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Let's destroy

About Me

Tom Petty Summer.

My Interests

alphabetized lists, animated conversations, absolution
bicycles, baths, boys
comic books, converse, crafts
dapper little getups, daydreaming, devil's advocacy
estheticians, espresso, eroticism
feminism, flowers, five year plans
glueguns, green tea, goggles
high end cosmetics, heat styling tools, huge fucking boots
industria, internalizing my frustrations, ice cream
junk, jacks of all trades, jangly sounding guitars
kissing, kidding, kicking ass
lascivious comments, lounge music, lamps
massage, mosaics, the milwaukee brewers
no holds barred live music, nachos, new socks
old world style, odd ducks, obliterating any chances of a future political career
pinball, pizza, pulling all the stops
quaint neighborhoods, quirky phrases, quiet moments near bodies of water
rock stars, rollerskates, ripped fishnets
serenity, sushi, superfluous buckles and zippers
talking, talking, talking
unconditional love, unpretentious artists of all mediums, urban decay
vehement denial, violent dancing, vibrators
waxing, wandering about aimlessly, wordplay
x-rays? xylophones? xeroxing?
yoga, young lust, yelling things when merely speaking is sufficient
zoning out, zines, and the zany.

I'd like to meet:

The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn like fabulous roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light pop and everybody goes "AWWW!"

I deny any blind adds that don't accompany an engaging message. "ur pix are HOTT" does not qualify as engaging.



OhGr, Skinny Puppy, Assemblage 23, CombiChrist, :wumpscut:, Glis, backantotheleft, Apoptygma Berzerk, Ritalin RX, Ayria, Epsilon Minus, Legion Within, Front 242, And One, Nine Inch Nails, Beborn Beton, Deep Red, Ministry, KMFDM, Android Lust. VAST (not exactly "gothic" but I only hear them get played in such clubs, so I put them here.) Anything Powernoise - I am all over that. "Terror EBM" is a laughable phrase, but I enjoy the genre it is attached to. I certainly don't claim to be well versed as far as who's who in industrial goes - if it makes me stomp or do all that "chase the penny, escape the spiderwebs" shit with my hands and arms when I'm at a club, I'm a happy camper with heavily lined eyes.


Le Tigre, Peaches, Tracy and the Plastics, Chicks On Speed, Punk Bunny, Lo-Fi Soul Rebellion, Lesbians On Ecstacy, Autechre, Scooter, DJ Kotton Kandy, Paul Van Dyk,

Rock/Indie/Pop/Punk/Riot Grrrl:/
Aerosmith, Beck, Sleater-Kinney, Daylight Basement, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Dungen, Heavy Trash, the Sadies, Southern Culture On the Skids, Low, Gossip, Led Zepplin, the Sweet, Final Avengers, Strokes, Boss Hog, X, Buzzcocks, Bikini Kill, Excuse 17, The Catheters, Mercir, Nick Cave, Nirvana, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Les Savy Fav, Hives, Interpol, Mirah, bangs, Sugarcubes, Pearl Jam, Junior/Senior, Skid Row, Slant 6, Ramones, Letters to Cleo, Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Pussy Galore, the Killers, Tennis Pro

You would be hard pressed to find someone who listens to the two Post Stardom Depression records as much as I do.

I love Johnny Cash, RL Burnside, and Princess Superstar. However, I don't know enough country, blues, or hip-hop that I could set up sections for them.

Odds and ends:

Lounge, swing, and big band. All sorts of eighties New Wave. A "wild bop". Classical, but can't get very specific there. Anything that inspires hairbrush karaoke and/or high-kicks.


Top Gun, Fighting Sullivans, Fight Club, Wild at Heart, Valley Girl, Amelie, Tenenbaums, City of Lost Children, Requiem for a Dream, Ice Storm, African Queen, Bowling for Columbine, all PT Anderson, Boondock Saints, Johnny Depp, Freeway, Cemetary Man, most Coen Brothers, 28 Days Later, old school Muppet movies, But I'm A Cheerleader, Wayne's World, True Romance, Face Off, Groundhogs Day, Go!, Unforgiven


M*A*S*H, Grey's Anatomy, Buffy, Muppet Show, Flying Circus, The Young Ones, PBS, Food Network


Currently reading:

Books, Authors, and Genres I can't stay away from:

Chuck Palahniuk, Dorothy Allison, Kinky Friedman, Molly Ivins, Jim Thompson, Richard Brautigan, Vonnegut, Irvine Welsh, Nick Hornby, David Sedaris, Michelle Tea, Gloria Steinem, Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, Anais Nin, Tristan Taormino, Cunt by Inga Muscio, Kafka was the Rage by Anatole Broyard, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by robert M. Pirsig, A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, Tao Te Ching, zine compilations, random short story collections that feature the fresh voices of my generation, vintage Home Ec books or medical journals, Jack Chick pamphlets, travel narratives, true crime, comics, comix, the Videohound.


My mother, for always looking forward.
My father for always looking back.
My brother, for dragging me through the five year plan just by doing so well at it himself.
My uncle Chris, he's just a badass motherfucker.
Three girls I've known since I was a kid, for fearlessly pursuing their own endeavors and supporting me while I do the same.
Anyone who's ever told me anything about bicycles without being a fucking jerk about it.
The other estheticians I work with at my spa, for letting me ask questions.
John and Shoobah, they're my monogamous role models.
People who spend less time on their MySpaces than I do.
And naturally, the demon of screamin...

what aerosmith band member are you?
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My Blog

The Sunday Top-Up.

Wake up.Guitar lessons in bed.Diner breakfast at 4 PM.Table thirteen at Zeeks with Slow Sunday friends.Fixed gear adventure on J.Wheelie's Pake Dream.Sunny ride to Greenlake with Cass and J.Wheelie.Sa...
Posted by alyson on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 03:29:00 PST

Please enjoy lyrics that my mother gave to me:

Last year, I spent a few months of the season of wither in my native Winthrop, Massachusetts, and let my mother baby me while I recovered from my early twenties. Besides being broke, sad, and in poor ...
Posted by alyson on Tue, 22 May 2007 06:31:00 PST

The Moment.

The moment I heard of her, I was eleven years old. My mother told me a new family had just moved into the Conway's old house around the corner - with three girls and three boys. One was about to start...
Posted by alyson on Wed, 09 May 2007 04:01:00 PST


It's hard when you realize that after thinking for a good bit of time that you're a catch, that you realize you're just a kick.I was talking to an ex recently, and he mentioned that a seemingly substa...
Posted by alyson on Tue, 08 May 2007 03:35:00 PST

Topped Up.

I was riding Riding on my bike Me with my friend We're so alike...aly.raej.wheelie...
Posted by alyson on Sun, 06 May 2007 04:10:00 PST

Save the date (May 27th) for bikes, babes, and baked goods!

Three members of the .83 Ladies Division have birthdays coming up, and we're taking our party all over town! Please Join Al, Molly, and myself for a bicycle adventure that will literally be "hella swe...
Posted by alyson on Tue, 01 May 2007 05:13:00 PST

This Wednesday, there's no place I'd rather be...

Posted by alyson on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 02:46:00 PST

Please enjoy the prefunk lyrics.

The poor grammar and use of digits in lieu of words is only appropiate because it is The Artist:How can I put this in a way so as not to offend or unnerve There's a rumor goin' all round that u ain't ...
Posted by alyson on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 08:31:00 PST

I know there's been all kindsa shoes underneath yo' bed... I fuck with my boots on, 'cause you fucked with my head.Just put this shit on layaway, lock up your sons when I get them paid off....
Posted by alyson on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:48:00 PST

Fivelist: tax slaying.

1. If it weren't sick enough how much I got jacked for having had two jobs in 2006, you can actually watch as the total federal return drops by hundreds of dollars as soon as you submit the second W-2...
Posted by alyson on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:21:00 PST