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About Me

I am Devin. Master of The All and The Ackward Moments. Sometimes its ok to forget your public decency in the name of good fun. We do things different around here, so get used to the bizarre new world you enter in my presence. A reverend of stringed instruments, I take pride in my self-expression, and you should take pride in that damn good looking tie you have there. Good job you sexy beast. Blood and chicken wings, fatal accidents and laughing gas. I hear screams every now and then but you shouldn't be worried. I am outgoing every now and then, I am loud every now and then, I am confusing every other now and then. Get used to the cold water, your testicles will be back shortly. My god I enjoy your eyeliner, may I taste the fruits of your aesthetic perfection? Electronica and french fries, herbal remedies with a mix of good friends is a great way to spend a lazy afternoon. Over and Out.
A pulling sensation,
WHAM. Physical body is gone, where am Eye now?
Everywhere and nowhere.
Quetzecoatl greets me in embrace.
Shows me life.
From the very start.
Eye, the concept of life, grow and flourish.
WHAM. Where am Eye now?
Question is WHAT am Eye now?
Fire running through my fingertips.
Eye am two things at once?
Yet, it makes sense.
My reality. My world. My life.
Mine to bend and manipulate.
Rake my flaming hands across my body, and burn away.
It is in this deprivation Eye am whole.
My lOVe is infinite.
Chaos - the word must be spoken though only the untruth of it shall be known
The blasphemy of it shall be our liberation.
Change is the only constant phenomenon.
Oh let me worship the randomness of things, for all that I have ever loved has come forth from it and will be taken away by it. Chance!
Hail also unto apparent order, for it increaseth the possibilities of chaos.
There can be no absolute truth in a universe of relativities.
All things are arbitrary, some things have relative truth for a time.
Life being accidental we are free to give it any point we like.
I do not find it necessary to account for my actions even unto myself.
I require no justification.
That I do it, is sufficient in itself.
Life is its own answer, my spirituality is the way I live it.
I will believe whatever brings me joy, power, and ecstasy.
Understanding cannot understand itself.
Perception cannot perceive itself.
Will cannot unwill itself.
The Secret of the Universe IS the Secret of the Universe, known to me in the silences and in the storms.
.Taken from "Psychonaut" by Peter J. Carrol.

My Interests

art, musick, chaos magick, lucid dreaming, bisexuality, philosophy and religion, "occultism", conspiracies, horror movies, the darker aspect of the human psyche, the lighter aspect of the human psyche, stomachs, and the female figure, generally anything thought provoking or belief destroying.

I'd like to meet:

Brought to you by My-CodesGrant Morrison Explaining Magick ..The Mars Volta : Drunkship Of The Lanterns..


anything that makes me feel a little bit more alive. skinny puppy, ministry, ohgr, download, psychic tv, pressurehed, pigface, COIL, throbbing gristle, front 242, LPD, RevCo, cabaret voltaire, the mars volta, nick cave and the bad seeds, pailhead, bile, shady meadow medical center, KMFDM, AFI, yeah yeah yeahs, zeppelin, rush, black sabbath, danzig, classic misfits, the cure, circle jerks, black flag, coheed and cambria, Nile, icons of filth, napalm death ,malevolent, porcupine tree, NIN, agoraphobic nosebleed, pig destroyer, mindless self indulgence, front line assembly, infected mushroom, hallucinogen, the crass, hendrix, alien sex fiend, camille, incubus, unicorns, white stripes, mushroomhead, ozric tentacles, chrome, christian death, queens of the stone age, postal service, einsturzuende neubaten, killing joke, pig, autolux, rabbit in the moon, muse, death cab for cutie, lords of the new church, at the drive in, david bowie, the pixies, android lust, the paramecium, dead boys, slick idiot, tapeworm, vnv nation, deftones, the who, doors, all gone dead, my life with the thrill kill kult, TOOL, arctic monkeys, garbage, massive attack, the electric hellfire club, and definately more. Industrial, alternative, classic rock, anything psychadleic, Old school punk, acidpunk, crustpunk, death metal, grind, electronica, deathrock, indie, experimental, noisemuzak, etc.


Indie shit that makes you think. ..


Is it adult entertainment that is killing the children or adults killing the children for entertainment?


I don't read enough. philosophy and non-fiction
Currently reading:
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


Thine Roots Do Grow Ever Deeper Into My Soul

My Blog

Disneyland Trip

Hell yeah! the disneyland trip was great, went with the rest of the PG school band, and it was just freeeeedom. we stayed at a rad hotel, met a ton of cool people from all around the country, and got ...
Posted by Neuromancer on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 08:40:00 PST

Thee Art Ov Transcendence

In this infinity thee truth is neverEye am everything to something andEye am nothing to everythingEye am everything to everything andeverything is no thing to me. Every man and every woman is a starW...
Posted by Neuromancer on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 07:04:00 PST

On Magick

This is a spontaneous reaching out to a friend of mine that turned out to probably be a helpful DIY essay on beginners magick. so here you go guys, read up :D   indeed, you need to calm the storm...
Posted by Neuromancer on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:14:00 PST

turtle sex

Posted by Neuromancer on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 06:57:00 PST

The REAL story of Politikill

I am writing this as a factual record of events as they have transpired over the past months of late. This band started in March and began writing quickly. After only being together 2 months they reco...
Posted by Neuromancer on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 09:30:00 PST

Salvia User's Guide

The Salvia divinorum User's Guide Version date: July 23, 2006( The most recent version can always be found at: ) Created by "Sage Student", with contributions, ...
Posted by Neuromancer on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:59:00 PST


So Ive decided that as an endurance test, I shall have stopped all self-gratification until October 31st. I stopped at september 20th, however couldn't last a week, so I'm starting again on october 1s...
Posted by Neuromancer on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 10:08:00 PST

Would It Really All Come Down On Me Like This?

so 4 weeks ago, me and emily almost broke up. after a mature debate, discovering a few things about ourselves, we decided we would give each other a few weeks together and hopefully fix some complaint...
Posted by Neuromancer on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 07:49:00 PST

Altitude, by Pressurehed

I love this song :   My breath is crystalline and clear,my lungs are made of glass.The air is rushing in and out-reflections of the past.Transparent land of ice and quartz,the needles pierce the ...
Posted by Neuromancer on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 06:58:00 PST


So I finally got everything uploaded, so here I go.Saw TOOL on saturday, sep. 2nd at sleep train ampitheatre with emily, fur, and their cousin and aunt, patti and joyce. we spent the day playing DDR a...
Posted by Neuromancer on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:21:00 PST