SK KliK profile picture


Just because it rhymes, doesn't make it rap

About Me

(b) the self proclaimed Leader of SK KliK set out early on to differentiate himself from being just another sheep following the herd. Setting up his own studio on the opposite end of Columbus, in a less than reputable area of town, (b) has invested almost all of his time, energy, and money into creating music that would inspire, motivate, and energize a crowd. (b) has devoted his time to teaching himself the basics on all the instruments he would need to fulfill his musical visions, including playing guitar, bass, and drums; In addition (b) has become accomplished in the entire recording, mixing, and production aspects of music, being able to avoid undue interference from other musicians or self-indulgent producers.
SK KliK successfully blends a unique combination of electronic drum & bass beats, with hard house synths, fused with hard rock guitars and rock song formatting all infused with (b)s own unique suburban hip-hop influenced vocals to create a new breed of music dubbed Tech-Hop , or Heavy Tech-Hop . (b) is poised to take his position as not only the Leader of the KliK, but as the leader of the next generation of artists with a new breed of energy.
Main Entry: Tech-Hop
Pronunciation: tek-'häp
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
techno (styles of popular music utilizing electronically created sounds)
hop- ( as in hip-hop, a rhythmic chanting often in unison of usually rhymed couplets to a musical accompaniment)
Date: 2007
Definition: electronic dance music that features a fast beat and synthesized sounds coupled with rythmic rhymed true life vocals ocassionally infused with rock sounds and song structure

My Interests


Member Since: 3/22/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: (b):
Contact info:
Mark: Management
Cassie: Booking
X: Webmaster
(b): Leader of the KliK
Hate Mail: Hate

Sounds Like:
Record Label: SiK Sound
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

KliK ChicK Video...

I am going to be making a video for "Beautiful", nothing spectacular, no big budget shit or anything.I thought the perfect way to do the video, would be to get video of the KliK ChicKs and use some of...
Posted by SK KliK on Fri, 02 May 2008 12:12:00 PST

Check out this video: Failure studio recording

(b) recording Failure in the studio
Posted by SK KliK on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 08:46:00 PST

Press 2:

July 14, 2007 Columbus-   A New Voice for Suburban Culture   Every once in a while, something new comes along that can change the face of music; it just so happens that at this point it migh...
Posted by SK KliK on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 04:49:00 PST


Major New Musical Talent Emerges, Challenges Musical BoundariesJuly 10, 2007New York- Once in a great while a truly ground breaking new artist appears on the music scene.  Artists such as; Elv...
Posted by SK KliK on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:53:00 PST