John McMaster profile picture

John McMaster

He was the first...

About Me

Ex-lifetime member of the Church of Scientology, but still consider myself to be a scientologist. (note the small "s") The church is in a condition of Treason, and will remain so until it follows the route back.
Entered Scientology in 1962. Left the church officially when LRH died. (Although I had left the church in spirit some years previously). Ex-executive staff of a major Org. Graduate from St. Hill U.K. as H.S.S. Class VI (Hubbard Senior Scientologist - auditor level class 6 with "Blue Seal" i.e. permanent certification). O.T. 6, Founding Scientologist.
This site's purpose is not to bash the church, (there are lots of sites for that), but to (re)connect with old friends and allies, make new friends and allies, and answer questions of the inquisitive about the "early days".
More later.

My Interests

Reality,Illusion, and Beingness... hmmm... what else is there is except the minor details?
I would like to see the spread and use of scientology standard technology to aid and enable those beings who are here to receive it, and the destruction of the current Church of $cientology, or at the very least, its' coming up and out from a condition of Treason. I would like to see those beings who have corrupted the original goals of scientology for purposes of their own greed, power, and other deleterious needs, handled (as they used to say - "terminatedly").

I'd like to meet:

Anyone, at least once. Some more than once. Some many, many times. On occasion, I'd like to meet myself (and on occassion, I do).

Bob Dylan, featuring Scarlet Johannsen


Pretty much anything 60's + Dylan, Baez, Beatles, CCR, Eagles, Country Joe, the Dead, Joplin, the Doors, Jefferson Airplane (not Starship), Roy Orbison, most of the "Big Band" music of the 40's and 50's, Willie, Waylon and the boys, Beach Boys, George Thorogood, Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, Ted Nugent (Kiss My Ass), the Stones, Elton John, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bowie, Joan Jett, Talking Heads, Huey Lewis, Dire Straits, B52's,


Pulp Fiction, 12 Monkeys, Casablanca, Fallen, The Big Lebowski, The Prophecy, The Hunger, Reservoir Dogs, Office Space, Full Metal Jacket, Donnie Darko, City of Angels, Goodfellows, The Razor's Edge, Blade Runner, Blue Velvet, Stand By Me, The Deer Hunter, Harvey, The Graduate, Road to Perdition, Caligula (uncut!), Lost In Translation, What the !$%@!* Do We Know?, Apocalypse Now, American Beauty, Magnolia, Munich, Sling Blade


Twin Peaks, Huff, Dead Like Me, Deadwood, and currently, Weeds, Big Love, Dexter, Lost


Illusions (Richard Bach), Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), most books by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Ender series, anything by Robert Anton Wilson, Laurell K. Hamilton's books, Cat's Cradle (Vonnegut), Villa Incognito by Robbins, The Time Traveler's Wife, anything by Charlaine Harris, The Lensman series by E.E."Doc" Smith,


The Sayarot. Jack Horner. John McMaster,

My Blog

Tat 2s

OK.  Not certain who still reads this shit, BUT, I have decided to collect pictures of the tattoos of people I know or am acquainted with somehow (like most of you all).  So, send them to me...
Posted by John McMaster on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:06:00 PST

Today's quote:

Quote of the day: War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person wh...
Posted by John McMaster on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:15:00 PST


I added a couple of new pictures today.  I was going through an old jewelry box and came upon some old Big $ stuff.  My Clear bracelet, and some pins.  For those of you who may never ha...
Posted by John McMaster on Tue, 08 May 2007 04:01:00 PST

Big $ has a new OT III auditing process....

Posted by John McMaster on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:10:00 PST

Space Opera and the denizens therein.

One thing I have not heard much about lately is any talk about the various species of humanoids to be found in this area.  This was pretty much addressed by LRH in what he called "Space Opera".Al...
Posted by John McMaster on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 07:39:00 PST

When the decline began...

I have been trying to figure out when scientology changed so radically from the relatively small groups scattered around the world, doing co-audits, processing and getting processed, teaching a few cl...
Posted by John McMaster on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 08:36:00 PST

Why you shouldn't confuse scientology (the tech) with the church of $

I was a scientologist early on, (1962) before the Church went nuts.  Fortunately, I got a LOT of processing from 1962 to 1967 and was at Saint Hill U.K. when the first sea org mission arrived.&nb...
Posted by John McMaster on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 05:05:00 PST

RE: John Mc

On Friday, November 21, 1969, John McMaster, the first human on earth to achieve Scientology's beatific enlightenment known as Clear, sat down and wrote a long letter to his leader and mentor, L. Ro...
Posted by John McMaster on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 06:55:00 PST

A Plan for World Peace (Maybe not the "best" one... but...)

Here is a plan for world peace.  It is not my plan, but rather a plan written by "Frank J." and can be seen on the website ""A Realistic Plan for World Peacea.k.aN...
Posted by John McMaster on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 12:55:00 PST