My Sent-From-Heaven Girlfriend, General Motors racing, Sales, Money, having fun.
Jesus Christ, Dajhia Dash, Paul (Paul was off the hook!), Jonathan and David from the Bible, Barak Obama, Oprah, Donald Trump, Bishop Jakes, Gerge W. Bush (him and I need to have a talk
Flight Plan, Fire Wall, Pursuit of Happiness
T.D. Jakes, Speed TV, Sheryl Brady,.....anything but BET...a message to the black people...your minds are being rotted ever second you watch might as well watch Sesame Street
The Bible, Professional Race Car Driving Techniques by Bentley Ross, and "How to Get Clients"
Jesus, Cherie Maddox, Elder Rob, Rev. Scott, Allen Maddox Sr., Denise Maddox, Uncle Eddie, Aunt Dorothy, Uncle William, Elder Ed Owens, Michael Williams (Sales Manager), and T.D. Jakes