~Chip~ profile picture


Coming soon... my new car!

About Me

My name is Chip! I'm a smiley brown-eyed wonder, full of love and curiosity, a mind as open as the day is short... candy raver, rockstar, and hippie to the core... a loyal friend who might forget your birthday, but I'll do something profound when you least expect it... I absolutely adore my job and would probably work myself to death if given the opportunity... addicted to my computer, but being in office cubes results in a failure to thrive... I love to travel around the world and meet all types of fascinating people... drawn to musicians, artists, fashionistas, underdogs, hard workers, foreign accents, amusing rhetoric, mind-expansion, originality... a huge fan of all kinds of food and drink... never ever joined a gym, but I'll walk 2.5 miles to work... I use alternative medicine for everyday healing and mainstream pharmaceuticals for recreation... I can speak Spanish when I need to, and had an unsuccessful run as a Mexican housewife... survived 11 years of Catholic school and 1 year of living in the South... don't get mad if I correct your grammar, it's a bad habit... I enjoy living in a blue state, though I wouldn't mind moving to a different country alltogether... painfully honest, sometimes too open, saucy remarks may sometimes come spewing from my otherwise sugar coated mouth... I'll probably dig you because you intrigue me... don't let me break your heart, or loan you money... I just want to see you smile :) MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

FOOD: The way to my heart is through my stomach. Food is definitely my weakness, all kinds, mainly ethnic (Mexican, Indian, Thai, Mediterranean... I love it all!) I'll try anything twice and I love to experiment with new flavors. Some weird things I've eaten include: ostrich, turtle, bison, escargot, octopus, stingray, alligator, and probably more things that I can't remember.DRINK: I love beer. My top 3 at the moment are Blue Moon, Boddington's, and La Fin Du Monde. My favorite bars are the ones that have beer menus and 50 taps on the wall. My mixed drink of choice is Sapphire and tonic with lime. I love doing tequila shots or pretty much anything that has tequila in it. I'm not a huge fan of the brown liquors (whiskey, rum, etc..) Red Bull and Citron is my favorite clubbin' drink. I also LOVE red wine!!!FASHION: I am most comfortable in a wife-beater, a long skirt, and Birkenstocks (if I can't go barefoot). Long bellbottoms are a must if I wear pants, the bigger bells the better. I tend to gravitate towards hippie style and earth tones, though I've been known to sport Chuck Taylors and a rockstar belt on occasion. I love multi-tonal hair, hemp jewelry, toe rings, cool stones and glass pieces, scarves as belts, courderoy, pockets, funky hats, body glitter, thrift stores, flea markets, anything eclectic and unique that suits me.LIFE: Honesty is crucial. I believe that people are generally good at heart, and I get really disappointed when they prove me wrong. I'm very open-minded, very liberal, very laid back. I'm fascinated by different cultures, different styles, intriguing people with amazing talents, and all of the millions of ways that people see the world. I'm independent, free-spirited, whimsical, spontaneous, and a full-on Aquarius (which might explain all of this).

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I'd like to meet:

Interesting people on whom I can perform anthropological studies in my mind... this includes Bill Clinton, Jon Stewart, Anderson Cooper, Lenny Kravitz, Johnny Depp... I'd also like to toss back a few pints with my grandfather when he was a young lad in England. A Little Note About My Top 8: I've decided that the whole Top 8 thing is kinda silly, and I have met far too many cool people who have impacted my life in different ways. My Top 8 will now be comprised of a randomly changing selection of my friends. Maybe they will be some new cats I met recently, maybe some kids from work, or maybe some old friends I haven't seen in a while. Check them out... they all mean something to me. Current Theme: Eye and ear candy for your enjoyment


techno/dance, classic rock, a little hip-hop, some alternative rock and punk... Here's a sample of what I listen to: Tool, NIN, Staind, Dredg, Flaming Lips, Green Day, Coldplay, The Killers, Paul Van Dyk, Metallica, The Moody Blues, Ludacris, Tiesto, Paul Oakenfold, Radiohead, The Postal Service, The Offspring, Fleetwood Mac, Boston, Enya, Outkast, DMB, Push, Gravity Kills, Airwave, Marilyn Manson, The Films, Blink 182, The Faint, Scissor Sisters, The Daybreak Boys, Greenwheel, Leo, Riddle of Steel, anything on Radio 1 or Sirius Area 63. I like when my friends hook me up with new stuff that I've never heard before...it forces me to diversify. I LOVE it when musician friends play their own stuff for me.


Human Traffic, Halfbaked, The Big Lebowski, The Fifth Element, Shawshank Redemption, Super Troopers, Napoleon Dynamite, Pulp Fiction, Dogma, The Emperor's New Groove, Zoolander, Mallrats, Wayne's World, Grosse Pointe Blank, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, High Fidelity, Pirates of the Caribbean, Saved!, V for Vendetta, Sin City


Family Guy, Scrubs, The Daily Show, Weeds, Simpsons, Friends, West Wing, Futurama, South Park, Arrested Development, Late Night with Conan O'Brian, Jeopardy, I Love the 70s, 80s, and 90s on VH1, anything on the Food Network


Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, Linda Goodman's Book of Sun Signs, Dave Barry's Guide to Guys, America (The Book), The Death and Life of Superman, Tuck Everlasting, Harry Potter... I'm currently reading A Million Little Pieces, and next on the list is Sex, Drugs, & Cocoa Puffs.


my lovely parents my grandmother is one of the strongest women I know... my aunt fought breast cancer and won... Jenner called off her wedding... Rahman quit drinking...Pat and Linnea found true love... there are so many people in this world who challenge and inspire me