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I cant predict the future.I cant change the past.I have this moment.I must treat it as the last

About Me

Happy Mothers Day Video

Add to My Profile | More Videosto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"Hey everyone! My name is Tammy and I am 36 years old. I have an awesome husband named Mike and we have been married for 16 years. He is the love of my life and still the hottest man alive. I have 2 of the most beautiful children in the world! My daughter Kristen is 19 and my son Brent is 16. Kristen is in college at Eastern New Mexico University specializing in Adolescent Psychology and I am very proud of her. Not only is she extremely smart but also beautiful. Brent is a sophmore in High School and is very talented. I know he will do great things in life. I have the greatest family imaginable, my sisters are very dear to me and my mother is an amazing woman. Now for the more interesting things, I am extremely republican and cannot understand anyone who isnt. I think there should be a very large fence built between the US and Mexico....I hate people that mistreat animals and do not take responsibility for their actions. I am a total anti-abortion advocate and I am sick of women saying "my body, my choice" you had the choice BEFORE you made a baby...it is not your choice any longer. Stop chaining up dogs and please take care of your children, they are a gift from God. I hate to go grocery shopping, I hate people that lick their fingers and last but not least stop concentrating on world peace and visualize using your turn signal. Oh and dont litter cuz I hate that too. Make the world a happier place for you being in it.

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My Interests


Add to My Profile | More VideosI love being with my husband and children and my family. I like to ride my waverunner in the summer. I am interested in politics, love babies and puppies and would like to end abortion. I also love to read and am writing a book in my spare time, which isnt much.
Laughing baby...HILARIOUS!!!

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I'd like to meet:

First and foremost is always God, it will be great when we get to talk to him. I love the armed forces of the United States, it is because of them we can rest our heads at night. I also would like to meet George Bush. I think he is a great man and a good president that is doing the best he can given the circumstances and he deserves our deepest respect. I would have like to meet my grandfather Cecil, they say he was great and loved his grandchildren deeply but he passed away when I was a baby.
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I love 80's music and the hair band generation, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Def leppard, kiss and so many more. I like almost any kind of music except for rap.
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My favoites are Independance Day, Armageddon and 80's movies like The Breakfast Club. I like Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson and Kevin Coster the most. And I guess anything that makes me cry...you guessed it...chick flicks!


I love the Young and the Restless still...I love ER, Medium, House and I am even starting to like American Idol. I love Deal or No Deal, Howie is too cute...oh and I also like reality shows.


I love Sylvia Brown books and romance novels. Not the ones in the 1800s but the ones in the medievil times


My first hero is Jesus Christ. he is the one that died for all of our sins on the cross so that we can have everlasting life. my dad Frank is next,he passed away 7 years ago and he changed my life for the better and was a wonderful man. RIP dad. My husband, Mike is third because of the great things he does for my life every day. President Bush and the United States Armed Services are true heroes for preserving freedom and the American way of life every day.