Laying in the sun, head-butting my brother, bulldozing over anyone that is in my way, being stinky.
Other Pugs, and Pug friendly people. Anyone that wants to feed me bacon, and scratch my skull.
All About Me!!!
Name: Petunia
Date of Birth: Approx. 12 years ago
Place of Birth: I don't remember
Where you live now: Plainfield, IL.
Type of animal: Dog
Breed: Pug
Favorite Toy: I don't like toys
Favorite Store: Two Bostons
Favorite Brand of Food: Evo-Grain Free-Low Carb
Favorite Color: Don't have one since I don't see in color
In the past month have you been to a pet supply store such as petco...ect: No
In the past month have you been to the vet: A little more than a month ago, for an eye infection
Dogs Only
Collar or Harness: Harness, I'm to fat for a collar
Retractable Leash or Regular Leash: Regular
Wet Food or Dry Food Dry
Ceramic Bowl, Metal Bowl or Plastic Bowl: Metal
Do you sleep in a crate: Of course not
Rawhides or squeaky toys: Rawhides
How many toys do you have: I have lots, but I ignore them
Do you like to swim: I have never tried
Do you chase bugs outside: No
Do you like fluffy blankets to sleep on: You bet!
Favorite Treats: I like them all.
I don't really listen to much music. Usually whatever mom and dad are listening to.
Anything with Pugs in it!!!!!
I'm not picky! As long as there is someone on the couch to cuddle with, I'll watch just about anything!
The Tao of the Pug, Homer for the Holidays, Pug Shots
My mom and dad for rescueing me and giving me a good life!