the candida is also gone.
Additionally, I'd like to meet the following people (some of which are dead, so it's just wishful thinking): Tom Waits, Serge Gainsbourg, Marcello Mastroianni, David Lynch, Charlie Kaufman, Kurt Vonnegut (although it really disappoints me that he's a diehard Phish fan)
Boredoms, Bowie, Can, Eno, Four Tet, Genius/GZA, Les Savy Fav, Microphones/Mount Eerie, The Pixies, Tom Waits, The Walkmen
Eric would also like to recommend the following music to guide you along the way with his Bear Trap Proposal:
LCD Soundsystem - 45:33
Seriously, just listen to this. Bees knees and somadees.
Annie Hall, Dancer in the Dark, Dr. Strangelove, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ghost World, Rushmore, Wet Hot American Summer
Adventures of Pete and Pete, Adult Swim programming, Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks, Mr. Show, Six Feet Under, Upright Citizens Brigade
Orwell, Tolkien, Vonnegut