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ASHED MIME és un projecte que va néixer com a resultat de la fi de Bubble State. Hi havia temes i idees renovadores però van restar congelades durant més de mig any.
Ara ASHED MIME comença a gaudir de salut i ànims.
És un treball dut a terme entre els ex-Bubble Sam Pereira i Gerard Solaz, qui, amb morro, experimenten amb sons i loops electrònics què acompanyen les seves lletres, guitarres, baixos i pianos enregistrat com poden a casa.
Ashed Mime is born by the end of a band project. We had songs and new iddeas 'bout them, but this was kept freezed for about half of a year.
We try to use home-made samples and loops and some sintetizers so that our lyrics, guitars, basses and pianos sound a little bit more full.
Someone told us that a pulp
can become a pet (this probably has sense for Spanish people!, sorry),
so we use this for excussing and suppliing tne lack of hands and arms.