Cheri profile picture


this is me. My high school graduation pic. 1981. boy was I young.

About Me

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------Well, I am married and have 5 kids.I have moved to Illinois about a year ago. I don't really like it here. I would rather be somewhere else. Texas sounds okay as long as I can go home a few times a year to visit with my family. I would rather move to the East coast. That is where I am from.4 of my kids are still at home. the oldest one is in the Army and in Iraq. the next is 18! he just graduated from high school in June! He has gotten his first job. I am proud of him. My daughters both have my space pages. So does my hubby.I keep looking for old friends on here. I have found a few or they have found me. ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------I grew up with my Mother and a sister and 2 brothers. I was only a few miles from the beach...but I can't swim well. I love collecting sea glass and sea shells. I love the smell of the ocean. I miss it! just don't like the jellyfish. Love watching the waves crashing to the shore. one of the things I like to do is write poems and stories. I have had 2 poems published. I am glad that my daughters take after me in that respect. They both can write poems. I used to draw all the time. I even got paid for 1 of my drawing when I was in high school. Now it is hard for me to write. The moods just are not there. If they are than I am no good to anyone until I write the feeling down. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- I like collecting things. Frogs, PEZ, dragon flies, unicorns, hummingbirds, Eeyore, and Snow babies. I have a pretty good collection of each thing. The smallest collection is of the Snow babies. But they tie into my Eeyore collection. then the Eeyore collection ties into the PEZ collection. Go figure.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------okay let me clear this up. I HATE requests from those people who have garbage all over their profiles. I don't like rock or heavy metal. I don't like the ones that want you to make money. I want real honest friends. Ones that send you a nice message with the friend request. Not ones from guys trying to hit on me!!!!!!!!!!!! I will deny you flat! I will block you if I get a message twice! I am here for true friends. That is why I don't have a bunch of Friends!!! So if you are any of those types.. don't bother.I have to say that not too many of you have read this when it comes to requesting me as a friend. I am still getting ones from you (SPAMMERS) I know it because your name changes but the rest of the crap doesn't.I am not looking for any dates. I don't like being hit on! I hate getting requests or messages from guys trying to HOOK up with me. I am not interested. So just leave me alone.When it comes to what is on myspace...I do not like comments that are sexual in nature. No half naked people!! It is offensive to me. so please do not send me any.I do not like chain letters especially on the internet. I will NOT send things to 10 other friends. That bothers me. I won't do it ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------

Myspace Layouts at / Orlando bloom - Image Hosting

My Interests

my interests include writing poems and drawing. I design houses. I have a bunch that I have drawn since high school. I love listening to music. I also do cross stitch. I make quilts when I have the time.------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet the following people....Orlando Bloom, Christopher Meloni, William Peterson, Barry Manilow, Dale Earnhardt Jr, Garth Brooks, Josh Turner, Clay Aiken, Debra Messing, Scott Bakula,Reese Witherspoon, My friends from my space, like Sue and Lori and Crazy Sharon, and Jesus. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------


I love country music. That is on the top of my list. I do also love Barry Manilow and Clay Aiken.I like Cher and Carrie Underwood. I have been to a few concerts..Barry twice!! Neil Diamond, Weird Al, Hank Williams Jr.(Rick Trevino opened for him). Want to see Garth! I have a few friends here on my space that you should give a listen to. Jon King, Lance Combs, Lets not forget Kapo!!


I love comedies, but not stupid movies. I like watching dramas, suspense are okay but no horror. Right now I love watching....the Lake House, The Wedding Date, My best friends wedding, Santa Claus, Nanny McPhea, 50 First Dates, Hocus Pocus, The Day after Tomorrow, How to Loose a guy in 10 days, Volcano, Daylight, Breakfast club, and Sixteen candles.there are a lot more, Both Pirates movies, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, X-Men, V., Grease, Sound of Music, and The 3 musketeers, Narnia,Santa Clause 2 and 3, All the Die Hard movies,Raise your voice,Snow dogs,


I like some of the reality shows, reruns of Quantum Leap and Will and Grace. I love CSI. The original. Grissom is awesome! I watch only 1 soap..Days of our lives. I am glued to it..even when its boring. My daughter is named after one of the Baddest girls on the show. Samantha!!! I just can't get enough. Have an autograph from a former cast member. I love watching Survivor, the Biggest Looser, Amazing Race, and Idol! those are my favorite reality shows. The new singing shows are pretty good. I like the one with Wayne Brady. I try to remember the songs, it is hard sometimes.


Read all the "Left Behind" books. I have read the Lord of the Rings books by JRR Tolkein. David Eddings, Magic Kingdom for Sale books. Haven't read much lately. Haven't found another subject that interests me. I am now reading Janet Evanovich. She writes the Stephanie Plum novels. They are really good. So far there are 13 in all. I am only on the third with is "Three for the Dough" They are so funny and suspensful.


All the guys and gals fighting in the war in Iraq. My husband who was in the Persian Gulf war. My son Arthur, Who was is Bagdad for 15 months. Now my Other son Andrew who is joining the Army family this month!

My Blog

got this one from Marla

1. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?peppermint2. Cable or Satellite? I like satelite better, but have cable3. Favorite video game?Galaga4. Do you have to sleep wi...
Posted by Cheri on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 07:30:00 PST

from Jamie

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE MY ANSWERS!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!1. Name something you use in the shower?soap2. Name something a football player wears under his uniform:jock st...
Posted by Cheri on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 07:12:00 PST

from Steph

1. You're a girl, right?yes2. Have you kissed any one on your top friends? yes4. Do you enjoy drama? no5. Are you a girly girl? no6. Who was the last person you hugged? David7. Small or large purses? ...
Posted by Cheri on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 06:30:00 PST

about your number 3 . from Steph

Can you answer 51 questions about the 3rd person on your top friends list?Don't change your top friend.1) What's their name?Brandy2) Does he or she...
Posted by Cheri on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 06:38:00 PST

from Steph

1. When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you shower?yes,cause I like being alone alone.2. Has a friendship ended recently that y...
Posted by Cheri on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 06:09:00 PST

have you, would you, do you?

okay this is just a simple one I made up. I was a little tired of all the same boring questions about which movie, what do you drink, who texts who and that type of stuff. so if you like it just copy ...
Posted by Cheri on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:29:00 PST

from Jamie

You know when your birthday is?But how old should you really be?(just put an x next to the things that apply to you)[x] I know how to make a pot of...
Posted by Cheri on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 06:39:00 PST

from Steph

1. What kind of cereal is in your cabinet?............honey bunches of oats,cinnamon harvest2. What kind of milk do you drink?.............whole3. ...
Posted by Cheri on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 06:33:00 PST

from Steph

1.What level do you play in Guitar Hero?...........haven't tried2.Are you wearing jeans right now?...........nope, pjs3.Where is your dad?............
Posted by Cheri on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 06:27:00 PST

cheriologoy from Loriology

Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology."MOUTHOLOGYQ. What is your salad dressing of choice?A. frenchQ. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?A...
Posted by Cheri on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:08:00 PST