This is a mixture; motorsport, music, films, politics, reading, wildlife, not so wildlife, having a laugh with my friends (yes that is a plural...), anything really...
Anyone really - I'm pretty easy-going until someone annoys me, then I tend to go quiet (if you're lucky...) If i had to choose anyone famous it'd have to be Ray Charles - may be a bit tricky though...
Indie, rock, jazz, blues, classical (yes, I am that cultured...), anyone who's any good - not a big fan of the manufactured stuff.
Well, I haven't seen a film that I didn't see anything good about for about 6 years and I was a stroppy teenager then...
Depends how dead my brain is really - I'll watch mindless rubbish one minute and something more interesting the next
Autobiographies, anything with some zany humour and any books that I can read a lot of without noticing how much time I've spent on it
Any racing driver because I'm a big kid, Churchill, Mandela, my parents, Alessandro Zanardi