Volleyballing it up with the old folks every week!! SCUBA diving in the great Pac NW!!! Anything to do with animals usually catches my eye!
People who have fun stories to tell and lead active lives. I like hearing from people i haven't talked to in years, its like meeting them all over again...and again!
I love 80's butt rock and country music (I am from Monroe ya know!!)
I generally like most chick flicks or movies based on real stories. Serendipity is my absolute favorite!
If you know me you shouldn't have to read this section, and for those who don't.....ER is my absolute favorite show. I also like Grey's Anatomy and Dancing with the Stars!
I love the books Shadow Divers and Marley & Me, Lovely Bones was an interesting read. If you have any good suggestions let me know! Current read: Modoc!
Heros....There are so many people I admire: Family, friends, strangers. My parents are my heros! My mom for being a single mom, working full time, and still making time for us kids!! My dad for being just that! My dad is the best dad anyone could ask for, there is a reason i'm so much like him!! Linda, my other mom! She is always there for me with a glass of wine and a good laugh! All my friends who signed themselves up for the army, navy, marines, and air force and have had to go over seas, I admire that kind of courage!