i love music, i love making things with wood, i love friends, i love life, but why are there so many people in asda!!?? (don't mean to go on about it, but why??)
relaxing, staying calm and interesting interests
jim morrisson would be a great man to meet, and anyone with a strange sense of humour, witty and clever would be fun too!
anything with rhythm works for me
not that fussed with films really, i generally forget films the minute they end!
again, not that fussed really! well, the simpsons are kind of hard to resist and ........
the alchemist
stephen fry, he's gurt clever and right wittyhref="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm15c3BhY 2UuY29tL2ZvcmdvdHRlbnNsZWVw" Tickets now on sale At Tom's Bar Trefforest Click poster for info img alt="Put Your Foot Down" src="http://www.thesoleofafrica.org.za/Resources/soabanner_l argesquare.jpg" width="300" height="250"