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Heavyweight Title Lineage (the man who beat the man)..
Some of my favourite boxers:..
Muhammad Ali-the greatest of all time!!!!!!Muhammad Ali
Some of the music I like:
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A few of the films I've enjoyed...
Only Fools & Horses, Minder, Sopranos, The Wire, Twilight Zone, Oz, King Of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond and too many others to mention.If you live outside of the UK and havent seen Only Fools & Horses, heres a clip:Only Fools and Horses Chandelier
I generally have a book on the go at all times so get through quite a few each year although will only read a few pages a day. I like biographies in particular and am always interested in learning more about people and the history of our race...the human race. Here's a few that I've read in the last couple of years:
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I respect and admire lots of people and you'll see from my page that fighters hold a lot of stock with me so I wont go on any more about them. I am also interested in history and beleive in equality for all races so here are some others who have inspired me:Malcolm XMalcolm X - Oxford University (1964)
Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King Jr. - I have a dream
Ghandi-read the book!Mohandas Gandhi Ends 5 Day Hunger Strike For Peace (1939)
From the entertainment world:Tupac-controversial but never lost for words & great music!Tupac
Cary Grant-I love the old movies & he had great style & presence.Bringing Up Baby: 16
And many others!!