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Got a headful of horror

About Me

Someone hacked into my space and said something about me being a lesbian. What nonsense.
They also fiddled around with my layout, which pissed me off a little.
It doesn't look quite right yet and all the blurb I wrote about me has gone so here I am attempting to rewrite it.
well...what can I say? I'm a girl, aged 22...I used to feel older than I was and now I feel younger. I guess that's a good thing. There must have been a point in which it crossed over, a time when I was the age that I felt I was. I dont remember when. Unless, the age I feel I am is constantly changing...then the cross over could always be avoided.
I moved to York to study Philosophy...but primarily to get away from Torbay. I suppose I wanted to start again, as someone new, somewhere new...I would be all those things I wasn't able to be back in Torbay. The second chance at being me. Didn't really happen like that...if anything, things were amplified. You can change towns..not so easy to change yourself. Can you change yourself anyway? Or is it always gonna be some extravagant cover-up? Sooner or later you realise that being all these other things, isn't you 'becoming better' but you 'being someone else'...
Nevertheless, moving to York was the best thing I could have done! I like the place, I've met some rather wonderful people who, collectively, like the same things as me. These are mainly, live music, beards, a smoke, beer, arty films, martial arts films, horror films, indie films and all other films infact!, animals, talking and being happy. There are more...but you get the idea.
I get bored easily, I cant help it. I get itchy feet, I cant wait to go travelling again but I have but a few dollar in my back pocket so for now I suffice with visiting anyone I can over the UK. It's fun. I like meeting new people. Once I've gathered some dosh there are loads of places I'd like to visit, Japan, India, Thailand...preferably with my best friend, whoever that may be, or with a beautiful man at my side..either is good. I love to plan ahead, it's what keeps me sane!
So, basically I'm a 22 yr old vegetarian who likes nothing more than to lie around with her friends, drinking, smoking and listening to vinyls and is often caught riding a harley across a desert in her dreams. check that.
I've brought the rabbits back and they're bigger and better than before

My Interests

my interests in no particular order:-

Ducks, Festivals, Beer, Snow, Gigs, Connections, Films, Beards, Taking Photos, red shoes, Music, feeling the opposite of alone, Nice eyes, getting post, sending post, Drawing, Sleeping in the afternoon, listening to the blues, Cartoons, NOT giant pandas, Vinyl records, Art, Hugs, dancing like a fool, Grant, Watching futurama in bed, Smiles, Giant rabbits, trips to far flung places, a comfy pair of jeans, backyard meetings, Dinosaurs and Dragons, accesorizing, rock n' roll, BBQ's, those infrequent moments it is raining hard but for once you LOVE it, Play doh, party rings, having a smoke, the blues, Motorbikes, mix tapes, a funky bass line, long mornings and late nights, kisses, Drinking in the afternoon, Going to the cinema, drawing eyes, understanding followed closely by a second chance, Coke, The Discworld, Lizards, unexpected phonecalls,animals, appreciating people with silly hair cuts, Feeling the sun on the back of my neck, Black and white photos, bags with long straps, losing your mind and then finding it again,WRITING LISTS and Good Friends...

I'd like to meet:

David Bowie
Bob Dylan
Conor Oberst
Tim Burton
Robin Hood
Bill Bailey

and anyone else who's nice :)



Seafood, The Boy Least Likely to, The Brakes, The Who, Bright Eyes, Martin Grech, Dorothy Parker, British Sea Power, Beck, Placebo, The Super Furry Animals, The Chalets, Fischerspooner, Muddy Waters, Dinosaur jr, The Flaming Lips, At The Drive In, The Beatles, Ben Kweller, Le Tigre, Mono Taxi, Bloc Party, Hendrix, Tilly and The Wall, Devendra Banhart, Ryan Adams, The Semifinalists, Interpol, The Cure, Ladytron, Johnny Cash, Grandaddy, Sonic Youth, Frou Frou, The Envelopes, Led Zeppelin, The Long Blondes, David Bowie. The Pixies, RHCP, Morrissey, The Ramones, Modest Mouse, Tales Of Jenny, Secret Machines, Pavement, Nina Simone, The Research, Aberfeldy, National Forest, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Pipettes, Graham Coxon, Rilo Kiley, Kula Shaker, Silversun, Blondie, The Crimea, Fly Me Friendly, The Arcade Fire, Soulwax, Lemon Jelly, Ash, Four tet, Joni Mitchell, The Mars Volta, BRMC, The Doors, Belle and Sebastian, Imogen Heap, The Clash, Camera Obscura, The Libertines, Hell Is For Heroes, The Levellers, Dusty Springfield, Joanna Newsom, Crosby, Stills and Nash, The Smiths, I Am Jack, Wilco, Blur, Talking Heads, Rufus Wainwright, Pink Floyd, Elvis, Cardboard Radio, Idlewild, Talulah Gosh, Neil Young, Symposium, The Beach Boys, Mew, Presidents Of The United States Of America, The Rolling Stones, Marvin Gaye, The Kinks, Sigur Ros, Bob Dylan, Piney Gir, THISgirl, The Notwist, The Strokes, Stuffy And The Fuses, The Postal Service, The Shins, Boss Caine, The Crocketts, Gorillaz, Iron and Wine,Oversol....and Feeder before they went rubbish
oh yeah and check these guys out if you like jazzy, rocky stuff, my sister's band:


Oldboy, Garden State, Battle Royale, The Machinist, The Goonies, all the Alien films, Trainspotting, High Fidelity, Being John Malkovich, This is Spinal Tap, Sin City, Adaptation, The Corpse Bride, The Life Aquatic, Crybaby, Leon, Taxi Driver, Girl Interrupted, Benny and Joon, Team America, Gentlemen prefer blondes, Sleepy Hollow, Pulp Fiction, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Bill and Teds excellent adventure/ bogus journey, The Evil Dead, The Devils Rejects, Donnie Darko,Ghost World...
Hero, Twelve Monkeys, Stand by Me, Amelie, Edward Scissor Hands,The Big Lebowski, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, LOTR, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Monty Python, True Romance, Arlington Road, The Breakfast Club, City of God, The Fifth Element, Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs, American Psycho, Shallow Grave, House of Flying Daggers,I .. Huckabees, Almost Famous, Labyrinth, Batman Begins, The Lost Boys (yes...shame on me), Kill Bill 1+2, Heathers, The Science of Sleep, 28 Days Later, Spirited Away, American History X, A Scanner Darkly, Fight Club, Ghost In The Shell 1+2...


Black Books, Spaced, Futurama, Neighbours, Red Dwarf, The Mighty Boosh, Alan Partridge, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Nathan Barley, Curb your enthusiasm, It's not easy being green, QI, Family Guy, 24, Monkey Dust, Danger Mouse, Green Wing, Spooks, Gormenghast, Kath and Kim, Have I got News For You, Jools Holland, Simpsons, Top Gear, Scrubs...


I'm not a big reader to be quite honest. It wasn't always the case...I read tons when I was younger, mostly to avoid the real world I fear. I got completely absorbed by Terry Pratchetts Discworld and I'm currently in the process of re-discovering how great it is.
I'm also a sucker for C.S.Lewis 'Chronicles Of Narnia''s so magical. My ex also introduced me to Douglas Coupland who has became one of the few authors I seem to be bothered to get around to reading. Like my mummy I also enjoy a biography from time to time...Syd Barrett is a cracker!
other than that tends to be mostly philosophical readings, interesting but hard going. Maybe that's why I dont read has sucked the fun out of it.

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My Blog

A little bit about me...

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Marianne Birthday: 17th March Birthplace: Torbay Hospital Current Location: York Eye Color: hazel Hair Color: auburn Height: 5 foot 7 Right Hande...
Posted by Maz on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:24:00 PST

The Re-appearance of Kula Shaker

I do believe Huzzah's are in order....HUZZAH!!! What better to lift my spirits than the confirmation of a long awaited reunion of Crispian, Alonza and Paul, but alas no Jay...he's still convinced that...
Posted by Maz on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 01:19:00 PST