Bemani, science, math, music composition, Rubik's cube, computers, video games
Alive: Stephen Hawking, Kevin Rose, Leo Laporte
Dead: Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Euclid, Pythagoras, George Orwell, Mark Twain
Genres: Electronic (Eurobeat, trance, house, chemical breaks, jungle, anthem, downbeat), rock (classic, metal, punk, industrial, alternative, goth, ska?), hip-Hop (musical, not rap), classical, jazz
Artists: Darude, Chemical Brothers, Crystal Method, Underworld, Blue Man Group, Buckethead, Blink 182, Rammstein, DragonForce, Queen, Linkin Park, System of a Down, Bloc Party, Reel Big Fish, Smash Mouth, Kanye West, OutKast, Fort Minor, David Bowie
.. White Kids Aren't Hyphy (Neither is Kanye) by wzrds3
Directors: Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen, Quentin Tarantino, Mel Brooks, Peter Jackson
Actors/Actresses: Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Hugo Weaving, Sir Ian McKellan, Leonardo DiCaprio, Adrian Brody, Hugh Grant, Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Keanu Reeves, Sean Astin, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Julia Roberts, Rachel Weisz
Movies: A Scanner Darkly, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, A Clockwork Orange, Serenity, About A Boy, Dr. Strangelove, The Princess Bride, Seven Samurai, Good Night and Good Luck
Airing: Lost, Heroes, The 4400, Family Guy, South Park
No Longer Airing: The Lone Gunmen, The Twilight Zone
Authors: Douglas Adams, J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Ludlum, George Orwell, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Michael Crichton
Books: 1984, Lord of the Rings, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Timeline, Angels and Demons, Catch-22
None (heroes are for those who strive to fit in or for those who lack self-esteem)