Music (extremely varied, but I like metal the mostest,) true crime books & TV, eBay (selling & buying,) making jewelry, ghost stories, horror novels & movies, going to our school's sports and other events,taking pictures (even though I sort of suck at it), HALLOWEEN (my Christmas; I love it,) and gathering information about my family history.
James Hetfield (I love me some Metallica, and James is the coolest!)
Ozzy (I probably wouldn't understand a word he said, but who cares? He's f-in' Ozzy!)
Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the most genius social commentators of our time!)
Rob Zombie (he's gotta be a major multi-tasker like me)
Cyndi Lauper (I wanted to be her when I grew up)
Stephen King (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE his stuff)
Eddie Izzard (so f-in' funny!)
JK Rowling (she's brilliant; read the "Harry Potter" series and just try to disagree)
Alice Cooper (choppin' off heads when the rest of the world had flowers in their hair)
Quentin Tarantino ("Pulp Fiction" changed the way I watch movies)Metallica - Harvester Of Sorrow - 2004.06.04 Lisboa Portugal
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METALLICA!, Black Sabbath, Rob Zombie, Tori Amos, 80's-90's metal, Alice In Chains, Creature Feature, Weird Al, Nickel Creek, Alice Cooper, Crud, 80's new wave, Smashing Pumpkins, Cyndi Lauper, the Go Gos, the Ramones, the Misfits, The Famous Ogs,lots of other junk...
"Pulp Fiction", "Princess Bride", "Clerks", "Mallrats", Eddie Izzard's "Dressed to Kill", "Shaun of the Dead", "Nightmare on Elm Street" 1 and 3, "Major League", "Spider Man" 1 and 2, "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "The Sixth Sense", "The Matrix" (just the first one, though; the other two sort of blow,) "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Stand By Me", "A League of Their Own", "Heathers", "Evil Dead" series, "Paradise Lost" and its sequel, "American Movie"...can't think of any more right now.
"SOUTH PARK!", "Cold Case Files", "Law and Order" (all of 'em), "X-Files", "Ghost Hunters", "Project Runway", "Is It Real?", "Forensic Files", "American Justice", "A Haunting", "Best Week Ever", "The Soup", "Snapped", "Miami Ink", "Heroes" "Weird Travels", "The Simpsons" and I loved "Sifl & Olly" and "Space Ghost Coast to Coast". Too bad they aren't still on. ADD
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Anything by Stephen King, "Harry Potter" series by JK Rowling, "A Stranger Beside Me" by Anne Rule, "Human Monsters" by David Everitt, "The Last Victim" by Jason Moss, "The Embrace" by Aphrodite Jones, "The Killers Among Us" book I and II by Damon Wilson and Colin Wilson, "Haunted Heartland" by Michael Norman and Beth Scott, "Piercing the Darkness" by Kathrine Ramsland, "Mind Hunter" by John Douglas, "I Have Lived in the Monster" by Robert K. Ressler, "The Dark Is Rising" by Susan Cooper, "Night of the Twisters" by Ivy Ruckman
My parents, Mike & Jan Nuss (truly self-made success stories; they taught me how to work hard) My uncle, Andy Covalt (brave enough to follow his dream; the guy I wanted to be just like as a kid) My sister, Lisa Nuss (brainy little smart ass; never backs down from a fight) My brother, Kevin Nuss (f-in' scary smart; coolness personified) My grandmothers, Lillian Covalt, Doris Nuss, Gertrude Jessup, and Billie Wickard (they are where I get my strength and my moral compass; each a tough old gal in their own ways)