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Fire My WordsTHIS SITE IS A TRIBUTE TO ALL OF OUR TROOPS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. THIS IS A MEMORIAL FOR ALL OF OUR SOLDIERS WHO HAVE FALLEN IN THE LINE OF DUTY: GOD BLESS YOU ALL. YOU ARE IN OUR PRAYERS EVERY DAY. WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YOUR HARDWORK AND COURAGE DURING THIS HARD TIME. YOU ARE A BLESSING TO ALL OF US. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED. WE DO NOT TAKE YOUR LIVES FOR GRANTED. THANK YOU THANK YOU SO name is Juan Carlos Velasquez Jones. I am a civilian. i came to the USA when i was 12 years old and have been here since. I was adopted by a american familly in las vegas nevada. i had a chance to be part of the navy but unfortunetley my legal situation in this country wouldnt let me. I am in hawaii with my wife and my two beutiful children. I found out about myspace and how some people r using this site for things that they shouldnt, so I am trying to make a difference. i realize that a lot of the members are you guys who serve this beautiful country. so I have set up this site on respect 2 u all and all off those whose life we lost in honor to protect this nation, so I ty for that and I send my love and prayers 2 u all and all ur family at home. this page is made for the purpose that if u need someone to talk 2 or someone to pray with or for you, if you want to see a music video or anything you miss, i will try to do my best to help u and give u my support. for those who love sports let me no which one and i will try my hard to give u scores or what ever is going on, and ty for all of those who already are part of this page god bless u all and forgive me for my grammar, is not that good, oh i also speak spanish for those who love to chat in espanol que Dios los bendiga a todos with all my love, JC*A*.. Cpl. Roberto Abad. Sgt. 1st Class Ramon A. Acevedoaponte. Sgt. Michael D. Acklin II. Spc Genaro Acosta.. Pfc. Steven Acosta. Capt. James F. Adamouski. Pvt. 2 Algernon Adams. Sgt. Brandon E. Adams. Spc. Clarence Adams III. Sgt. Leonard W. Adams . Sgt. Mark P. Adams. Pfc. Michael S. Adams. 1st Lt. Michael R. Adams. Lt. Thomas Mullen Adams. Spc. Jamaal R. Addison . LCpl. Patrick R. Adle. Pfc. Christopher S. Adlesperger. LCpl. Jeramy A. Ailes. Capt. Tristan N. Aitken. Spc. Segun Frederick Akintade. SSG Ivan V. Alarcon. Capt. Paul C. Alaniz .. Sgt. Maj. Phillip R. Albert.. Pvt. Christopher M. Alcozer.. LCpl. Nickalous N. Aldrich. SSG. George T. Alexander Jr. SSG Leroy E. Alexander. Spc. Azhar Ali. Sgt. Howard Paul Allen. 1st Lt. Louis E Allen. Spc. Ronald D Allen Jr. SSG William A Allers III. Sgt. Glenn R Allison. Spc. Thomas F Allison. Spc. Jeremy O Allmon. LCpl. Michael J Allred. Capt. Eric L Allton. Cpl. Nicanor Alvarez. Spc. Jose Amancio Perez III . Cpl. Daniel R Amaya. Spc. Jason E Ames. Pfc. John D Amos II. Cpl. William M Amundson Jr. LCpl. Brian E Anderson. Airman 1st Class Carl L Anderson Jr. Pfc. Danny L Anderson. Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael C Anderson. Spc. Marc A Anderson. Cpl. Michael D Anderson Jr. Cpl. Nathan R Anderson. LCpl. Nicholas H Anderson. LCpl. Norman W Anderson III. Pfc. Travis W Anderson. Sgt. 1st Class Victor A Anderson. Spc. Michael Andrade. Master Sgt. Evander E Andrews. Spc. Yoe M Aneiros. LCpl. Levi T Angell. Sgt. Edward J Anguiano. Master Sgt. Brett E Angus. SSG. Juan De Dios Garcia Arana. Sgt. Kurtis D. K. Arcala. Pfc. Elden D. Arcand. 1st Lt. Tamara Archuleta. Pfc. Michael A Arciola. Capt. Derek Argel. Sgt. Roberto Arizola Jr. Cpl. Bradley T Arms. Sgt. 1st Class Moses E. Armstead. Sgt. Travis M Arndt. SSG. Daniel L Arnold. Sgt. Larry R Arnold Sr. CWO Andrew Todd Arnold. LCpl. Alexander S Arredondo. Spc. Richard Arriaga. SSG. Jimmy J Arroyave. Spc. Robert R Arsiaga. Cpl. Evan Asa Ashcraft. LCpl. Trevor D. Aston. Pfc. Shawn M Atkins. Maj. Jay Thomas Aubin. Master Sgt. Steven E. Auchman. Capt. Matthew J. August. LCpl. Aaron C Austin. Spc. Tyanna S Avery-Felder. LCpl. Andrew Julian Aviles. Sonar Technician 2nd Class Matthew G. Axelson.. CWO2 David Ayala. Pfc. Eric A. Ayon. Pfc. Lionel Ayro. *B* Info Systems Tech1st Class Howard E. Babcock IV. Spc. Travis A Babbitt. Sgt. Christopher J Babin. Sgt. 1st Class Henry A. Bacon. Sgt. Andrew Joseph Baddick. SSG. Daniel Bader. Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Cesar O. Baez. Pfc. Roberto C. Baez. SSG. Nathan J. Bailey. Spc. Brian K. Baker. Spc. Ronald W. Baker. Spc. Ryan T Baker. Sgt. Sherwood R Baker. Chief Joel Egan Baldwin. Pfc. Stephen P Baldwyn. Pfc. Chad E. Bales. Gun Sgt. Terry W Ball Jr. 1st Lt. Kenneth Michael Ballard. 1st Lt. Debra A Banaszak. Capt. Matthew W Bancroft. Spc. Solomon C Bangayan. Sgt Maj Barbaralien Banks. Lt. Col. Dominic R Baragona. Pfc. Mark A Barbret. Pfc. Collier E Barcus. Sgt. Michael C Barkey. Spc. Jonathan P. Barnes. 1st Lt. Christopher W. Barnett. Sgt. Maj. Edward C Barnhill. 1st Sgt. Michael S. Barnhill. Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro. LCpl. Aric J Barr. Sgt. Michael Paul Barrera. Spc. Bryan Edward Barron. Sgt. Michael C Barry. Spc. Daniel D Bartels. Sgt. Douglas E. Bascom. SSG. Aram J. Bass. Spc. Todd M Bates. Sgt. 1st Class Michael Battles Sr. Gun Sgt. Ronald E. Baum. Sgt. Tane T Baum. SSG. Steven G. Bayow. Spc. Alan N Bean Jr. Spc. Bradley S. Beard. Sgt. Bobby E. Beasley. Cpl. Jonathan S. Beatty. Spc. Beau R. Beaulieu. Capt. Ryan Anthony Beaupre. Pfc. Gunnar D Becker. Spc. James L. Beckstrand. Pfc. Andrew D. Bedard. Cpl. Joseph O. Behnke. Cpl. Mick R. Bekowsky. Sgt. Gregory A. Belanger. Cpl. Christopher Belchik. Sgt. Aubrey D. Bell. Spc. Rusty W. Bell. LCpl. Timothy M. Bell Jr. Pfc. Wilfred D. Bellard. SSG. Joseph P. Bellavia. Spc. Katrina L. Bell-Johnson. SSG. Jason A. Benford. Pfc. Stephen C. Benish. Sgt. 1st Class William M. Bennett. Sgt. 1st Class Michael A. Benson. Spc. Robert T. Benson. Spc. Bradley J. Bergeron. LCpl. Eric J. Bernholtz. 1st Lt. David R. Bernstein. SSG. Sean B. Berry. Spc. Joel L. Bertoldie. SSG. Stephen A. Bertolino. LCpl. Bryan P. Bertrand. SSG. Marvin Best. Cpl. Mark A. Bibby. LCpl. Dustin V. Birch. Sgt. Benjamin W. Biskie. Sgt. Michael E. Bitz. Sgt. Jarrod W. Black. Cpl. Jonathan F. Blair. LCpl. Thomas A. Blair. CWO2 Michael T. Blaise. Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco. SSG. Brian D. Bland. Command Sgt. Maj. James D. Blankenbecler. LCpl. Jeffery S. Blanton. Lt. Cmdr. Christopher M. Blaschum. SSG. Melvin L. Blazer. 2nd Lt. James P. Blecksmith. Sgt. Jay A. Blessing. Spc. Joseph M. Blickenstaff. Pfc. Nicholas H. Blodgett. LCpl. Nicholas William B. Bloem. Maj. Gerald M. Bloomfield II. Sgt. Trevor A. Blumberg. Gunnery Sgt. Darrell W. Boatman. Sgt. Michael L. Boatright. Sgt. Matthew C. Bohling. LCpl. Jeremy L. Bohlman. Gunnery Sgt. Jeffrey E. Bohr Jr. LCpl. Todd J. Bolding. Sgt. Dennis J. Boles. Sgt. 1st Class Craig A. Boling. Petty Officer 3rd Class Doyle W. Bollinger Jr. Sgt. 1st Class Kelly Bolor. SSG. Jerry L. Bonifacio Jr. Capt. Orlando A. Bonilla.. SSG. Stevon A. Booker. CWO 4 Clarence E. Boone. 1st Sgt. Michael J. Bordelon. Capt. John J. Boria. Cpl. Jeffrey A. Boskovitch. Cpl. Kirk J. Bosselmann. Sgt. Andrew L. Bossert. Spc. Samuel M. Boswell. Pfc. Rachel K. Bosveld. Spc. Mathew G. Boule. SSG. Elvis Bourdon. Chief Hospital Corpsman Matthew J. Bourgeois. LCpl. Jeremy D. Bow. Pvt. 1st Class Samuel R. Bowen. Cpl. Jonathan W. Bowling. Cpl. Theodore A. Bowling. SSG. Hesley Box Jr. Pvt. Noah L. Boye. LCpl. Aaron Boyles. Spc. Edward W. Brabazon. Cpl. Travis J. Bradach-Nall. Spc. Hoby F. Bradfield Jr. SSG. Kenneth R. Bradley. SSG. Stacey C. Brandon. Pfc. David J.Brangman. LCpl. David M. Branning. Spc. Artimus D. Brassfield. Pfc. Joel K. Brattain. Pfc. Jeffrey F. Braun. Spc. Joshua T. Brazee. CWO3 William I. Brennan. Spc. Adam N. Brewer. SSG. Steven H. Bridges. SSG. Scottie L. Bright. Spc. Kyle A. Brinlee. Capt. Sean L. Brock. LCpl. Adam R. Brooks. SSG. Cory W. Brooks. Sgt. William J. Brooks. Sgt. Thomas F. Broomhead. Sgt. Nathan K. Bouchard. Sgt. Andrew W. Brown. Tech. Sgt. Bruce E. Brown. LCpl. Demarkus D. Brown. LCpl. Dominic C. Brown. Cpl. Henry L. Brown. SSG. Jeremy A. Brown. Pfc. John E. Brown. Spc. Larry K. Brown. Spc. Lunsford B. Brown II. Pfc. Oliver J. Brown. Pfc. Nathan P. Brown. Spc. Philip D. Brown. Spc. Timothy D. Brown. Pfc. Timmy R. Brown Jr. 1st Lt. Tyler H. Brown. Cpl. Andrew D. Brownfield. Spc. Travis R. Bruce. Damage Controlman 3rd Class Nathan B. Bruckenthal. LCpl. Cedric E. Bruns. Spc. Jacques E. Brunson.. LCpl. Benjamin S. Bryan. Sgt. Jack Bryant Jr. 2nd Lt. Todd J. Bryant. Gun Sgt. Stephen L. Bryson. LCpl. Daniel Scott R. Bubb. Sgt. Ernest G. Bucklew. Spc. Roy Russell Buckley. Spc. Paul J. Bueche. Lt. Col. Charles H. Buehring. LCpl. Brian Rory Buesing. Sgt. George Edward Buggs. Spc. Joshua I. Bunch. SSG. Christopher Bunda. SSG. Michael L. Burbank. SSG. Richard A. Burdick. Cpl. Dale A. Burger Jr. Spc. Alan J. Burgess. LCpl. Jeffrey C. Burgess. Spc. Taylor J. Burk. Pfc. Tamario D. Burkett. Sgt. Travis L. Burkhardt.. LCpl. Kyle W. Burns. Spc. Eric T. Burri.. Pfc. David P. Burridge. Pfc. Jesse R. Buryj. Pfc. Charles E. Bush Jr. Pvt. 2 Matthew D. Bush. Pfc. Damian S. Bushart.. Spc. Adrian J. Butler. Sgt. Jacob L. Butler. LCpl. Kenneth J. Butler. Spc. Casey Byers. Capt. Joshua T. Byers. Spc. William J. Byler. LCpl. John T. Byrd II.. Spc. Thomas H. Byrd. Cpl. Juan C. Cabral Banuelos. *C* LCpl. Shayne M. Cabino. SSG. Marshall H. Caddy. Capt. Joel E. Cahill. Pfc. Cody S. Calavan. Sgt. Juan Calderon Jr. Sgt. Pablo A. Calderon. Sgt. Charles T. Caldwell. Spc. Nathaniel A. Caldwell. Sgt. Carlos M. Camacho-Rivera. SSG. Joseph Camara. Cpl. Lyle J. Cambridge. SSG. Damion G. Campbell. Spc. Jeremy M. Campbell. Spc. Michael C. Campbell. Sgt. Ryan M. Campbell. Spc. Marvin A. Camposiles. Spec. Isaac Campoy. Cpl. Kelly M. Cannan. LCpl. Wesley J. Canning. Pfc. Ryan J. Cantafio. Spc. Ervin Caradine Jr. Spc. Adolfo C. Carballo. Pfc. Michael M Carey. Sgt. Deyson K Cariaga. Cpl. Richard P Carl. Spc. Ryan G Carlock. Sgt. Michael C. Carlson. Pfc. Benjamin R Carman. SSG. Edward W. Carman Spc. Jocelyn L. Carrasquillo. Spc. Miguel Carrasquillo. Spc. James D. Carroll. Spc. Rafael A. Carrillo Jr. Spc. Justin B. Carter. Sgt. David M. Caruso. Sgt. Frank T. Carvill. Pfc. Jose Casanova Sgt. 1st Class Virgil R. Case. Capt. Christopher S. Cash. Sgt. 1st Class Alwyn C. Cashe. Spc. Ahmed A. Cason. LCpl. James A. Casper. Capt. Paul J. Cassidy. LCpl. Mario A. Castillo. SSG. Samuel T. Castle. LCpl. Roger D. Castleberry Jr. Pfc. Stephen A. Castellano. 2nd Lt. James J. Cathey. Spc. Jonathan Castro. SSG. Roland L. Castro. Sgt. Sean K. Cataudella. LCpl. Steven C. T. Cates. Pfc. Thomas D. Caughman. SSG. James W. Cawley. Spc. Jessica L. Cawvey. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class David A. Cedergren. LCpl. Manuel A. Ceniceros. Spc. Bernard L. Ceo. Sgt. Aaron N. Cepeda. Sr. Sgt. 1st Class Victor H. Cervantes. LCpl. Holly A. Charette. Spec. Doron Chan. Cpl. Kemaphoom A. Chanawongse. Spc. James A. Chance III. Capt. Jeremy A. Chandler. SSG. William D. Chaney. CWO Robert William Channell Jr. Master Sgt. Chris S Chapin. Tech. Sgt. John A. Chapman. Sgt. 1st Class Nathan R. Chapman. Spc. Jason K. Chappell. LCpl. Daniel Chavez. Pfc. Jonathan M. Cheatham. Sgt. Steven Checo. Sgt. Yihjyh L. Chen. Cpl. Nicholas O. Cherava. SSG. Craig W. Cherry. LCpl. Marcus M. Cherry. 2nd Lt. Therrel S. Childers. Sgt. Kyle W. Childress. Sgt. Tyrone L. Chisholm. Pfc. Min S. Choi. Spc. Andrew F. Chris. Spc. Jeremy E. Christensen. Pfc. Ryan D. Christensen. SSG. Thomas W. Christensen. Spc. Brett T. Christian. LCpl. Michael J. Cifuentes. LCpl. Julio C. Cisneros Alvarez. Cpl. Jason S. Clairday. Spc. Arron R. Clark. SSG. Michael J. Clark. Cpl. Kevin M. Clarke. Culinary Specialist 1st Class Regina R. Clark. Gun Sgt. Theodore Clark Jr. Spc. Don A. Clary. Master Sgt. Herbert R. Claunch. Spc. Brian M. Clemens. SSG. Shawn M. Clemens. Pfc. Nathan B. Clemons. LCpl. Richard C. Clifton. LCpl. Donald J. Cline Jr. Pfc. Christopher R. Cobb. Cpl. Benny G. Cockerham III. LCpl. Kyle W. Codner. 1st Sgt. Christopher D. Coffin. SSG. Walter F. Cohee III. Cpl. Michael R. Cohen. Capt. David S. Cohnolly. Pfc. Gavin J. Colburn. Pvt. Bradli N. Coleman. Cpl. Gary B. Coleman. 2nd Lt. Benjamin J. Colgan. Sgt. Russell L. Collier. SSG. Gary L. Collins. LCpl. Jonathan W. Collins. Sgt 1st Class Randy Collins. Master Sgt. Edwin A. Matos-Colon. CWO2 Lawrence S. Colton. Spc. Zeferino E. Colunga. Sgt. Robert E. Colvill Jr. Sgt. 1st Class Kurt J. Comeaux. Spc. Anthony S. Cometa. LCpl. Chase J. Comley.. Pfc. Matthew A. Commons. Sgt. Kenneth Conde Jr. Sgt. Brian R. Conner. Sgt. Timothy M. Conneway. Capt. David S. Connolly. Spc. Steven D. Conover. Capt. Aaron J. Contreras. LCpl. Pedro Contreras. Sgt. Jason Cook. Spc. Robert M. Cook. Command Sgt. Major Eric F. Cooke. Sgt. 1st Class Sean M. Cooley. Pvt. Charles S. Cooper Jr. Sgt. Travis S. Cooper. Spc. Jeffrey W. Corban. SSG. Ramon E. Gonzales Cordova. Tech. Sgt. Sean M. Corlew. SSG. Todd R. Cornell. Sgt. Dennis A. Corral. SSgt. Victor M. Cortes 3rd. Sgt. David J. Coullard. CWO2 Alexander S. Coulter. Sgt. Kelley L. Courtney. 2nd Lt. Matthew S. Coutu. Spc. Gregory A. Cox. Pfc. Ryan R. Cox. SSG. Alexander B. Crackel. SSG. Brian T. Craig. Spc. Richard M. Crane. SSG. Casey Crate. LCpl. Timothy R. Creager. Spc. Tyler L. Creamean. Maj. Recardo A. Crocker. Sgt. Michael T. Crockett. SSG. Ricky L. Crockett. Sgt. Brud J. Cronkrite. Sgt. Bradley S. Crose. Lt. Col. Terrence K. Crowe. LCpl. Kyle D. Crowley. LCpl. Adam J. Crumpler. Pfc. Joseph Cruz. Spc. Alexis Roman-Cruz. Pvt. 2 Rey D. Cuervo. Pfc. Kevin A. Cuming. Petty Officer 2nd Class Allan M. Cundanga. Spc. Daniel Francis J. Cunningham. SSG. Darren J. Cunningham. Sr Airman Jason D. Cunningham. Spc. Carl F. Curran. Spc. Michael Edward Curtin. SSG. Christopher E. Cutchall. Pfc. Brian K. Cutter. *D* Spc. Edgar P. Daclan Jr. Pfc. Anthony D. DAgostino. Capt. Nathan S. Dalley. Spc. Ernest W. Dallas Jr. SSG. Joel P. Dameron. LCpl. Andrew S. Dang.. Spc. Danny B. Daniels II. Pfc. Torey J. Dantzler.. Pfc. Norman Darling. Capt. Eric B. Das. Cpl. Seamus M. Davey. LCpl. Wesley G. Davids. Spc. Shawn M. Davies. Sgt. Anthony J. Davis Jr.. Machinists Mate Fireman Apprentice Bryant L. Davis. Pvt. Brandon L. Davis. SSG. Craig Davis. Spc. Daryl A. Davis. SSG. Donald N. Davis.. Master Sgt. Jefferson D. Davis. SSG. Kevin D. Davis. Spc. Raphael S. Davis. Sgt. Robert G. Davis. SSG. Wilbert Davis. Sgt. Zachariah S. Davis. SSG. David F. Day. SSG. Jeffrey F. Dayton.. Pfc. John W. Dearing. Pfc. Darren A. DeBlanc. Sgt. Matthew L. Deckard. LCpl. Roger W. Deeds. Spc. Michael S. Deem. Spc. Robert W. Defazio. Pvt. 2 Jason L. Deibler. Spc. Lauro G. DeLeon Jr. Sgt. Felix M. Delgreco. Pfc. Marc A. Delgado. Sgt. Jacob H. Demand. Cpl. Kevin J. Dempsey. LCpl. Tenzin Dengkhim. SSG. Mike A. Dennie. Pvt. 2 Jerod R. Dennis. Spc. Darryl T. Dent. Pvt. Cory R. Depew. Sgt. 1st Class Robert V. Derenda. Cpl. Dustin A. Derga.. Spc. Brian K. Derks. Sgt. Andrew J. Derrick. Pfc. Ervin Dervishi. Spc. Daniel A. Desens. LCpl. Travis R. Desiato. Pfc. Nathaniel E. Detample. Pfc. Michael R. Deuel. Pvt. 2 Michael J. Deutsch. LCpl. Daniel N. Deyarmin Jr. 1st Lt. Carlos J. Diaz. Spc. Isaac E. Diaz.. Spc. Sergio R. Diazvarela. Equipment Operator 3rd Class Christopher M. Dickerson. Cpl. Tyler J. Dickens. Spc. Christopher W. Dickison. LCpl. Joshua W. Dickinson. Cpl. Nicholas J. Dieruf.. Sgt. 1st Class Trevor J. Diesing. Gunner Mate 2nd Class Danny P. Dietz. Spc. Jeremiah J. DiGiovanni. SSG. Christopher W. Dill. Pfc. James R. Dillon Jr. Sgt. Catalin D. Dima. Spc. Jeremy M. Dimaranan. Spc. Joshua P. Dingler. Spc. Michael A. Diraimondo. Spc. Jason A. Disney. Maj. Duane W. Dively. Spc. Anthony J. Dixon. Pfc. Christopher R. Dixon. Spc. Thomas K. Doerflinger. SSG. John G. Doles. Spc. Ryan E. Doltz. Sgt. Jacob D. Dones. 1st Lt. Mark H. Dooley. Sgt. Michael E. Dooley. CWO Patrick Dorff.. SSG. James P. Dorrity. Petty Officer 2nd Class Trace W. Dossett. Spc. Thomas J. Dostie. Cpl. Scott E. Dougherty. Master Sgt. Robert J. Dowdy. LCpl. Michael A. Downey. Pfc. Stephen P. Downing II. Maj. William Downs. SSG. Jeremy W. Doyle. Spc. Chad H. Drake. Sgt. George R. Draughn Jr. Pvt. Jeremy L. Drexler. Sgt. Charles A. Driver. Spc. Christopher M. Duffy. Cpl. Jason L. Dunham. SSG. Joe L. Dunigan Jr. Sgt. Brian E. Dunlap.. Sgt. Arnold Duplantier II. Spc. Robert L. DuSang. Spc. William Dave Dusenbery. 2nd Lt. Seth J. Dvorin. Hull Maintenance Technician 2nd Class Jason B. Dwelley. LCpl. Christopher J. Dyer *E* Sgt. 1st Class Donald W. Eacho. 1st Lt. William A. Edens. SSG. Richard S. Eaton Jr. Pvt. 2 James Henry Ebbers. Spc. Blain M. Ebert. Cpl. Christopher S. Ebert. Sgt. Gary A. Eckert Jr. LCpl. Robert F. Eckfield Jr. Sgt. William C. Eckhart. Capt. James C. Edge. Spec. Marshall L. Edgerton. Sgt. Benjamin C. Edinger. Spc. John J. Edmunds. Spc. Phillip C. Edmundson. SSG. Mark O. Edwards. Pfc. Shawn C. Edwards. Sgt. Michael Egan. Capt. Daniel W. Eggers. SSG. Kyle A. Eggers. CWO2 Jody L. Egnor. Spc. Andrew C. Ehrlich. Pfc. Wyatt D. Eisenhause. Sgt. Aaron C. Elandt. LCpl. Justin M. Ellsworth. Spc. William R. Emanuel IV. LCpl. Mark E. Engel. Sgt. Christian P. Engeldrum. Spc. Peter G. Enos. LCpl. Nicholas B. Erdy. LCpl. Sergio H. Escobar. Sr Airman Pedro I. Espaillat Jr. Pfc. Analaura Esparza Gutierrez. Sgt. Michael J. Esposito Jr. Capt. Phillip T. Esposito. Sgt. Adam W. Estep. SSG. James E. Estep. Pvt. 2 Ruben Estrella-Soto. LCpl. Jonathan E. Etterling. Pvt. 2 David Evans Jr. Spc. Michael S. Evans II. Spc. William L. Evans. SSG. Christopher L. Everett. Cpl. Mark A. Evnin. Pfc. Jeremy Ricardo Ewing. Sgt. Justin L. Eyerly. SSG. Troy S. Ezernack. *F* LCpl. Bradley M. Faircloth. Pvt. 2 Jonathan I. Falaniko. SSG. Christopher M. Falkel. SSG. Donald B. Farmer. Pfc. Colby M. Farnan. Sgt. Andrew K. Farrar Jr. SSG. Jefferey J. Farrow. 1st Lt. Michael J. Fasnacht. Spc. Huey P.L. Fassbender. Command Sgt. Maj. Steven W. Faulkenburg. Sgt. James D. Faulkner. Pfc. Raymond J. Faulstich Jr. Capt. Brian R. Faunce. Spc. Dennis J. Ferderer Jr. SSG. Jason A. Fegler. Maj. Curtis D. Feistner. Capt. Arthur L. Felder. Sgt. Robin V. Fell. 2nd Lt. Paul M. Felsberg. Spc. Rian C. Ferguson. Master Sgt. Richard L. Ferguson. Master Sgt. George A. Fernandez. Spc. Kyle Ka Eo Fernandez. Spc. William V. Fernandez. SSG. Clint D. Ferrin. Maj. Gregory J. Fester. Cpl. Tyler R. Fey. Sgt. Damien T. Ficek. Sgt. Eric A. Fifer. LCpl. Luis A. Figueroa. Sgt. Michael W. Finke Jr. Sgt. Jeremy J. Fischer. Capt. Michael T. Fiscus. Cpl. Donald E. Fisher II. Spc. David M. Fisher. Spc. Dustin C. Fisher. Sgt. Paul F. Fisher. Cpl. Joseph E. Fite. LCpl. Dustin R. Fitzgerald. Cpl. Jacob R.Fleischer. Pfc. Jacob S. Fletcher. LCpl. Jonathan R. Flores. Pfc. Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia. CWO2 John M. Flynn.. Spc. Thomas A. Foley III. SSG. Tommy I. Folks Jr. Pfc. Shane Folmar. Pfc. Jesus Fonseca Jr. Chief Fire Controlman Jacques J. Fontan. Gunnery Sgt. Elia P. Fontecchio. Spc. David H. Ford IV. Spc. Jason C. Ford. Capt. Travis A. Ford. CWO3 Wesley C. Fortenberry. Sgt. Maurice Keith Fortune. Sgt. Jeremy D. Foshee. Sgt. 1st Class Bradley C. Fox. LCpl. Travis A. Fox. Cpl. Dale E. Fracker Jr. Cpl. David M. Fraise. Sgt. Gregory M. Frampton. Spc. Craig S. Frank. LCpl. Phillip E. Frank. Capt. Stephen W. Frank. Pfc. Benny S. Franklin.. SSG. Bobby C. Franklin. Pfc. Michael W. Franklin. Spc. Lucas A. Frantz. Pvt. 2 Robert L. Frantz. LCpl. Grant B. Fraser. SSG. Jacob Frazier. Spc. Kendall K. Frederick. Pvt. 2 Benjamin L. Freeman. SSG. Brian L. Freeman. Spc. Bryan L. Freeman. Spc. daniel J. Freeman. Spc. Carrie L. French. Capt. Jeremy Fresques. LCpl. David K. Fribley. Spc. Armand L. Frickey. Sgt. David T. Friedrich. Spc. Luke P. Frist. SSG. Kerry W. Frith. Spc. Adam D. Froehlich. Pvt. 2 Kurt R. Frosheiser. Pfc. Jason L. Frye. SSG. Carl R. Fuller. Spc. Ray M. Fuhrmann II. Pfc. Nichole M. Frye. Spc. Chad C. Fuller. LCpl. Kane M. Funke. Sgt. Donald D. Furman. *G* Sgt.1st Class Dan H. Gabrielson. 2nd Lt. Clifford V. Gadsden. LCpl. Jonathan E. Gadsden. SSG.Justin J. Galewski. Sgt. Denis J. Gallardo. Sgt. Daniel Lee Galvan. Spc. Jerry L. Ganey Jr. Capt. Richard J. Gannon II. Sgt. Javier J. Garcia. Sgt. Seth K. Garceau. Spc. Tomas Garces. LCpl. Derek L. Gardner. Cpl. Jose A. Garibay. Spc. Joseph M. Garmback Jr. Sgt. Landis W. Garrison. Sgt. Justin W. Garvey. SSG. Joseph P. Garyantes. Pfc. Damian J. Garza. Spc. Israel Garza. 1st Sgt. Joe J. Garza. Sgt. Cari Anne Gasiewicz. Pfc. Anthony A. Gaunky. LCpl. Dimitrios Gavriel. SSG. Lewis J. Gentry. Pfc. George R. Geer. Sgt. Christopher P. Geiger. Spc. Christopher D. Gelineau. LCpl. Phillip C. George. SSG. Scott N. Germosen. Spc. Clinton R. Gertson. LCpl. Cory Ryan Geurin. 1st Lt. David L. Giaimo. Cpl. Peter J. Giannopoulos. CWO2 Thomas J. Gibbons. Spc. Mathew V. Gibbs. Sgt. 1st Class Todd C. Gibbs. Cpl. Christopher A. Gibson.. Cpl. Timothy M. Gibson. 2nd Lt. Richard B. Gienau. 1st Sgt. Alan N. Gifford. Pvt. Jonathan L. Gifford. Sgt. Carlos J. Gil. Pvt. Kyle C. Gilbert. Cpl. Richard A. Gilbert Jr. Pvt. Landon S. Giles. Cpl. Steven P. Gill. Sgt. Benjamin L. Gilman. Sgt. Charles C. Gillican. Command Sgt. Maj. Cornell W. Gilmore I. Petty Officer 3rd Class Ronald A. Ginther. Pfc. Jesse A. Givens. Spc. Steven R. Givens. Spc. Michael T. Gleason.. SSG. Shamus O. Goare.. Sgt. Lee M. Godbolt. Cpl. Todd J. Godwin. 2nd Lt. James Michael Goins. Spc. Christopher A. Golby. Spc. David J. Goldberg. Sgt. Nicholes D. Golding. LCpl. Shane L. Goldman.. Cpl. Billy Gomez. Spc. Aleina Ramirez Gonzalez. Cpl. Armando Ariel Gonzalez. LCpl. Benjamin R. Gonzalez.. Cpl. Jesus A. Gonzalez. Cpl. Jorge A. Gonzalez. Pfc. Jose Franci Gonzalez Rodriguez. LCpl. Victor A. Gonzalez. Spc. Rodrigo Gonzalez-Garza. Cpl. Bernard G. Gooden. Spc. Dakotah L. Gooding. CWO3 Corey J. Goodnature. Pfc. Gregory R. Goodrich. SSG. Joseph P. Goodrich. SSG. Anthony L. Goodwin. SSG. Robert S. Goodwin. Capt. Lyle L. Gordon. Sgt. 1st Class Richard S. Gottfried. Spc. Richard A. Goward. Sgt. James R. Graham III. LCpl. Lance T. Graham. 2nd Lt. Jeffrey C. Graham. Sgt. Shawn A. Graham. Pvt. Brian K. Grant. LCpl. Jonathan W. Grant. Sgt. Jamie A. Gray. Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael J. Gray. LCpl. Torrey L. Gray. Sgt. Tommy L. Gray. Cpl. Jeffrey G. Green. Spc. Toccara R. Green. Lt. Col. David S. Greene. Pfc. Nicholas J. Greer. Pfc. Devin J. Grella. SSG. Daniel G. Gresham. LCpl. Jourdan L. Grez. Pfc. Travis J. Grigg. Spc. Kyle A. Griffin. SSG. Patrick Lee Griffin Jr. SSG Donald D. Griffith Jr. Spc. James T. Grijalva.. Cpl. Sean R. Grilley. Cpl. Kyle J. Grimes. Capt. Sean Grimes. CWO Travis W. Grogan. Pfc. Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr. Pfc. Daniel F. Guastaferro. Sgt. Jose Guereca Jr. Pvt. Ernesto R. Guerra. Pvt. Joseph R. Guerrera. CWO2 Hans N. Gukeisen. Pfc. Christian D. Gurtner. LCpl. Jose Gutierrez. Capt. James M. Gurbisz. Spc. Kelvin E.F. Gutierrez. Pfc. Robert A. Guy. Sgt. Shaker T. Guy. *H* Pfc. Richard W. Hafer. Sgt. Jonathon C. Haggin. SSG. Guy S. Hagy Jr. Sgt. 1st Class Peter J. Hahn. Spc. Charles G. Haight. LCpl. Michael J. Halal. Spc. Blake W. Hall. Spc. David E. Hall. Army Spc. Robert E. Hall Jr. Pfc. Deryk L. Hallal. Pvt. Jesse M. Halling. Pfc. Andrew Halverson. CWO4 Erik A. Halvorsen. Cpl. Nathaniel T. Hammond. Capt. Kimberly N. Hampton.. Sgt. Michael S. Hancock. LCpl. Michael W. Hanks.. Pfc. Fernando B. Hannon.. Sgt. Warren S. Hansen.. LCpl. Charles A. Hanson Jr.. Spc. Richard A. Hardy.. Sgt. James W. Harlan. Sgt. Bradley J. Harper.. SSG. Gary R. Harper Jr.. SSG. William M. Harrell.. CWO 2 Stanley L. Harriman.. Sgt. Foster L. Harrington.. Pfc. Adam J. Harris.. Spc. Kenneth W. Harris Jr.. 1st Lt. Noah Harris.. Pfc. Torry D. Harris. Pfc. Leroy Harris-Kelly.. Pfc. George D. Harrison... Pfc. John D. Hart. Sgt. Nathaniel Hart Jr.. Spc. Jared D. Hartley.. Spc. Adam J. Harting.. Capt. Ralph J. Harting III.. Sgt. 1st Class David A. Hartman.. Sgt. Jonathan N. Hartman.. Sgt. Donald J. Hasse. SSG. Stephen C. Hattamer.. Pfc. Sheldon R. Hawk Eagle. SSG. Omer T. Hawkins II.. SSG. Asbury F. Hawn II.. CWO2 Dennis P. Hay.. Spc. Erik W. Hayes. Sgt. 1st Class James F. Hayes.. Pfc. Michael R. Hayes.. Sgt. Nathan P. Hays .. Sgt. Timothy L. Hayslett.. CWO2 Brian D. Hazelgrove.. Sr Chief Info Systems Tech DanielR. Healy.. Sgt. David M. Heath.. Spc. Justin W. Hebert.. Sgt. Christopher T. Heflin.. Pfc. Damian L. Heidelberg.. Pfc. Raheen Tyson Heighter. Spc. Jeremy M. Heines.. LCpl. Erik R. Heldt.. SSG. Brian R. Hellermann... Army Spc. Paul M. Heltzel.. Pfc. Kyle M. Hemauer..Army Staff Sgt. Terry W. Hemingway.. Pvt. John M. Henderson Jr..Marine Cpl. Matthew C. Henderson.. 1st Lt. Robert L. Henderson II. SSG. Kenneth W. Hendrickson.. Spc. Robert T. Hendrickson.. SSG. Jason R. Hendrix.. Sgt. Jack T. Hennessy.. Pfc. Chassan S. Henry.. Spc. Joshua J. Henry.. Pfc. Clayton W. Henson.. Spc. Jeffrey S. Henthorn.. Cpl. Joseph J. Heredia.. Spc. Armando Hernandez.. Pfc. Emmanuel Hernandez.. Sgt. Frank B. Hernandez.. LCpl. Tony L. Hernandez.. Spc. Joseph F. Herndon II.. LCpl. Evenor C. Herrera.. Pfc. Edward J. Herrgott.. Sgt. Jacob R. Herring.. Spc. Brett M. Hershey.. Sgt. Edward R. Heselton. Spc. Cory M. Hewitt.. Spc. Julie R. Hickey.. Sgt. 1st Class Gregory B. Hicks.. SSG. Jason Hicks.. Master Sgt. Michael T. Hiester.. Sgt. Stephen C. High.. LCpl. Chad R. Hildebrandt.. Spc. Christopher K. Hill.. Army Capt. Raymond D. Hill II .. LCpl. Eric Hillenburg.. Spc. Stephen D. Hiller.. 1st Lt. Derek S. Hines.. Sgt. Keicia M. Hines.. Pfc. Timothy J. Hines Jr.. Spc. Dominic J. Hinton.. Capt. Kelly C. Hinz.. Pfc. Melissa J. Hobart.. SSG. Brian S. Hobbs.. Spc. Jeremy M. Hodge.. LCpl. Erick J. Hodges.. Sgt. Michael P. Hodshire.. Sgt. Nicolas M. Hodson.. 1st Lt. Nainoa K. Hoe.. Cpl. Benjamin D. Hoeffner.. Sgt. 1st Class James T. Hoffman.. Sgt. Justin F. Hoffman.. SSG. Theodore S. Holder II.. Army Spc. Christopher J. Holland.. SSG. Robert L. Hollar Jr.. SSG. Aaron N. Holleyman.. Spc. Matthew J. Holley.. SSG. Lincoln D. Hollinsaid.. LCpl. Matthew W. Holloway.. Spc. James J. Holmes.. Spc. Jeremiah J. Holmes.. LCpl. Jeffery S. Holmes.. Cpl. Terry Holmes.. Airman 1st Class Antoine J. Holt.. Cpl. Paul C. Holter III.. LCpl. Brian C. Hopper.. Pfc. Sean Horn.. Master Sgt. Kelly L. Hornbeck.. Sgt. Manny Hornedo.. Master Sgt. Robert M. Horrigan.. SSG. Jeremy R. Horton.. Spc. Christopher L. Hoskins.. LCpl. David B. Houck.. Capt. Andrew R. Houghton.. Sgt. Jessica M. Housby.. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class John D. House.. Sgt. Thomas E. Houser.. SSG. John R. Howard.. LCpl. Gregory C. Howman.. Sgt. 1st Class Casey E. Howe.. Spc. Darren D. Howe.. Pfc. Bert. E. Hoyer.. Spc. Robert W. Hoyt.. LCpl. Jared P. Hubbard.. LCpl. Tavon L. Hubbard.. Spc. Corey A. Hubbell.. Pvt. Aaron M. Hudson.. Pfc. Christopher E. Hudson.. SSG. Sean P. Huey.. Pfc. Sam W. Huff.. 1st Lt. Doyle M. Hufstedler... SSG. Jamie L. Huggins.. Spc. Jonathan A. Hughes.. Spc. Eric R. Hull.. Operations Specialist 1st Class Thomas C. Hull.. Cpl. Barton R. Humlhanz. Sgt. Joseph D. Hunt.. LCpl. Justin T. Hunt.. Master Sgt. Kenneth E. Hunt Jr. Pfc. Isaiah R. Hunt.. Spc. Simeon Hunte.. 1st Lt. Joshua C. Hurley.. LCpl. Seth Huston.. LCpl. James B. Huston Jr.. Pvt. Nolen R. Hutchings.. Pfc. Ray J. Hutchinson.. Pfc. Gregory P. Huxley Jr.. 1st Lt. Joshua M. Hyland.. *I* Spc. Nicholas R. Idalski.. Spc. Michael J. Idanan.. SSG. Thor H. Ingraham.. SSG. Henry E. Irizarry. Spc. Benjamin W. Isenberg. Spc. Craig S. Ivory. SSG. Kendall H. Ivy 2nd.. 1st Lt. Edward D. Iwan.. *J* Spc. Derence W. Jack.. Lt. Cmdr. Edward E. Jack.. Pfc. Leslie D. Jackson.. Sgt. 1st Class Mark Jackson.. Spc. Marlon P. Jackson.. Spc. Morgen N. Jacobs.. Capt. William W. Jacobsen Jr.. Airman 1st Class Elizabeth N. Jacobson.. Sgt. Kip A. Jacoby.. LCpl. Saeed Jafarkhani-Torshizi Jr.. Electricians Mate Fireman Apprentice Michael J. Jakes Jr.. Sgt. Grzegorz Jakoniuk.. Cpl. Jesse Jaime.. Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Jallah Jr.. CWO Scott Jamar.. Cpl. Evan T. James.. Lt. Col. Leon G. James II.. 2nd Lt. Luke S. James. Sgt. Lindsey T. James. Cpl. William C. James.. SSG. Tricia L. Jameson.. Capt. Benjamin D. Jansky.. Sgt. Brahim J. Jeffcoat.. Pfc. Joseph A. Jeffries.. Spc. William A. Jeffries.. Petty Officer 2nd Class Robert B. Jenkins.. Sgt. Troy David Jenkins .. Spc. Darius T. Jennings.. Pfc. Ryan M. Jerabek.. Master Sgt. Ivica Jerak.... Pvt. Jeungjin Na Kim.. Sgt. Linda C. Jimenez.. 1st Lt. Oscar Jimenez.. Cpl. Romulo J. Jimenez II.. Sgt. Andrew R. Jodon.. Pvt. Adam R. Johnson.. Sgt. 1st Class Allen C. Johnson.. Electronics Tech 3rd Class Benjamin Johnson.. Capt. Christopher B. Johnson.. Sgt. David Wayne Johnson.. Pfc. Howard Johnson II.. Spc. John P. Johnson.. Spc. Justin W. Johnson .. Sgt. Leon M. Johnson.. Pvt. Lavena L. Johnson.. Pfc. Markus J. Johnson. Spc. Maurice J. Johnson.. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Michael Vann Johnson Jr.. Spc. Nathaniel H. Johnson.. SSG. Paul J. Johnson.. CWO Philip A. Johnson Jr.. Pfc. Rayshawn S. Johnson.. SSG. Robert S. Johnson.. Cpl. Stephen P. Johnson.. SSG. Jude R. Jonaus.. Sgt. Anthony G. Jones.. CWO2 Charles S. Jones. SSG David R. Jones Sr.. Pvt. 2 Devon D. Jones.. Petty Officer 2nd Class Darrell Jones.. Capt. Gussie M. Jones.. Spc. Kevin M. Jones.. Lt. Kylan A. Jones-Huffman.. Sgt. 1st Class Michael D. Jones.. SSG. Raymond E. Jones Jr.. Spc. Rodney A. Jones.. Aviation Machinists Mate 2nd Class Brian K. Joplin.. Sgt. Curt E. Jordan, Jr.. Sgt. Jason D. Jordan.. SSG. Phillip A. Jordan.. Army Cpl. Forest J. Jostes.. LCpl. Kevin B. Joyce.. Pfc. Dillon M. Jutras.. *K* Sgt. 1st Class Matthew R. Kading.. Spc. Anthony N. Kalladeen.. Spc. Alain L. Kamolvathin.. Spc. Spencer T. Karol.. SSG. Edward Karolasz.. Sgt. 1st Class Paul D. Karpowich.. Spc. Michael G. Karr Jr.. Spc. Mark J. Kasecky.. Pfc. Douglas E. Kashmer.. Spc. Charles A. Kaufman.. Spc. Hatim S. Kathiria.. Spc. Christopher M. Katzenberger.. 1st Lt. Jeffrey J. Kaylor.. Spc. James C. Kearney III.. LCpl. Thomas O. Keeling. Sgt. Chad L. Keith.. LCpl. Quinn A. Keith.. Sgt. Michael J. Kelley.. LCpl. Bryan P. Kelly.. Cpl. Sean P. Kelly.. Cpl. Brian Matthew Kennedy.. CWO3 Kyran E. Kennedy.. Sgt 1st class Stephen C. Kennedy.. SSG. Morgan D. Kennon.. 1st Lt. Christopher J. Kenny.. LCpl. Patrick B. Kenny.. Hospitalman Aaron A. Kent.. Spc. Jonathan R. Kephart. Cpl. Dallas L. Kerns.. Tech. Sgt. William J. Kerwood.. CWO1 Erik C. Kesterson.. Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan.. SSG. Ricky A. Kieffer.. Spc. James M. Kiehl.. LCpl. Shane E. Kielion.. Pfc. Christopher R. Kilpatrick. LCpl. Andrew J. Kilpela.. Cpl. In C. Kim.. SSG. Dexter S. Kimble.. Lt. Col. Paul W. Kimbrough.. SSG. Matthew A. Kimmell.. SSG. Kevin C. Kimmerly.. LCpl. Jeremiah C. Kinchen.. Spc. Levi B. Kinchen.. Sgt. James O. Kinlow. SSG. Lester O. Kinney II.. Spc. Adam G. Kinser.. Spc. Anthony D. Kinslow.. Sgt. William S. Kinzer Jr.. Pfc. David M. Kirchhoff.. Sgt. Jeffrey L. Kirk.. LCpl. Nicolas C. Kirven.. LCpl. Nicholas C. Kirven.. SSG. Charles A. Kiser.. Sgt. Timothy C. Kiser.. SSG. Daniel Leon Kisling Jr.. LCpl. Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker.. LCpl. Allan Klein.. Spc. John K. Klinesmith Jr.. Pfc. Joshua P. Klinger.. Spc. Allen J. Knop.. Cpl. Timothy A. Knight.. Sgt. Floyd G. Knighten Jr.. Steelworker 3rd Class Eric L. Knott.. Pvt. Joseph L. Knott.. Spc. Joshua L. Knowles.. Sgt. Rene Knox Jr.. Spc. Matthew A. Koch.. SSG. Shane M. Koele.. SSG. Lance J. Koenig.. Sgt. 1st Class Obediah J. Kolath.. Cpl. Zachary A. Kolda. Cpl. Kevin T. Kolm.. Spc. Martin W. Kondor.. CWO3 Patrick W. Kordsmeier.. Capt. Edward J. Korn.. Sgt. Bradley S. Korthaus.. LCpl. Ryan J. Kovacicek.. LCpl. Jakub Henryk Kowalik.. Sgt. Elmer C. Krause.. Pvt. 2 Dustin L. Kreider.. LCpl. Jared J. Kremm.. Cpl. David Kenneth J. Kreuter.. Lt. Cmdr. Erik S. Kristensen.. Pfc. Bradley G. Kritzer.. Spc. John Kulick.. Spc. Kurt E. Krout.. Sgt. Larry R. Kuhns Jr.. Capt. John F. Kurth.. Arkansas.. Spc. Joshua J. Kynoch. *L* Sgt. 1st Class William W. Labadie Jr.. Sgt. Joshua S. Ladd.. SSG. Anthony S. Lagman.. Sgt. Chad W. Lake.. Sgt. Michael V. Lalush.. Cpl. Alan Dinh Lam.. LCpl. Jeffrey Lam.. Spc. Charles R. Lamb.. Spc. James I. Lambert III.. Pfc. James P. Lambert.. Sgt. Jonathan W. Lambert.. Capt. Andrew David La Mont.. SSG. Sean G. Landrus.. Sgt. 1st Class Mitchell A. Lane.. Gunnery Sgt. Shawn A. Lane.. Pfc. Moises A. Langhorst.. LCpl. Sean M. Langley.. Sgt. 1st. Class Steven M. Langmack.. Cpl. Christopher J. Lapka.. Cpl. Stanley J. Lapinski.. Spc. Tracy L. Laramore.. Sgt. Bryan W. Large.. Pfc. Cole W. Larsen.. LCpl. Nicholas D. Larson.. Spc. Scott Q. Larson Jr.. CWO2 Matthew C. Laskowski.. SSG. William T. Latham.. Pfc. Karina S. Lau.. Pfc. Casey M. Laware.. Cpl. Jeffrey D. Lawrence.. SSG. Mark A. Lawton.. LCpl. Travis J. Layfield.. Cpl. Binh N. Le.. CWO Patrick D. Leach.. Spc. Jeff LeBrun.. SSG. Rene Ledesma.. 2nd Lt. Ryan Leduc.. Cpl. Bum R. Lee.. Sgt. Carl W. Lee.. Sgt. James S. Lee.. Spc. Terrance D. Lee Sr.. Sgt. Michael R. Lehmiller.. SSG. Jason A. Lehto.. Pfc. Ken W. Leisten.. SSG. Jerome Lemon.. Spc. Cedric L. Lennon.. Pfc. Jesus A. Leon-Perez.. Spc. Farao K. Letufuga.. Sgt. Jesse M. Lhotka.. SSG. Victoir P. Lieurance.. SSG. Wilgene T. Lieto.. SSG. Daniel R. Lightner Jr.. Cpl. Michael B. Lindemuth.. Spc. Justin W. Linden.. Spc. Roger G. Ling.. LCpl. Karl R. Linn.. Spc. Joseph L. Lister.. SSgt. Tommy S. Little.. SSG. Nino D. Livaudais.. Sgt. Dale T. Lloyd.. Sgt. Daniel J. Londono.. Spc. Ryan P. Long.. Cpl. William A. Long.. Spc. Zachariah W. Long. Cpl. John M. Longoria.. Pfc. Duane E. Longstreth.. Sgt. Edgar E. Lopez.. LCpl. Hilario F. Lopez.. LCpl. Juan Lopez.. Spc. Manuel Lopez lll.. Sgt. Richard M. Lord.. A1C Raymond Losano.. CWO4 Matthew Scott Lourey.. SSG. David L. Loyd.. Sgt. Angelo L. Lozada Jr.. LCpl. Victor R. Lu.. LCpl. Joshua E. Lucero.. Capt. Robert L. Lucero.. Pfc. Jason C. Ludlam. LCpl. Jacob R. Lugo.. LCpl. John A. Lucente.. Electronics Tech 1st Class Jeffery A. Lucas. Pfc. John Lukac.. Pfc. Kevin M. Luna.. Spc. Audrey Daron Lunsford.. Capt. Joe F. Lusk II..CPL. George A. Lutz II.. Sgt. Derrick J. Lutters.. Spc. Wai P. Lwin.. Pfc. Jason N. Lynch.. 1st Lt. Matthew D. Lynch. LCpl. Christopher P. Lyons *M* Pfc. Christopher D. Mabry. LCpl. Gregory E. MacDonald. LCpl. Cesar F. Machado-Olmos. LCpl. Fred L. Maciel.. Sgt. 1st Class Brian A. Mack.. Pfc. Vorn J. Mack. Capt. Michael J. Mackinnon. Pfc. Tyler R. MacKenzie. Seaman Apprentice Robert D. Macrum. LCpl. Blake A. Magaoay. LCpl. Joseph B. Maglione. LCpl. Marcus Mahdee. Cpl. Jarrod L. Maher.. LCpl. Sean P. Maher.. Spc. William J. Maher III.. Spc. David P. Mahlenbrock.. Sgt. Mark A. Maida.. 1st Lt. Dan T. Malcom Jr.. SSG. Toby W. Mallet.. Capt. John W. Maloney.. 1st Lt. Adam Malson.. Master Sgt. Michael Maltz... Sgt. 1st Class Curtis Mancini. CWO Ian D. Manuel.. SSG. William F. Manuel.. Pfc. Pablo Manzano.. Spc. Joshua S. Marcum.. Pfc. Lyndon A. Marcus Jr.. SSG. Paul C. Mardis Jr.. Cpl. Douglas Jose Marenco Reyes.. Pvt. 2 Giovanny Maria.. Master Sgt. Jude C. Mariano.. Sgt. Atanacio Haro Marin.. Sgt. Javier Marin Jr.. CWO4 Keith R. Mariotti.. Cpl. Gentian Marku.. Spc. James E. Marshall.. Sgt. 1st Class John W. Marshall.. Hospitalman Robert N. Marten.. Pfc. David J. Martin.. Pfc. Ryan A. Martin.. SSG. Stephen G. Martin.. Capt. Michael D. Martino.. Pfc. Francisco A. Martinez Flores.. Sgt. Francisco Martinez.. Spc. Francisco G. Martinez.. Pfc. Jesse J. Martinez. Spc. Joseph L. Martinez.. Spc. Michael A. Martinez.. Pfc. Oscar A. Martinez.. Spc. Victor A. Martinez.. Sgt. Trinidad R. Martinezluis.. Spc. Jacob D. Martir.. Sgt. Michael A. Marzano.. Spc. Nicholas C. Mason.. Sgt. Arthur S. Mastrapa.. Lcpl. Ramon Mateo.. LCpl. John J. Mattek Jr.. Sgt. James C. Matteson.. Spc. Clint Richard Matthews.. Cpl. Matthew E. Matula.. Sgt. Jamie O. Maugans.. SSG. Donald C. May Jr. Pfc. Joseph P. Mayek.. LCpl. Chad B. Maynard.... Builder 1st Class Alec Mazur.. Pvt. Anthony M. Mazzarella.. Spc. Patrick R. McCaffrey Sr.. LCpl. Joseph C. McCarthy.. Pfc. Ryan M. McCauley.. Pfc. Daniel B. McClenney.. Capt. Daniel G. McCollum.. Spc. Daniel James McConnell.. Cpl. Brad P. McCormick. 1st Lt. Erik S. McCrae.. LCpl. Christopher M. McCrackin.. Spc. Donald R. McCune.. Master Sgt. William L. McDaniel II.. Spc. Dwayne J. McFarlane Jr.. Spc. Dustin K. McGaugh.. Sgt. John E. McGee.. SSG. Robert K. McGee.. Lt. Michael M. McGreevy Jr.. Pfc. Holly J. McGeogh.. Sgt. Arthur R. McGill.. Sgt. Brian McGinnis.. Spc. Michael A. McGlothin.. Cpl. Stephen M. McGowan.. Spc. Jeremy W. McHalffey.. Petty Officer 2nd Class Scott R. McHugh.. Seaman Joshua McIntosh.. Spc. David M. McKeever.. Spc. Eric S. McKinley.. Pvt. 2 Robert L. McKinley.. LCpl. Justin D. McLeese.. Spc. Scott P. McLaughlin.. SSG. Don S. McMahan. Lt. Col. Michael J. McMahon.. Sgt. Heath A. McMillin.. Spc. Robert A. McNail.. SSG. James D. McNaughton.. Pfc. Spence A. McNeil.. Master Sgt. Michael L. McNulty.. 1st Lt. Brian M. McPhillips.. Sgt. 1st Class Otie J. McVey.. LCpl. Daniel M. McVicker.. Cpl. Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin.... LCpl. Brian A. Medina.. Spc. Irving Medina.. SSG. Oscar D. Medina.. Sgt. William B. Meeuwsen.. e Cpl. Antonio Mendoza.. SSG. Julian S. Melo. Spc. Kenneth A. Melton.. Cpl. Jaygee Meluat.. Petty Officer 3rd Class Fernando A. Mendez-Aceves.. Maj. Ramon J. Mendoza Jr Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Menusa.. SSG. Eddie E. Menyweather.. Sgt. Chad M. Mercer.. Spc. Gil Mercado.. SSG. Dennis P. Merck.. Spc. Michael M. Merila.. Spc. Christopher A. Merville.. Pfc. Nicolas E. Messemer.. Sgt. Daniel K. Methvin.. Pfc. Harrison J. Meyer.. Pfc. Jason M. Meyer.. Sgt. Berry K. Meza.. Sgt. Eliu A. Miersandoval.. Spc. Michael G. Mihalakis.. Pfc. Matthew G. Milczark.. Cpl. Jason David Mileo... Pfc. Anthony S. Miller.. Pfc. Bruce Miller Jr... Pfc. Dennis J. Miller Jr.. SSG. Frederick L. Miller Jr.. Spc. Harley D.R. Miller.. Pfc. James H. Miller IV.. Spc. John W. Miller. Capt. Lowell T. Miller II.. Sgt. 1st Class Marvin L. Miller.. LCpl. William L. Miller. Sgt. Jerry W. Mills Jr.. 1st Sgt. Timmy J. Millsap.. LCpl. Robert T. Mininger.. Sgt. Joseph Minucci II.. Sgt. 1st Class Troy L. Miranda.. Spc. George A. Mitchell.. Sgt. Keman L. Mitchell.. Sgt. Michael W. Mitchell.. Spc. Sean R. Mitchell.. Sgt. David A. Mitts.. Pfc. Jesse D. Mizener.. CWO2 Timothy W. Moehling.. SSG. Robert J. Mogensen.. SSG. Jorge A. Molinabautista.. Pfc. Anthony W. Monroe.. Spc. Christopher T. Monroe.. Spc. Ryan J. Montgomery.. SSG. Jason W. Montefering.. LCpl. Brian P. Montgomery.. Sgt. Milton M. Monzon Jr. 1st Lt. Adam G. Mooney.. Maj. Horst G. Moore.. LCpl. Jason William Moore.. Cpl. James L. Moore.. Cpl. Nathaniel K. Moore.. Pfc. Stuart W. Moore.. Sgt. Travis A. Moothart.. Sgt. Arthur A. Mora Jr.. Spc. Jose L. Mora.. Sgt. Melvin Y. Mora. Pfc. Michelangelo A. Mora.. Sgt. Orlando Morales.. Master Sgt. Kevin N. Morehead.. Capt. Brent L. Morel.. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class David J. Moreno.. Builder 3rd Class Fabricio Moreno. Sgt. Gerardo Moreno.. Spc. Jaime Moreno.. Pfc. Luis A. Moreno.. Sgt. Carl J. Morgain.. Sgt. Dwight J. Morgan. Spc. Dennis B. Morgan. SSG. Richard L. Morgan Jr.. Sgt. Carl J. Morgain.. Sgt. Steve Morin Jr . SSG. Brian L. Morris.. Sgt. Eric W. Morris.. Pfc. Geoffery S. Morris.. Sgt. 1st Class Lawrence E. Morrison.. Pfc. Rick A. Morris Jr. LCpl. Nicholas B. Morrison.. Sgt. Shawna M. Morrison.. LCpl. Marty G. Mortenson.. Sgt. Benjamin C. Morton.. Spc. Jason L. Moski.. Army Sgt. Keelan L. Moss.. Sgt. Benjamin C. Morton.. SSG. James D. Mowris.. Spc. Clifford L. Moxley Jr.. Cpl. Clifton B. Mounce.. Sgt. Cory R. Mracek.. Spc. Scott J. Mullen.. Spc. Joshua J. Munger.. Sgt. 1st Class Pedro A. Munoz.. Maj. Edward J. Murphy.. Lt. Michael P. Murphy.. Spc. Warren A. Murphy.. Sgt. David J. Murra.. Sgt. Jeremy E. Murray.. Pfc. Robert W. Murray Jr..Army Sgt. Rodney A. Murray.. Sgt. 1st Class Marcus V. Muralles.. Pfc. Veashna Muy.. Spc. Edward L. Myers *N* Sgt. Krisna Nachampassak.. Spc. Russell H. Nahvi.. Spc. Paul T. Nakamura.. Spc. Nathan W. Nakis.. Pvt. 2 Kenneth A. Nalley.. CWO2 Christopher G. Nason.. LCpl. Ryan J. Nass.. Maj. Kevin Nave.. Spc. Rafael L. Navea.. Spc. Charles L. Neeley.. SSG. Paul M. Neff II.. SSG. Regilio E. Nelom.. Sgt. Julio E. Negron.. Pfc. Gavin L. Neighbor.. Sgt. Craig L. Nelson.. Sgt. Paul C. Neubauer.. Spc. Joshua M. Neusche.. LCpl. Joseph L. Nice.. Cpl. Dominique J. Nicolas.. Pfc. Louis E. Niedermeier.. Spc. Isaac Michael Nieves.. Cpl. Patrick R. Nixon.. SSG. Travis W. Nixon.. Spc. Allen Nolan.. Sgt. Joseph M. Nolan.. Cpl. Marcos O. Nolasco.. Sgt. Nicholas S. Nolte.. Sgt. William J. Normandy. Spc. Joseph C. Norquist.. Sgt. Byron W. Norwood.. 1st Lt. Leif E. Nott.. LCpl. Andrew W. Nowacki.. SSG. Todd E. Nunes.. Spc. Joseph C. Nurre.. Spc. David T. Nutt.. SSG. Nathaniel J. Nyren.. *O* Spc. Donald S. Oaks Jr.. Pfc. Francis C. Obaji.. Pfc. Branden F. Oberleitner.. Sgt. 1st class James Scott Ochsner.. LCpl. Patrick T. ODay.. Sgt. Maj. Robert D. ODell.. LCpl. Shane K. ODonnell.. Spc. Charles E. Odums II.. Sgt. John B. Ogburn.. Spc. Ramon C. Ojeda.. SSG. Tony B. Olaes.. Cpl. Brian Oliveira.. Sgt. Nicholas J. Olivier.. Cpl. John T. Olson.. SSG. Todd D. Olson.. Pfc. Evan W. ONeill.. Sgt. Michael C. ONeill.. 1st Lt. Robert C. Oneto-Sikorski.. Spc. Justin B. Onwordi.. Sgt. Bryan J. Opskar.. Spc. Richard P. Orengo.. Lt. Col. Kim S. Orlando.. LCpl. Eric J. Orlowski.. 1st Lt. Osbaldo Orozco. Pfc. Cody J. Orr.. SSG. Billy J. Orton.. Pvt. Elijah M. Ortega.. Sgt. Timothy R. Osbey. Sgt. Pamela G. Osbourne.. CWO3 Mark S. OSteen.. SSG. Ryan S. Ostrom.. LCpl. Deshon E. Otey.. Pfc. Kevin C. Ott.. SSG. Michael C. Ottolini.. Boatswains Mate 1st Class Brian J. Ouellette.. SSG. Michael G. Owen... Capt. Bartt D. Owens.. LCpl. David Edward Owens Jr. ..*P* Sgt. Fernando Padilla-Ramirez.. Pvt. 2 Shawn D. Pahnke.. Spc. Gabriel T. Palacios.. Capt. Eric T. Paliwoda.. Spc. Jacob C. Palmatier.. Pvt. Christopher L. Palmer.. Cpl. Joshua D. Palmer.. 1st Lt. Joshua M. Palmer.. Sgt. Jason T. Palmerton.. SSG. Dale A. Panchot.. A Sgt. Larry W. Pankey Jr.. Pfc. James David Parker.. LCpl. Bradley L. Parker.. Pfc. Daniel R. Parker.. Sgt. Evan S. Parker.. Pfc. Kristian E. Parker.. Sgt. Kenya A. Parker.. SSgt. Saburant Parker.. Cpl. Tommy L. Parker Jr.. Engineman 1st Class Vincent Parker.. Sgt. Harvey E. Parkerson III.. LCpl. Brian P. Parrello.. SSG. Michael C. Parrott.. Sgt. David B. Parson.. Sgt. 1st Class Lonnie J. Parson.. Sgt. Willard T. Partridge.. SSG. Esau G. Patterson Jr. Sgt. Jayton D. Patterson.. Machinists Mate 2nd Class Eric S. Patton.. Cpl. Ronald R. Payne Jr.. Spc. Rocky D. Payne.. Master Sgt. William L. Payne.. Cpl. George J. Payton.. Sgt. 1st Class Eric P. Pearrow.. Sgt. Michael F. Pedersen.. Spc. Gennaro Pellegrini Jr.. Gunnery Sgt. Javier Obleas-Prado Pena.. Seaman Pablito Pena Briones Jr.. SSG. Abraham D. Penamedina.. Spc. Brian H. Penisten.. Sgt. Ross A. Pennanen.. SSG. Gregory V. Pennington.. Sgt. Rafael Peralta.. Cpl. Andres H. Perez.. Sgt. Christopher S. Perez.. Pfc. Geoffrey Perez.. SSG. Hector R. Perez.. Sgt. Joel Perez.. Pfc. Luis A. Perez.. LCpl. Nicholas Perez.. LCpl. Richard A. Perez Jr.. Spc. Wilfredo Perez Jr.. Boatswains Mate 1st Class Michael J. Pernaselli.. Sgt. Theodore L. Perreault.. SSG. David S. Perry.. Pfc. Charles C. Persing.. SSG. Dustin W. Peters.. Spc. Alyssa R. Peterson.. Sgt. 1st Class Daniel H. Petithory. SSG. Brett J. Petriken.. LCpl. Neil D. Petsche.. SSG. James L. Pettaway Jr.. SSG. Erickson H. Petty.. Pfc. Jerrick M. Petty.. Spc. Jacob M. Pfister.. Lt. Col. Mark P. Phelan.. Pfc. Chance R. Phelps.. Sgt. 1st Class Christopher W. Phelps.. LCpl. Lawrence R. Philippon.. Sgt. 1st Class Gladimir Philippe.. LCpl. James R. Phillips.. Sgt. Ivory L. Phipps.. Capt. Pierre E. Piche.. LCpl. Aaron C. Pickering.. Pfc. Lori Ann Piestewa.. Cpl. Carlos Pineda.. CWO Paul J. Pillen.. Sgt. Foster Pinkston.. Capt. Dennis L. Pintor.. SSG. Christopher N. Piper. Spc. James H. Pirtle.. Sr Airman Jason Plite.. Maj. Steven Plumhoff.. Sgt. Adam J. Plumondore.. Spc. Eric J. Poelman.. Pfc. Jason T. Poindexter.. 2nd Lt. Frederick E. Pokorney Jr. SSG. Andrew R. Pokorny.. Spc. Justin W. Pollard.. Spc. Robert C. Pope II.. Spc. Larry E. Polley Jr.. Master Sgt. James W. Ponder III.. LCpl. Christopher M. Poston.. LCpl Michael V. Postal.. Sgt. Darrin K. Potter.. Pfc. David L. Potter.. Sgt. Christopher S. Potts.. Sgt. Lynn R. Poulin Sr.. Cpl. Chad W. Powell. Spc. James E. Powell.. LCpl. Caleb J. Powers.. CWO2 Clint J. Prather.. Sgt. 1st Class Daniel J. Pratt.. Cpl. Dean P. Pratt.. LCpl. Taylor B. Prazynski.. Cpl. Brian P. Prening.. Pfc. James E. Prevete.. Pvt. 2 Kelley S. Prewitt.. Sgt. Tyler D. Prewitt.. CWO Bruce E. Price.. Pfc. James W. Price.. Cpl. Kevin W. Prince.. Sgt. 1st Class Neil A. Prince.. 1st Lt. Timothy E. Price.. 2nd Lt. Mark J. Procopio.. Petty Officer 3rd Class Jason Profitt.. SSG. Brian C. Prosser .. LCpl. Mathew D. Puckett.. Sgt. Jaror C. Puello-Coronado.. Spc. Robert S. Pugh.. SSG. George A. Pugliese.. SSG. Richard T. Pummill.. Sgt. Christopher M. Pusateri.. LCpl. Louis W. Qualls.. *Q* SSG. Michael B. Quinn.. *R* LCpl. Mourad Ragimov.. Spc. Joseph A. Rahaim.. LCpl. Carl L. Raines II.. LCpl. Rhonald D. Rairdan.. LCpl. Branden P. Ramey.. SSG. Richard P. Ramey.. Sgt. Christopher Ramirez.. Spc. Eric U. Ramirez.. SSG. Gene Ramirez.. Pfc. William C. Ramirez. Pfc. Christopher Ramos.. LCpl. Hector Ramos.. Sgt. Miguel A. Ramos.. Spc. Tamarra J. Ramos.. Pfc. Brandon Ramsey.. Pvt. Carson J. Ramsey.. Spc. Christopher J. Ramsey.. Pfc. Joshua A. Ramsey.. Sgt. Edmond L. Randle.. Pfc. Cleston C. Raney.. SSG. Jose C. Rangel.. SSG. Ray Rangel.. Capt. Patrick Marc M. Rapicault.. Capt. Gregory A Ratzlaff.. Spc. Rel A. Ravago IV.. Sgt. Pierre A. Raymond.. Spc. Omead H. Razani. Spc. Brandon M. Read.. LCpl. Jason C. Redifer.. SSG. Jonathan R. Reed.. Pfc. Ryan E. Reed.. Sgt. Tatjana Reed.. Pfc. Christopher J. Reed.. LCpl. Aaron H. Reed.. Gunnery Sgt. Edward T. Reeder.. SSG. Aaron T. Reese.. Spc. Gary L. Reese Jr.. Spc. Jeremy F. Regnier.. Sgt. 1st Class Randall S. Rehn.. Maj. Stephen C. Reich. Sgt. Brendon C. Reiss.. Cpl. Kyle J. Renehan.. SSG. George S. Rentschler. LCpl. Justin D. Reppuhn.. ICE1 Thomas E. Retzer. Sgt. Luis R. Reyes.. Pfc. Mario A. Reyes. Pfc. Seferino J. Reyna.. Sgt. Sean C. Reynolds. SSG. Steven C. Reynolds. LCpl. Rafael Reynosa Suarez.. Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso.. Sgt. David L. Rice. Cpl. Demetrius L. Rice. Cpl. Bryan J. Richardson. SSG. William D. Richardson. Cpl. William D. Richardson. Sgt. Ariel Rico. Spc. Jeremy L. Ridlen. SSG. Juan M. Ridout. Pfc. Andrew G. Riedel.. SSG. David G. Ries.. Pfc. Wesley R. Riggs.. Cpl. Garry Wesley Rimes.. Pfc. Diego Fernando Rincon.. Cpl. Steven A. Rintamaki.. Sgt. Duane R. Rios.. Pfc. Hernando Rios.. Capt. Russell B. Rippetoe.. Pfc. Henry C. Risner.. Sgt. 1st Class Jose A. Rivera.. Spc. Jose A. Rivera-Serrano.. Cpl. John T. Rivero.. Spc. Frank K. Rivers Jr.. SSG. Timothy J. Roark.. Sgt. Thomas D. Robbins... Sgt. Todd J. Robbins.. SSG. William T. Robbins.. LCpl. Anthony P. Roberts.. LCpl. Bob W. Roberts.. Aviation Boatswains Mate 1 Neil C. Roberts. Spc. Robert D. Roberts.. Sgt. Michael T. Robertson.. Capt. Charles D. Robinson.. Cpl. Jeremiah W. Robinson.. Spc. Lizbeth Robles.. SSG. Joseph E. Robsky Jr.. Sgt. Moses D. Rocha.. Sgt. Nathaniel S. Rock.. Pfc. Marlin T. Rockhold.. Spc. Ricky W. Rockholt Jr.. SSG. Joseph E. Rodriguez .. LCpl. Juan R. Rodriguez Velasco.. Cpl. Robert M. Rodriguez.. SSG. Alan L. Rogers.. Cpl. Jeffry A. Rogers.. Spc. Philip G. Rogers.. Pfc. Kenny D. Rojas.. Sgt. 1st Class Daniel A. Romero.. Pfc. Ramon Romero. SSG. Jorge L. Pena-Romero. Spc. Brian M. Romines.. Spc. Edwin W. Roodhouse.. Sgt. 1st Class Robert E. Rooney.. Cpl. Randal Kent Rosacker.. Pfc. Richard H. Rosas.. Sgt. Scott C. Rose.. Spc. Jose E. Rosario.. SSG. Victor A. Rosales-Lomeli. Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum. Sgt. Randy S. Rosenberg.. Sgt. Kenneth G. Ross.. Spc. Marco D. Ross.. Sgt. Lawrence A. Roukey.. Spc. David L. Roustum.. Capt. Alan Rowe.. Spc. Brandon J. Rowe.. Sgt. Roger D. Rowe.. Lt. Jonathan D. Rozier.. 2nd Lt. Charles R. Rubado.. Spc. Isela Rubalcava.. Spc. David A. Ruhren.. LCpl. David A. Mendez Ruiz.. Spc. Jose L. Ruiz.. Sgt. Lorenzo Ponce Ruiz.. LCpl. Gregory P. Rund.. SSG. Bruce A. Rushforth Jr.. Pfc. Aaron J. Rusin.. Sgt. John W. Russell.. Sgt. 1st Class Michael L. Russell.. LCpl. Andrew D. Russoli. Sgt. Monta S. Ruth.. Cpl. Marc T. Ryan.. 1st Lt. Timothy Louis Ryan. Spc. Lyle W. Rymer II.. *S* CWO2 Scott A. Saboe. Sgt. Dominic J. Sacco. Spc. Rasheed Sahib. LCpl. Gael Saintvil Cpl. Rudy Salas. Cpl. William I. Salazar. Spc. Adriana N. Salem.. Sgt. 1st Class David J.Salie.. 1st Lt. Edward M. Saltz.. Airman 1st Class Jesse M. Samek.. Capt. Benjamin W. Sammis.. Spc. Sonny G. Sampler.. Pfc. Antonio Mendez-Sanchez.. LCpl. Efrain Sanchez Jr.. Pfc. Oscar Sanchez.. SSG. Charles R. Sanders Jr.. Spc. Gregory P. Sanders.. Pfc. Leroy Sandoval Jr. Spc. Matthew J. Sandri. SSG. Barry Sanford Sr.. 1st Lt. Neil Anthony Santoriello. CPL. Jonathan J. Santos.. Pfc. Brandon R. Sapp. SSG. Cameron B. Sarno. SSG. Scott D. Sather. LCpl. Jeremiah E. Savage. Sgt. Stephen P. Saxton. Spc. Phillip N. Sayles. Sgt. Paul A. Saylor. LCpl. Michael P. Scarborough. SSG. Michael W. Schafer. Sgt. Kurt D. Schamberg. Sgt. Kenneth J. Schall. Capt. Robert C. Scheetz Jr. SSG. Daniel R. Scheile. SSG. Jens E. Schelbert. CWO4 Chris J. Scherkenbach. Pfc. Jason D. Scheuerman. LCpl. Nickolas D. Schiavoni. LCpl. John T. Schmidt 3rd. Spc. Justin B. Schmidt. Spc. Jeremiah W. Schmunk. Pfc. Sean M. Schneider. Cpl. Richard P. Schoener. Cpl. Dustin H. Schrage. Maj. Mathew E. Schram. LCpl. Brian K. Schramm. LCpl. Edward A. Schroeder II. Cpl. Nathan A. Schubert. Spc. Christian C. Schulz. LCpl. Darrell J. Schumann. Master Sgt. David A. Scott. CWO2 Joshua M. Scott. Spc. Justin A. Scott. Pfc. Kerry D. Scott. Pfc. Timothy J. Seamans. 1st Lt. Aaron N. Seesan. Spc. Stephen M. Scott. LCpl. Juan E. Segura. Spc. Marc S. Seiden. Capt. Christopher Scott Seifert. Sgt. Danton K. Seitsinger. Pfc. Dustin M. Sekula. Spc.Bernard L. Sembly. LCpl. Matthew K. Serio. Sgt. Juan M. Serrano. LCpl. Nazario Serrano. LCpl. Devon P. Seymour. SSG. Michael B. Shackelford. SSG. Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger. Sgt. Jeffrey R. Shaver. Sgt. Stephen P. Saxton. Maj. Kevin M. Shea. Cpl. Timothy M. Shea.. Spc. Casey Sheehan. Sgt. Kevin F. Sheehan. Sgt. Ronnie L. Shelley Sr. Sgt. Daniel Michael Shepherd. SSG. Kristopher L. Shepherd. CWO2 Steven E. Shephard. Lt. Col. Anthony L. Sherman. Sgt. Alan D. Sherman. Sgt. James A. Sherrill. Sgt. Stephen R. Sherman . SSG. Anissa A. Shero. 1st Lt. Andrew C. Shields. Sgt. Jonathan B. Shields. Pfc. Harry N. Shondee Jr. LCpl. Brad S. Shuder. Capt. James A. Shull.1st Lt. Dustin M. Shumney. Pfc. Kenneth L. Sickels. LCpl. Dustin L. Sides. Sgt. Alfred B. Siler. Cpl. Erik H. Silva. Pvt. Sean A. Silva. Sgt. Leonard D. Simmons. SSG. Chad J. Simon. LCpl. Abraham Simpson. Sgt. Jacob M. Simpson. Pfc. Charles M. Sims. LCpl. John T. Sims Jr. Capt. Sean P. Sims. Sgt. Isiah J. Sinclair. Spc. Uday Singh. Pfc. Steven F. Sirko. Spc. Aaron J. Sissel. Pfc. Christopher A. Sisson. Petty Officer 3rd Class David Sisung. Pfc. Nicholas M. Skinner. 1st Lt. Brian D. Slavenas. SSG. Russell L. Slay. Sgt. Eric W. Slebodnik. LCpl. Antonio J. Sledd. Pvt. 2 Brandon Ulysses Sloan. LCpl. Richard P. Slocum. LCpl. Thomas J. Slocum. Pfc. Corey L. Small. Lt. Col. Albert E. Smart. Sgt. Keith L. Smette. LCpl. Antoine D. Smith. Capt. Benedict J. Smith. Spc. Benjamin A. Smith. Sgt. Benjamin K. Smith. Pfc. Brandon C. Smith. 2nd Lt. Brian D. Smith. CWO Bruce A. Smith. Cpl. Darrell L. Smith. 1st Sgt. Edward Smith. CWO Eric A. Smith. Pfc. Jeremiah D. Smith. LCpl. Jason E. Smith. LCpl. Jonathan L. Smith. CWO 2 John D. Smith. Sgt. John M. Smith. 1st Lt. Justin S. Smith. LCpl. Kevin S. Smith. LCpl. Matthew R. Smith. Cpl. Matthew R. Smith. Sgt. Michael A. Smith. Spc. Michael J. Smith. LCpl. Michael J. Smith Jr. Spc. Orenthial J. Smith. Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith. Cpl. Raleigh C. Smith. Sgt. 1st Class Brandon K. Sneed. Cpl. Joshua D. Snyder. Pfc. Norman K. Snyder. Capt. Christopher F. Soelzer. LCpl. Jesus A. Suarez del Solar. Sgt. Roderic A. Solomon. SSG. Juan M. SolorioBrigade. Cpl. Adrian V. Soltau. Maj. Charles R. Soltes Jr. Spc. Mike T. Sonoda Jr. Sgt. Skipper Soram. LCpl. Ryan J. Sorensen. Pfc. Armando Soriano. Cpl. Tomas Sotelo Jr. Pfc. Kenneth C. Souslin. Maj. John C. Spahr. Spc. Philip I. Spakosky. Pfc. Jason L. Sparks. LCpl. Jonathan R. Spears. Sgt. 1st Class Christopher J. Speer. Cpl. Michael R. Speer. LCpl. Joseph B. Spence. SSG. Trevor Spink.. Maj. Christopher J. Splinter. Spc. Michael K. Spivey. Sgt. Marvin R. Sprayberry III. Pvt. Bryan Nicholas Spry. Cpl. Brad D. Squires. Sgt. Maj. Michael B. Stack. Pfc. Nathan E. Stahl. Cpl. John R. Stalvey. Cpl. Jeffrey B. Starr. LCpl. Michael L. Starr Jr. SSG. Eric M. Steffeney. Lt. Col. John Stein. 1st Lieutenant Andrew K. Stern. SSG. Joseph W. Stevens. Spc. Randy L. Stevens. SSG. Robert A. Stever. Cpl. David S. Stewart. Sgt. Patrick D. Stewart. Cpl. Ian W. Stewart. Sgt. James D. Stewart. Spc. Matthew P. Steyart. Sgt. 1st Class James J. Stoddard Jr. Spc. Michael J. Stokely. Maj. Gregory Stone. Pfc. Kristofor T. Stonesifer. Spc. Chrystal G. Stout. 2nd Lt. Matthew R. Stovall. LCpl. Adam J. Strain. Sgt. Francis J. Straub Jr. Sgt. Morgan W. Strader. Pfc. William R. Strange. Sgt. Kirk Allen Straseskie. Sgt. Thomas J. Strickland. Sgt. Jesse W. Strong. Spc. Sasch Struble. Capt. Mark N. Stubenhofer. Quartermaster 2nd Class James Suh. CWO Adrian B. Stump. Pfc. Brandon C. Sturdy. Spc. William R. Sturges Jr. Spc. Paul J. Sturino. Spc. Joseph D. Suell. Capt. Christopher J. Sullivan.. Spc. John R. Sullivan. Spc. Narson B. Sullivan. LCpl. Vincent M. Sullivan. SSG. Vincent E. Summers. SSG. Stephen J. Sutherland. Pfc. Ernest Harold Sutphin SSG. Michael J. Sutter. Sgt. Timothy J. Sutton. Sgt. Philip J. Svitak. LCpl. Daniel F. Swaim. LCpl. Harry R. Swain IV. LCpl. James E. Swain. Pfc. Robert A. Swaney. LCpl. Shane C. Swanberg. Sgt. Brett D. Swank. CWO5 Sharon T. Swartworth. SSG. Paul A. Sweeney. Sgt. Robert W. Sweeney III. William F. Manuel. Sgt. Thomas J. Sweet II. LCpl. Franklin A. Sweger. Sgt. Nathaniel T. Swindell. SSG. Christopher W. Swisher. Capt. Tyler B. Swisher. Pfc. Pendelton L. Sykes ll. Maj. Paul R. Syverson III. Cmdr Adrian B. Szwec. LCpl. Steven W. Szwydek. *T* Sgt. Joseph M. Tackett. Sgt. Patrick S. Tainsh. Sgt. DeForest L. Talbert. LCpl. Jeremy P. Tamburello. Photographers Mate 1 David M. Tapper. Sgt. 1st Class Linda Ann Tarango-Griess. Capt. Michael Yury Tarlavsky. SSG. Loasa F. Tavae Jr. Sgt. Christopher J. Taylor. Spc. Christopher M. Taylor. Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Jeffrey S. Taylor. Sgt. 1st Class John E. Taylor. Lt. Cmdr Keith E. Taylor. Maj. Mark D. Taylor. Sgt. Shannon D. Taylor. Cpl. William G. Taylor. Capt. John R. Teal. SSG. John Teal. SSG. Riayan A. Tejeda. Sgt. Joshua A. Terando. LCpl. Miguel Terrazas. Sgt. 1st Class Jonathan Tessar. LCpl. Jason Andrew Tetrault. LCpl. Juston T. Thacker. SSG. Frank Tiai. Spc. Joseph C. Thibodeaux. Master Sgt. Thomas R. Thigpen Sr. Cpl. Jesse L. Thiry. Pfc. Adam L. Thomas. Sgt. Carl Thomas. Sgt. John F. Thomas. Spc. Kyle G. Thomas. SSG. Kendall Thomas. Sgt. Paul W. Thomason III. Sgt. Anthony O. Thompson. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Christopher W. Thompson. Spc. Jarrett B. Thompson. Cpl. Lance M. Thompson. Pfc. Nils G. Thompson. SSG. Robert C. Thornton Jr. Major Steven W. Thornton. Cpl. Patrick D. Tillman. Sgt. Tina S. Time. 1st Lt. Jason G. Timmerman. Sgt. Humberto F. Timoteo. Capt. John E. Tipton. Pfc. Joshua K. Titcomb. Spc. Brandon T. Titus. Spc. Brandon S. Tobler. Capt. Jeffrey P. Toczylowski. Sgt. Lee D. Todacheene. Cpl. John H. Todd III. Spc. John O. Tollefson. Sgt. Nicholas A. Tomko. Master Sgt. Timothy Toney. LCpl. Joshua L. Torrence. Sgt. Daniel Torres. Spc. Ramon Reyes Torres. Pfc. George D. Torres. 2nd Lt. Richard Torres. Spc. Juan M. Torres. LCpl. Michael S. Torres. LCpl. Elias Torrez III. Sgt. Michael L. Tosto. Sgt. Tromaine K. Toy Sr. Spc. William J. Tracy. Spc. Seth R. Trahan. Spc. Quoc Binh Tran. Cpl. Joseph S. Tremblay. Spc. Richard K. Trevithick. SSG. Marvin L. Trost III. Sgt. John B. Trotter. Cpl. Tyler S. Trovillion. LCpl. Tyler J. Troyer. Sgt. Daniel A. Tsue. Pfc. Andrew L. Tuazon. LCpl. Marc L. Tucker. Spc. Robert W. Tucker. Pfc. Steven C. Tucker. SSG. Salamo J. Tuialuuluu. Master Sgt. Tulsa T. Tuliau. Spc. Gregory L. Tull. Steelworker 3rd Class Emory J. Turpin. SSG. Roger C. Turner Jr. Spc. Wade Michael Twyman. Sgt. 1st Class Peter P. Tycz II. Pvt. Scott M. Tyrrell. 2nd Lt. Andre D. Tyson *U* Spc. Eugene A. Uhl III. Pfc. Brian S. Ulbrich. LCpl. Drew M. Uhles. Pfc. Daniel P. Unger. Spc. Robert Oliver Unruh. Pfc. Wilfredo F. Urbina. 1st Sgt. Ernest E. Utt. Sgt. Michael A. Uvanni *V*SSG. Gary A. Vaillant. Cpl. Ramona M. Valdez. LCpl. Ruben Valdez Jr. LCpl. Steven A. Valdez. Sgt. Melissa Valles. Sgt. Gene Arden Vance Jr. Spc. Allen J. Vandayburg. Spc. Josiah H. Vandertulip. Spc. Jacob T. Vanderbosch. CWO 3 Brian K. Van Dusen. LCpl. John J. Van Gyzen IV. SSG. Darren D. VanKomen. LCpl. Gary F. VanLeuven. SSG. Daniel R. Varnado. SSG. Justin L. Vasquez. SSG. Mark D. Vasquez. Spc. Brian A. Vaughn. Spc. Frances M. Vega. 1st Lt. Michael W. Vega. SSG. Paul A. Velazquez. Spc. Jose A. Velez. LCpl. Juan C. Venegas. Sgt. Russell J. Verdugo. Cpl. David M. Vicente. Sgt. Franklin R. Vilorio. Sgt. 1st Class Joselito O. Villanueva. Spc. Javier A. Villanueva. CWO Johnny Villareal Mata. Pfc. Ramon A. Villatoro Jr. Cpl. Scott M. Vincent. SSG. Thomas E. Vitagliano. SSG. Kimberly A. Voelz. Pfc. Kenneth G. Vonronn. SSG. Michael S. Voss. Pfc. Brent T. Vroman. Spc. Thai Vue *W* Pfc. Brandon J. Wadman. LCpl. Michael B. Wafford. Sgt. Christopher A. Wagener. Sgt. Gregory L. Wahl. Sgt. 1st Class Brett E. Walden. SSG. Allan K. Walker. Sgt. Antwan L. Walker. Sgt. Jeffrey C. Walker. 1st Lt. Laura M. Walker. SSG. Thomas A. Walkup Jr. Sgt. Andrew P. Wallace. Pfc. Jeffrey R. Wallace. Master Sgt. Thomas A. Wallsmith. Sgt. Donald Ralph Walters. Spc. Gary W. Walters Jr. Tech. Sgt. Howard A. Walters. Pfc. Andrew M. Ward. Pvt. 2 Jason M. Ward. Cpl. Joshua J. Ware. LCpl. Richard D. Warner. Cpl. Robert P. Warns II. Sgt. 1st Class Charles H. Warren. Sgt. 1st Class Mark C. Warren. LCpl. Kevin G. Waruinge. Pfc. Nachez Washalanta. Sgt. Bennie J. Washington. LCpl. Christopher B Wasser. SSG. Kendall Damon Waters-Bey. Pvt. David L. Waters. Spc. Glenn J. Watkins. Spc. Timothy D. Watkins. Maj. William R. Watkins III. Signalman 2nd Class Christopher E. Watts. CWO Aaron A. Weaver. Cpl. Christopher L. Weaver. Sgt. Charles J. Webb. SSG Kyle B. Wehrly. Spc. Michael J. Wendling. Spc. Michael S. Weger. SSG. David J. Weisenburg. Spc. Douglas J. Weismantle. Pfc. Michael Russell Creighton Weldon. LCpl. Joseph T. Welke. LCpl. Larry L. Wells. Sgt. Lonny D. Wells. CWO 2 Stephen M. Wells. Spc. Wesley R. Wells. Sgt. Brad Wentz. Spc. Cody L. Wentz. Spc. Jeffrey M. Wershow. Spc. Christopher J. Rivera Wesley. Pfc. Kevin S.K. Wessel. LCpl. Phillip G. West. Sgt. James G. West. Sgt. Marshall A. Westbrook. Col. Theodore S. Westhusing. 1st Lt. Alexander E. Wetherbee. Spc. Donald L. Wheeler. Sgt. Mason Douglas Whetstone. Pfc. Joey D. Whitener. Pfc. Marquis A. Whitaker. SSG. Aaron Dean White. Lt. Nathan D. White. Spc. Raymond L. White. Pvt. Robert C. White III. SSG. Robert F. White. LCpl. Russell P. White. Sgt. Steven W. White. LCpl. William W. White. Spc. Chase R. Whitham. LCpl. Dion M. Whitley. LCpl. Travis M. Wichlacz. Spc. Vernon R. Widner. Spc. Lee A. Wiegand. Hospital Corps 3rd Class Jeffrey L. Wiener. Spc. Michael J. Wiesemann. LCpl. William Brett Wightman. Cpl. Joshua S. Wilfong. Sgt. Charles T. Wilkerson. 1st Lt. Charles L. Wilkins III. Sgt. Arthur C. Williams IV. Cpl. Andre L. Williams. Sgt. Eugene Williams. Spc. Jeffrey A. Williams. Spc. Luke C. Williams. LCpl. Michael J. Williams. Spc. Michael L. Williams. Spc. Ronnie D. Williams. Sgt. Taft V. Williams. Sgt. 1st Class Christopher R. Willoughby. Cpl. Bryan S. Wilson. Spc. Dana N. Wilson. Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry L. Wilson. SSG. Joe N. Wilson. LCpl. Lamont N. Wilson. Spc. Nicholas E. Wilson. LCpl. Nicholas Wilt. Sgt. David N. Wimberg. Cpl. Christopher D. Winchester. 1st Lt Ronald Winchester. Spc. Trevor A. WinE. LCpl. Jordan D. Winkler. Sgt. Jeannette L. Winters. LCpl. William J. Wiscowiche. SSG. Clinton L. Wisdom. Spc. Robert A. Wise. Spc. Phillip L. Witkowski. Sgt. James Witkowski. Spc. Michelle M. Witmer. Pfc. Owen D. Witt. SSG. Zachary R. Wobler. Spc. James R. Wolf. 2nd Lt. Jeremy L. Wolfe. Sgt. Elijah Tai Wah Wong. Sgt. Brian M. Wood. Capt. George A. Wood. LCpl. Nathan R. Wood Army Sgt. 1st Class Ronald T. Wood. Sgt. Roy A. Wood. Col. William W. Wood. SSG. Romanes L. Woodard. Spc. Michael R. Woodliff. Pfc. Eric P. Woods. Petty Officer Third Class Julian Woods. Pfc. Curtis L. Wooten III. Lt. Col. Thomas A. Wren. Spc. James C. Wright. Pfc. Jason G. Wright. Sgt. Jeremy R. Wright. 2nd Lt. John T. Wroblewski. 1st Lt. Luke C. Wullenwaber. LCpl. Daniel R. Wyatt. Cpl. Matthew A. Wyatt. Pfc. Stephen E. Wyatt. *Y* Spc. Benyahmin B. Yahudah. Pfc. Dustin A. Yancey. Sgt. Michael E. Yashinski. Sgt. Henry Ybarra III. Pvt. Justin R. Yoemans. Spc. Viktar V. Yolkin. Master Sgt. Anthony R. C. Yost. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Travis L. Youngblood. Pfc. Rodricka A. Youmans. Sgt. Ryan C. Young *Z* LCpl. Andrew J. Zabierek. Spc. Nicholas J. Zangara. Spc. Mark Anthony Zapata. LCpl. Thomas J. Zapp. Sgt. 1st Class Mickey E. Zaun. Pfc Kenneth E. Zeigler 2nd. Pfc. Nicholaus E. Zimmer. Cpl. Christopher E. Zimny. 1st Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski. Cpl. Nicholas L. Ziolkowski. Cpl. Ian T. Zook. LCpl. Scott A. Zubowski. LCpl. Robert P. Zurheide Jr, PFC Doug Wisemantle.SGT NOLAN "ROSS" MOGG.sgt 1st class Gregory Rogers, CPL andrew kemple, SPC Chris owens, SPC John Ashcraft,SSG Edward C. Reynolds JR Lance Cpl. Budd M. Cote, 21, of Marana, Ariz.Cpl. Matthew V. Dillon, 25, of Aiken, S.C. Lance Cpl. Clinton J. Miller, 23, Pfc. Shawn Patrick Falter he was killed in Iraq on January 20, 2007. He was killed along with Capt. Brian S. Freeman, Pvt. Johnathon M. Millican, Spc. Johnathan Bryan Chism, 1st Lt. Jacob Fritz.Sgt. Robert Carr he was killed 1:13 Iraqi

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Get this video and more at MySpace.comDear Children,1. My children I am writing to you today, so you will understand that I still love you. I have never left your side since the day that I ascended to Heaven to be with the Father. I gave up my life as a man so that you could live. The world was so lost, the Father knew He had to to do something in order to save us. I would do it over and over again for my children. My love is never ending as a Father for a child. From your first breath that you took, I was there. I held your hand when you took your first step. I was there when you cried, laughed and was lonely. I was there when you felt despaired. I have always been right beside you. You have not taken the time, through your life, growing up to look for me. Stop right now what you are doing and feel me beside you. I am here with you. When you feel the chill going up your spine, it is me. When you see a blue sky, it is me. When you see a flower blossoming, it is me. Oh, take the time to look around you, see what is before your very eyes. I am Here. Look out on the ocean and what do you see? Peace, Love, Tranquility, of this world. Hear the birds, they do not hunger, I feed them. When you feel the wind blow on your face, do you not feel peace? Or when the sun shines do you not feel at ease? Let me work through you. You could have it all. When you ask me, do I not answer your prayers? So my children, I am still here. I have never left your side. But if you do not talk with me, I can not answer you. If you do not read the Fathers teachings how can you learn about me? In this day and time, life is easy, I have given you so many material things, to make if easier. Back in my time, when I was born the world was such a harsh place. We did not have it easy, there was no running water, electricity, I was born, in a barn with no heat, but the Father took care of me. There were no super markets where you could buy food. No department stores for all the fine clothing, you wear. I do not need to go on, with all the things I have supplied you. I only ask that you talk with me every now and then. I ask you to love me, know I am the Savior and know what I did for you. I want all my children to be with me one day. Not to know that my dying on the cross at Calvary was in vain. You can see the tears swelling up in my eyes in the picture above. Because I love you, and so many of you are still lost. It is very easy to talk with me, I am here beside you my child. Your Loving Father, Jesus
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I AM THE FLAG OF THE USA" target="_blank">.. k.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">       I am the flag o...
Posted by usa troops on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:02:00 PST


Blessing Body: If you woke this mornig with more health that illness... You are more blessed than the million that will not survive this week.If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the lo...
Posted by usa troops on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 09:18:00 PST