Angus profile picture


"I will be your luck and never your curse"

About Me

I'm an ancient 21 years old and live in summerville as of late. My major is Political Science, which I'm going through at Cofc. Hope to do some good in the world. I'm a vegetarian and love a good beer occasionally. usually outgoing if I'm comfortable with people but can be completely anti-social too. Debates and arguments are fun if done right. Love my friends and my girlfriend even more.

My Interests

I'm into Music a great deal, I love to read, both books and graphic novels. I'm into rpgs and other games on the PS2. I'm into politics enough to know things are not as they should be and I'm sure I could come up with reasonable points without seeming like a trendy malcontent. I apparently love to argue or as I like to put it debate, usually babout politics, religion or other fun stuff. I party seldomly but when I do it's fun. I'm planning on doing some work with Habitat, inspired by Dr. Day on that one. My job is turning me into a Misanthrope. I hate pseudo-intellectuals or people that use ironic the wrong way.

I'd like to meet:

Well girl-wise I'm all set. I have a pretty. I'd still like to meet new and fun people though, if they happen to be easy on the eyes then so be it. I'll always love my girl-friends, especially the short asian ones. Oh and hot guys, they're very fun to look at. Otherwise, laidback, funny and not stuck up.
MySpace Layouts


Audioslave. Jack Johnson. Kings of Leon. Slipknot. Incubus. KoRn. Disturbed. My Chemical Romance. The Used. The Capsules. Metallica. Jimmy Buffett. Pearl Jam. Rammstein. P.O.D. Linkin Park. The Killers. Rage against the Machine. Soundgarden.


Crash was excellent. Love Kill Bill. Batman Begins. Roldy and Kumar. Anti-Trust. Reindeer Games. Office Space. Star Wars Trilogy (tie between Revenge and Empire). Van Wilder. Constant Gardener. Lord of the Rings. Matrix. Equilibrium. Troy(Penny-Arcade had it right). Pirates of the Caribbean. Once upon a Time in Mexico. Inu Yasha. Princess Monoke. Howl's Moving Castle. Boondock Saints. Igby goes down. Sky High. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The Mummy. Dracula. Queen of the Damned( Best Lestat ever). Red Eye(simply cuz of Cillian Murphy). Fight Club. Legends of the Fall.


Not all that much Tv really. Usually cartoon Network's Midnight Run tho.


I like Neil Gaiman even though it can be hard to get into some times. Same goes for Chuck Palahniuk. I'm trying to dig some Chomsky and Nader on the educational side. I'm completely addicted to the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher right now. Awesome series. Harry Potter is kind of a no brainer.


I claim no Hero.

My Blog

Is it Fall yet?

I  got my GPA up again after one summer course and get to go back to COFC in the fall with single dorm and all. Yay!!!! It's a good day....
Posted by Angus on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:21:00 PST

I thought this was pretty interesting... I'm sharing.  Blinking helps....
Posted by Angus on Tue, 01 May 2007 05:36:00 PST

What the hell gramps?

So the last two times I've been signed in at caroline's dorm it's been in the presence of this nice looking old man. Well thing he's actually a sour old bastard who just can't bear seeing people givin...
Posted by Angus on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:31:00 PST

Must be Christmas

I hate Christmas right now. Reason being that I have to be at work at 8am and stay for 8 excruciating hours. So how much does that blow. Who shops in mall at 8 in the fucking morning anyways??? Seriso...
Posted by Angus on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 06:32:00 PST

Alright, Fine.

So due to popular demand, or constant nagging by Ian, I decided to post a blog. well I guess I don't feel like there is anything to talk about, but since it's been a while since I have posted there pr...
Posted by Angus on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 08:43:00 PST

I love

Well despite being depressed about the movies I've seen lately which show that the world is aweful and some people should just not be alive, I'm feeling awesome. I've got a grip on committment issues ...
Posted by Angus on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:05:00 PST

Directions to Party on the Friday the 19th!!!!!

Well as the people who have been talked to should know, my Birthday party is this coming Friday. I'm thinking we'll start about 9pm, but you're welcome to come a lil earlier. Fuck being fashionably la...
Posted by Angus on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 10:33:00 PST

Finished Harry Potter

Man I had trouble registering the ending of the Half Blood Prince. I really did. I had to read it over like twice to believe what happened. it was weird. True I was kinda not sober or whatever, but ma...
Posted by Angus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

And it keeps on coming

So I'm going to summerschool for another month and I'll have a grand total of 11 days before school starts back up, if I'm luck enought o get an A. Man, I'm really looking forward to beign able to get...
Posted by Angus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'll drink to that.

Here is to being a bad influence, James not being able to take a hint short of being beaten with a pool stick, incriminating pictures, talking too much when you're drunk and wishing someone would stop...
Posted by Angus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST