Get your own Myspace Countdown The beach,traveling, snokeling reading, playing with my dog, working in my gardens (I raise great roses, gardenias and orchids, and plummeria. Going to my daughters games, field hockey, volleyball and soccer. Love to play with my granddaughters.I love to Karoke, with Donna, Kendra, Mike and Matt. Hanging out with my friends and family is my favorite thing to do. I am really dedicated to the Lord. I really enjoy going to my bible study, with all my girlfriends.
John 3:16
Not too many, my grandparents, they were all dead before I was born. I would like to see some people again, Brandon, my adopted son who died in 2001, Stephanie, my step daughter, who died in 2002, and my friend Terri Parrish who died in 2003.I would like to meet Jesus, but I have faith I will one day, so until that time I will wait.Most others, I think I would be let down, the fantasy is greater. Although I think I would risk meeting Johnny Depp...........him yeah well...I would take the risk of that fantasy being deflated.........well and Angelina Jolie, she is pretty awesome
In my heart I think I will always be a "big haired rocker chick".....Gotta love the Aquanet days....(kids you won't get it)..Guns and roses, Aerosmith,Posion, Warrent, Warrior, Skid Row....But I also love garage punk,((Nivana) country (Terri Clark), classical, blues, jazz, lots of rock, new and old, hawaiian/pacific islands, christian rock. I still have some of the old day connects, my friend Linda Perry writes and produces,for Pink, Christina Aguilera, James Blunt, Gwen Stefani, she used to be the singer of 4 Non Blondes, not to drop names but I will.....LOL....I love all that pop rocky kinda stuff. My friend Tommy Asakawa, (he used to be in Warrior, he still keeps things in the loop. I just love to sing along to music, yanno, the fun stuff you sing in your car to.
My friend Wayne Finlay has great music,doesn't matter if he is playing with Michael Shanker, Slavior, or just sitting around jamming, he rocks, I think I love the New Years eve jams in my backyard the best...... .
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Pirates of the Carribbian, Pretty Woman,
Steel Magnolia's,
16 Candles,
Breakfast Club,
Godfather 1 & 2,
Edward Scissorhands,
any Tammy
or Gidget movies,
Grumpy Old men 1 & 2,
Great Outdoors,
Planes, Trains & Automobiles,
All of the Lord of the Rings,
and all Harry Potter,
Trading Places,
Coming to America,
and anything that has my idol Hedy LaMar...
I am pretty random in what I like, Obviously!!
Easy there, almost anything reality, I am a reality show junky, Survivor, Amazing race, Hell's kitchen, Project runway, American's next top model, the Bachelor, Love ER, and CSI Las Vegas
Anything Nora Roberts writes, and Jude DeVeroux, Reading The life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West right now, its great so far. I like to read, so I will pick up anything, and read it.
My husband for being my soul mate, and my strenght when I didn't think I could be strong. My son Chris for keeping the humor alive, Nick for dedicating his life to his family and country, Jessie for being so strong to bring those kids into our life. Brittany for being a great listener and for holding her head up high, Ashleigh, for her strong sense of right and wrong, and the strength to stand up for it.My parents for their teniacity and the strong sense of family they established in me. My girlfriend Terri Parish, who showed us all how to live and die well. Donna for being the person who always gets back up every time she is knocked down, and she does it with grace. My sister Laura for being the white light in my life.Curtis for loving my girl like the princess she is, and serving our country for all the right reasons. Vinny,"who loves ya baby??", for being a tough ass like me, and boy can we cook... Last but not least, my grandchildren, for their unconditional love, and opening that Grandma compartment in my heart.
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Matt & Our granddaughters
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