The written word, music, musing, shutter-clicks, the change of seasons, the desert, contradiction, nostalgia, peaches on paper, ellipsis, lonesomeness, cat dreams, the success of The Lisps, the silliness of silly inquisitions, silliness itself . . .
Hemingway before the Mayo Clinic, Sylvia Plath before the stove, Virginia Woolf before the Ouse, Dylan Thomas before the invention of the drink
Live, 1966: The Royal Albert Hall Concert, Desire, Blonde on Blonde, Blood on the Tracks, Graceland, Blue, Harvest, Sticky Fingers, The White Album, Dilate, Exile On Main Street, Kind of Blue, Rubber Soul, Pink Moon, The Bends, Ascenseur Pour L'échafaud, Beggar's Banquet, Astral Weeks, Blue Train, Nebraska, Heartbreaker, Tallahassee, Boxer, Country Doctor Museum
"Everyone has the right to make an ass out of themselves."
The valentine of desire is pasted over my heart / and still we are not touching, like things / in a poorly done still life / where the knife appears to be floating over the plate / which is itself hovering above the table somehow, / the entire arrangement of apple, pear and wineglass / having forgotten the law of gravity, / refusing to be still, / as if the painter had caught them all / in a rare moment of slow flight / just before they drifted out of the room / through a window of perfectly realistic sunlight.
Whoever inspired my mother’s sole attempt at art