It's Tannie!!
What else do you really need to know...nothing really but just for your information:
I'm in a band - - Add us yeah?
I play Bass
Single? Pfft - It's none of your business actually
I've got one year of school left - hell yeah - But my class do rock a you can see...
I love making new friends
I'm not scary so talk!
&& Finally...this makes me melt everytime I read it....
With you, I found something I thought I could never find.
Someone who makes Phiggle feel whole
Someone who makes Phiggle loved
Someone who's Kind and AffectionateYou're that someone, that special someone.
You're the one who is my first love.
You're that someone who never tires with me
You're that someone who offers me,
Just that little bit more,
Just that extra bit special,
Sweetness.I wouldn't change you for all the money in the world
I'd be lost without you close by my side
I take Tannie for who Tannie really is
Not what others want Tannie to be.What I'm really trying to say is.
I love you.
More than the word itself.
I Love You.