i like bad puns. other nerd things, such as: plate tectonics, leftist internet news, satire, humanism. (real) coffee. parentheses. walking aimlessly. running mindlessly. one-on-one conversations that resonate with meaning and purpose. one-on-one conversations that are totally absurd and consist entirely of jokes. underground culture in seoul (still) and knoxville.
people who like rock music and whiskey.
i like noise, post-punk, experimentalism, just barely controlled chaos. plus perfect pop.http://www.last.fm/user/ookunoki/
what you would expect.
les cousins dangereux.
my favorite books are magic mountain and sentimental education. i'm addicted to murakami and nabokov but for different reasons. the corrections is probably the best book i've read in the past year.
the first historic anithero to argue against mystifying other historic individuals.