JOHN DENVER'S WINDSTAR FOUNDATION WEBSITE: WWW.WSTAR.ORGMissionTo inspire individuals to make responsible choices and take direct actions to achieve a peaceful and environmentally sustainable future."Windstar's Mission" ..... With the symposium data accessible now through the Internet we are showing that "Windstar is Educating about the Environment to all ages on a World Wide Level!" This is not only exciting, we finally can sum up what Windstar is about and doing. Our members can now tell friends and family they are trying to get to join us and help us, what we are all about. Show them by taking them to the Internet, or just send them to our website at and let them look for themselves.This (and by this I mean what I said above) is one sentence which explains what Windstar is. “Windstar is about Education about the Environment!†I think if you boil down what was being said before for all those years in the "mission and vision" data you get this.If you educate about the environment, you get people to understand not only how things are but what needs to be done to fix them, and when people become educated they tend to become more responsible and through responsibility you get ownership, and through ownership there is a feeling, a want, or a willingness, to become active in helping, in solving the problem, a will to become proactive, and by becoming proactive you want to choose how you help/support thereby making responsible choices, and all of this gets you/people to work towards sustaining life, all life, on the planet, and then you are now working for sustainability of the planet!“ To make responsible choices and take personal action for sustainability of all life on the planet!†That seems like a pretty good way of explaining our mentality, at least for now.... Windstar CEO/President Ron Deutschendorf/MARQUEE