Member Since: 10/8/2006
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Get this video and more at MySpace.comDear Children,1. My children I am writing to you today, so you will understand that I still love you. I have never left your side since the day that I ascended to Heaven to be with the Father. I gave up my life as a man so that you could live. The world was so lost, the Father knew He had to to do something in order to save us. I would do it over and over again for my children. My love is never ending as a Father for a child. From your first breath that you took, I was there. I held your hand when you took your first step. I was there when you cried, laughed and was lonely. I was there when you felt despaired. I have always been right beside you. You have not taken the time, through your life, growing up to look for me. Stop right now what you are doing and feel me beside you. I am here with you. When you feel the chill going up your spine, it is me. When you see a blue sky, it is me. When you see a flower blossoming, it is me. Oh, take the time to look around you, see what is before your very eyes. I am Here. Look out on the ocean and what do you see? Peace, Love, Tranquility, of this world. Hear the birds, they do not hunger, I feed them. When you feel the wind blow on your face, do you not feel peace? Or when the sun shines do you not feel at ease? Let me work through you. You could have it all. When you ask me, do I not answer your prayers? So my children, I am still here. I have never left your side. But if you do not talk with me, I can not answer you. If you do not read the Fathers teachings how can you learn about me? In this day and time, life is easy, I have given you so many material things, to make if easier. Back in my time, when I was born the world was such a harsh place. We did not have it easy, there was no running water, electricity, I was born, in a barn with no heat, but the Father took care of me. There were no super markets where you could buy food. No department stores for all the fine clothing, you wear. I do not need to go on, with all the things I have supplied you. I only ask that you talk with me every now and then. I ask you to love me, know I am the Savior and know what I did for you. I want all my children to be with me one day. Not to know that my dying on the cross at Calvary was in vain. You can see the tears swelling up in my eyes in the picture above. Because I love you, and so many of you are still lost. It is very easy to talk with me, I am here beside you my child.
Your Loving Father, Jesus
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