amplab amplab amplab profile picture

amplab amplab amplab


About Me

auto-jamyou've been to the blues jam. you've been to the jazz jam. you've been to E-minor for 3 hours jam. you've even been to the free noize jam. what's left? auto-jam is here to take you up.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/22/2005
Band Website: WWW.AMPLAB.NET
Band Members: inc and not limited to

Influences: amplab ingredients:

    Groove: Because it feels good. (No soloing!) Melody: Melody instruments only, no percussion Drone: Ambience, space, and minimalist repetition Drums + 1: Drummer chooses one other player for duet OHC: Avoid all melody, rhythm and pattern Pulse: With a single sound, all players begin with the unified pulse rhythm Echo: Repeat the sounds of another player
    Sounds Like: auto-jam is the new rule for great jams. fun for the players. fun for the audience. here's how it goes:Choose any 3 of the ingredients to create a three part composition. Everybody plays through ingredients 1-2-3 Listen to each other Stop when you are done

Record Label: akoolstik
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

name that tune

amplab has some new tunes with no names.please help by offering your suggestion!name that tunethanks! g...
Posted by amplab amplab amplab on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:06:00 PST


the amplab is tuning up and getting ready to turn in out. our eyes and ears are wide open in 2007. hope your's are too! and in other news, the g calavera sound can be heard with the new strawberry z...
Posted by amplab amplab amplab on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 01:20:00 PST

What Do You Have To Say

The posted tunes are open for comment. Please indulge yourself and tell us what you think!...
Posted by amplab amplab amplab on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST