Gordon Jump, Emmy Noether, the Dan Mogan/Anastasia Carpanzano tandem, and the dude from the Verizon commercials--has anyone ever become such a TV star without ever vocalizing a word? Why does a telecommunications company have a spokesperon who's completely silent?
Steel Belted Radials, Snow Chains, Kenny's Jugular, Pearl Jam, and The New Tragedies. After that, we venture into the realm of what everyone else thinks is cool, but, I really enjoy bands whose members have superior talent. So, Journey.
Charlie Kaufman is a genius. Eternal Sunshine, Adaptation, John Malkovic, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Also like Michael Mann films, dude has a good eye. Will Ferrell is a funny guy. Other than that, indie films that everyone else tends to disagree with me on their nobility.
PBS, Discovery Channel, etc. Please, no more Texas Hold 'em tournaments--Christ almighty. Note: Arrested Development just may be the most phenomenally written/produced series to ever grace the network airwaves. Rest in peace.
...on tape. "We need to be using less paper," says Mother Nature. But, it must be said that I have actually read many books. A few: Tuesdays with Morrie, Inherit the Wind, The Alchemist, Nothing in This Book is True..., The Life of Pi, Fingerprints of the Gods (which is an 800 page bohemeth-- after that accomplishment, and the state of global affairs, I decided to devote my reading skills to news articles).
See: Mogan/Carpanzano