About Me
Contact Tables @ Marksgraphichelp.com
†My WorLd of pErFect PaNdæmoNiuMâ€
-=AngeL of DeceptioN and DecadencE=-
stuck in the conformity of non-conformity,
The lesser evil of the two,
Or so we think.
No matter what, I'm still in the ring,
Of stereotypes,
Of labels.
This trend of anti-trends,
This religion of anti-religion.
Unique as we once knew it is gone,
There are always two of one,
Too many of the same throughout the world.
It makes me think of the possibility,
Of non-conformity being the real conformity.
DiFFErEnT FaCeS of ME!
If people's perception of me was based solely on my writing, I think most people would think that I am an angry person. The thing is, I blog usually when I feel an emotion in the extreme, which, more often than not, is anger.
True, I do have quite a temper, which unfortunately slips its leash, ONCE or TWICE, but most of the time, i'm timid and unagitated. And if you don't believe me, go f*ck yourself..
Who needs friends?
I'm not anti-social;
"Death to the Republic of Dork! All hail the Geek Empire!"
what you're looking at is the intermittent ramblings of a goth-poseur, college student, horoscope obsessed, cellphone addict, comic book reader, cheesy horror lover, rock listener, right-learner, tech-obsessed, online games addict, poorly typing, proudly self-proclaimed geek. occasionally, probably due to these odd combinations, i like to think i have some interesting things to say; this is where they wind up.
i am also a full-fledged Internet Addict. the Internet is most often than not the controlling factor in my life. but i think i can manage to live on and still be an addict, barely maintaining a balance between my virtual world and my physical world.
i Have a Melancholic Temperament
i`m introspective and reflective, i think about everything and anything.
i am a soft-hearted daydreamer. i long for my ideal life.
i love silence and solitude. everyday life is usually too chaotic for me.
given enough time alone, it's easy for me to find inner peace.
i tend to be spiritual, having found my own meaning of life.
wise and patient, i can help people through difficult times.
at my worst, i brood and sulk. my negative thoughts can trap me.
i am reserved and withdrawn. this makes it hard to connect to others.
i tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
you laugh at me because I'm different.
I pity youbecause you all
use the same damn quotes
for your internet profiles.
cool people are just idiots wearing pricy clothes
I don't care if it's science or magical power.
No, come to think of it, if I had to,
I'd put my faith in science.
Because of science, humans who used to crawl around on the ground can now fly,
and soon we're about to go into space!!
I've earned my living thanks to science,
so to me,
there's nothing greater.
Eric Cartman:
Maury, I am out of control.
Yeah, I use drugs.
I can do what I waunt, biatch!
Yeah, I have sex,
and I don't use protection!
It's my hot body;
I'll do what I waunt!
I don't go to school
and I kill people!
What-evah! I'll do what I waunt!
But i APPROVE of