Reality,Illusion, and Beingness... hmmm... what else is there is except the minor details?
I would like to see the spread and use of scientology standard technology to aid and enable those beings who are here to receive it, and the destruction of the current Church of $cientology, or at the very least, its' coming up and out from a condition of Treason. I would like to see those beings who have corrupted the original goals of scientology for purposes of their own greed, power, and other deleterious needs, handled (as they used to say - "terminatedly").
Anyone, at least once. Some more than once. Some many, many times. On occasion, I'd like to meet myself (and on occassion, I do).
Bob Dylan, featuring Scarlet Johannsen
Pretty much anything 60's + Dylan, Baez, Beatles, CCR, Eagles, Country Joe, the Dead, Joplin, the Doors, Jefferson Airplane (not Starship), Roy Orbison, most of the "Big Band" music of the 40's and 50's, Willie, Waylon and the boys, Beach Boys, George Thorogood, Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, Ted Nugent (Kiss My Ass), the Stones, Elton John, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bowie, Joan Jett, Talking Heads, Huey Lewis, Dire Straits, B52's,
Pulp Fiction, 12 Monkeys, Casablanca, Fallen, The Big Lebowski, The Prophecy, The Hunger, Reservoir Dogs, Office Space, Full Metal Jacket, Donnie Darko, City of Angels, Goodfellows, The Razor's Edge, Blade Runner, Blue Velvet, Stand By Me, The Deer Hunter, Harvey, The Graduate, Road to Perdition, Caligula (uncut!), Lost In Translation, What the !$%@!* Do We Know?, Apocalypse Now, American Beauty, Magnolia, Munich, Sling Blade
Twin Peaks, Huff, Dead Like Me, Deadwood, and currently, Weeds, Big Love, Dexter, Lost
Illusions (Richard Bach), Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), most books by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Ender series, anything by Robert Anton Wilson, Laurell K. Hamilton's books, Cat's Cradle (Vonnegut), Villa Incognito by Robbins, The Time Traveler's Wife, anything by Charlaine Harris, The Lensman series by E.E."Doc" Smith,
The Sayarot. Jack Horner. John McMaster,