eggs over medium, double bacon extra crispy, home-fries well done, rye toast extra butter, coffee, my bass what's your poison???
everyone except you
Cavalera Conspiracy Infliktour 2008
boondock saints,time bandits, goodfellas, friday,old school, king of new york, to kill a mockingbird, heavy metal, poltergeist, rear window,bird cage, suberbia, repoman, the search for animal chin, requiem for a dream, the shining
simpsons, dave chapelle, family guy, curb your enthusiasm, honeymooners, charlie rose, ESPN sports center, fox 5 news at 10:00 in nyc...funniest shit on t.v. p.s. i've been livin' with zippy so i have no clue what is on tv anymore.
the bible and serial killer profiling ..s
my dad... my mom... john paul jones... and of course BOOMER R.I.P.