Myspace Counter
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..../..../..../..../..../..../..../..../..../..../..../..../ ..../..../..../..../..../IM a student type doing Biomedical sciences at leeds met uni.Im livin in Flat 3 @ the mo n the flatm8s rock.
im all about the sport- love playin rugby and footy. i dnt mind swimmin but ive been ther done that.
il wathc most sports on t.v even if they are pointless.i LUV Bolton Wanderers.
erm......Turton 6th form 2006 was the best. lv all my mates but especially my gorjus gf lauren. shes the most important thing in my life and she is awesome!!
All ma col mates- Fernie baby, Stapes, jonny crook, adam, manny, mark, mike, peath, illif, kimmy, jordy, amy, BEX (lol), Ashy. ermmm finks thats evri1 if ive missd u msg me n il get u on
Then ov course theres the SPORTS WORLD CRU- Jonny crook agen, dave e, dean, kelly, kelly, amira, ayman, sam queer foster, tom n agen fink thats it bt if imissd u msg me.
Finally FLAT 3 UNIT- Fifey baby, Chris, Stef, Amani, Vicki and finally the late comer Claire
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