L'association BledFondation en partenariat Officiel avec la marque ULTIMATE HOME ont établi un plan d'action "le Mandat d'Arret" (International), qui vise à stopper l'analphabétisme et les mortalités infantiles en Afrique.
Plus qu'un Plan d'Action, une prise de position!www.myspace.com/bledfoundationMerci à tous ceux qui se préocupent de faire évoluer les conditions de vie en Afrique. Interpellons via cette Action les entreprises qui préfèrent le profit aux vies humaines...
Teaser du Mandat d'Arret
envoyé par K-H Prod
Parole du Ghetto (Teaser n°2)
envoyé par K-H Prod
Teaser Mandat d'Arret n°3
envoyé par BledFondation
-------------------------------------------------The BLEDFOUNDATION Association is an association the objectives of which are the developement of Africa in the domain educational and medical.Chaired by Mr Souleymane Boel and Mr Mamadou KaneThe current event main thing of this beginning of year was of established in official partnership with the mark ULTIMATE HOME.brand an action plan " the mandate of arret " (International) which aims at stopping the illiteracy and the infant mortalities on the African continent.A new myspace humanitarian is specially established at this address: www.myspace.com / bledfoundationHe contains all the information and the conditions necessities to inquire and aderer in any simplicity in the action plan, solidaite for Africa: www.myspace.com / bledfoundationOpinion thus to every person sensitive to this cause: (nobody possessing a myspace; artist, journalist, comedians) preparing a support of respectable distribution (CD, Maxi, DVD, Revised specialized) We invite you to sign to the humanitarian myspace planned in this effect, to strengthen so our harvests and the routing of our collections.Get in touch with us for more piece of informationBLEDFONDATION sponsors for the moment schools on the geographical sector of western Africa, but in the future we wish to spread our action on all the continent. If you wish to support our actions by harvesting school stationeries to facilitate the African youth in their schooling, CONTACT WE...-------------------------------------------------------
BLEDFOUNDATION ASSOCIATION10 RUE DOGUEREAU, BATIMENT BEAUFORT28100 DREUX/ FRANCE------------------------------------------------------
-----------The 'bledfondation' group and the mark 'Ultimatehome' have to launch a international action plan which has as a name 'le mandat d'arret'.
The purpose of this action is to inform and denounce the firms which impoverishes the Third World.All the artists of the world are to invite to join this humanistic group with an aim of making improvement of the educational development and medical action in the Third World.How to still support today that the profits of the ones are the cause of mortality of others.We expressly invite you to denounce this economic crime.You will find the questionnary of your future videos interview on this myspace www.myspace.com/mandatdarret site. Thank you in advance with all of those which will join the combat for the right to the knowledge and the care.A combat gained only if one leaves it the possibility to take place!Pleas call phone number 06 26 25 56 53 for more information.
ABOU "Mandat d'arret"
envoyé par BledFondation
MUSTAPHA Mandat d'Arret
envoyé par BledFondation
KR "Mandat d'Arret""
envoyé par BledFondation
GONZALES Mandat d'Arret
envoyé par BledFondation
Nous contre l'Etat
envoyé par Mirsa78370
N12 "Mandat d'Arret"
envoyé par N12DRX
A.DUARTE Mandat d'Arret
envoyé par K-H Prod
saignage de dvd rien de bon sur la télé
al qour'an
tous les gens qui ont combattu pour leur droits en conservant leur integrités