i have a strong passion in leading worship of THE God, singing, playing guitar/piano, all types of music really, people who have a sense of humor, sports, but not hockey, sorry philly im a cowboys fan fo' life, but girls dont hate! love goin to see the fightin' phils, playing basketball-soccer-volleyball-or kicking your butt in homerun derby, bonfires, all in all just making life fun but really, anything but accounting
chris tomlin--dashboard confessional--weezer--shawn mcdonald--lincoln brewster--mercy me--vroom--relient K--cross movement--phil wickham--gavin degraw--bethany dillon--natasha barsh--c-trax productions ya'll--SKuuuuTAH--the garden lake christmas gentlemen--list goes on
philadelphia--monty python(holy grail)--the exorcist--good will hunting--the godfather trilogy--john q--say anything--the notebook--love actually--serendipity--jerry maguire--forrest gump--rain man--lord of the rings--sleepless in seattle--really anything with denzel, tom cruise, matt damon, jude law, tom hanks, jim carrey, hugh grant, russell crowe, john cusack, robert deniro, al pacino, johnny depp, brad pitt(no im not gay, just serious)
sportscenter--seinfeld--dawson's creek--ed--mnf---football night america baby----24 isnt bad either, i got kinda hooked--friday night lights is great---and heroes(since its based on my life and all)
utmost for His highest--the Holy bible--and of course my boy Harry P(otter)--the new evidence that demands a verdict is pretty sweet too
crash bandicoot---and in a close second, quailman