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About Me

Welcome Friends! I have something for everyone to see that's most extraordinary. From studying the images sent by the rovers and other missions, Mars is proving to be a treasure trove of marvels. I've compiled into nine categories a CD presenting a wide array of objects that I have found on the Martian surface that are highly biological and artificial in appearance. Most remarkable is the face of a little Mars Man that I found from the Spirit rover navigation cameras taken on sol 118. He's peeking out from the shadow of an unusual shaped 'rock' that appears as a bunker type of shelter. He's staring directly at rover as the camera shot this candid picture of him. Just as intriguing is what appears to be four objects that look exactly like tools laying about ten feet away from him in excellent view of the cameras. The smallest one that looks like an eyebolt shows to have moisture surrounding it! Plus, I've found a very identifiable and remarkably large snail that is about a foot in height. A giant scallop type of shell and smaller sea shell lay next to the giant snail. Very recognizable horseshoe crabs are seen together. There are four species of familiar sea (and land) creatures resting within feet from each other. Something else I've found is an entirely new species of animals (and/or Pods) unlike any on earth. They come in various sizes and shapes. Some look like shells and others are fat bladder or pod shaped things. They all exhibit the same type of feature that looks like a proboscis, or tube-like appendage that stretches outward and down, protruding into the ground. It's purpose seems obvious...to siphon. Again, suspect for there being the availability of water. I found so many wonderful objects that I began to categorize them as: Humankind, Human Art Forms, Animal Life, Animal Art Forms, Artificial or Manufactured Objects, Architecture, Lakes, Pods, and Aerial Phenomenon. What you see here is just a sample of all the things that I've found. I now have 179 images (All Rights Reserved. Copyrighted by Daina Gibbs, 2006-2007. All Mars images are courtesy of NASA/JPL) along with additional ones that I've yet to record. Many stunning objects that I have found are IDENTICAL to things we have on earth. Martian discoveries will revolutionize your perspective on: the existence of diverse life forms that we share with another planet in our solar system, how life is almost predictably similar and yet surprisingly different, and above all, how you will regard the relevancy of 'common things' pertaining to their size, dimension and function. Even in Mars' skies, I've found objects with something similar to our UFO phenomenon. Mars certainly appears to be a thriving planet in spite of the 'official story'. In my CD, MARS ROCKS! I present these images with giving my take as to what they all may be. It's become apparent that every single image I present cannot, each and every time, be merely an illusion or a play of light and shadow. There occurs repeated appearances of specific items and evidence of intelligent, thematical design. Things that by all odds, simply cannot be considered as random chance. Especially the easy-to-see ones, such as the proboscis feature of the bladder and shell creatures, the obvious detail and clarity seen with the snail, crabs, and shells. Evidence of the image of a dark brown, gnarly creature inside it's shell is an actual animal seen in perfect view. There is a definite 'handywork' behind shape and design of PERFECT geometric angles, lines and symmetry that is seen in so many 'structures' and 'objects'. And certainly, The Star of the Show, the Humanoid, whose live, human face is noticeably directed, with full attention, toward the rover, is a picture that is most worthy of a thousand words. Suspend previous held notions and allow the undoubtedly unsettling, but tantalizingly thought provoking images of Mars reveal its true nature. Contact info for the CD MARS ROCKS! by Daina Gibbs is at [email protected]. Join my Mars Discoveries Group at ttp://groups.myspace.com/marsman2005................. Amigos! Bienvenidos! Tengo algo para usted al sudeste. Algo mas que puede ser creido. Las imagenes de Marte muestran la vida formas y varios artefactos en una escall miniatura fenomenal. He encontrado dos tipos de humans. Uno como nostotros y con otras unicas pulgada altas. Los animales tales como los carocoles, el cangrejo, los esqueletos, los patines, los tortugas y nueva especie de un animale o la vaina que tienen un tipo proboscide de apendice. La arquitectura de clasico, las paramides, las tores, las cisternas, bel. MARS ROCKS! MARTE MECE! por Daina Gibbs (2006c) esta disponible en [email protected]. Useted Sera Flabergasted!

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Join my MySpace group, Mars Discoveries at http://groups.myspace.com/marsman2005GibbsMarsDiscoveries.co m Coming Soon

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My Blog

WHO DELETED My Friends and Comments?!

WHO'S DELETING ITEMS FROM MY PAGE?!   To my shock, some of my MySpace Friends have disappeared from my Friends List and all their comments have been deleted!  
Posted by Daina on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 04:43:00 PST

Gnarly Creature Inside Its Shell

The gnarly features of a dark brown creature are easily seen to be recessed inside a lovely, long, evenly arched shell that has a garland shaped bottom that may possibly function the wa...
Posted by Daina on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:09:00 PST

Someone Deleted/Censured My Pics!

Apparently, someone has deleted my slideshow and my front page pic of Mars Man and another pic in my collection on this page, dainagibbs.  AND, my slideshow and two pics are gone from my other my...
Posted by Daina on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 05:19:00 PST