Beach, Traveling, Ocean, Boats, Cars, Nice houses, Sex, Drinking, Chilling, Internet, Online gaming, Hanging out with friends... ya know... the usual stuff.. oh.. and as always.. music... lol
A girl that isnt perfect. A girl that is physically attractive to me, but not a fucking supermodel. A girl that knows what she wants. A girl who doesnt wanna "change" me. A girl that likes to have sex, but knows that if we dont... its "ok" and not a "phase." Anyone who is spontaneous and that can get me off my ass... which isnt hard... just takes boobs, ass, smile, hair, any female aspect will usually do the trick. Offer me booze, and then its a sure thing. Also I love volleyball when I can get 4 people or so, again... preferably female. I like to laugh and make people laugh... so I get along easily with girls. OHHH and also... Id also like to meet a rich divorce that needs a young man to take care of... that would be awesome...