It would be easier to note what im NOT interested in... Britney's fuckin divorce, or what gay ass new clothing fad is goin on. Everything else is pretty interesting. Even if it means listening to NPR broadcasting an author talking about his book he/she wrote about trees!! babes that like skinny dorks, uh, would be cool!! The Nerd Nation is the new hot thing ladies. Meeting some new people that are chill and fun would be nice, get me out of this hotel room.
ive been listening to, clutch, failure, rogue nation, under oath, dry kill logic, the human aftertaste, and trying to hit every show i can while im out on the road for work. Let me know of some shows..
anything good, this is really gay, but Mona Lisa Smile is a really cool movie!!
Adult Swim, Thursday night nbc lineup, sunday night fox lineup anything educational, Rob and Big, Wonder showzin,
nope, puts me to sleep. I know it all anyways right??
My pops.