It's whatever When? Where? What style? How Hard? How Long? Will it make me happy? And you will fall in love with this.... I got that Come Back. !Let's see what you can do and what you have to prove....I can bend over and do it with no hands but can you walk it out?
A MAN that is.... Up front, Smart, Honest, Got Game but don't play none, Plan to do something with his life, Kind, Caring, Fun / Funny, And more if there is more....But for those that play games do my a favor... GET ON MY LEVEL !!Yall Lil Boys Need to STOP GETTING ME TWISTED UP WITH ANOTHER CHIC ON SOME OTHER SH*T BECAUSE i HAVE WARNED YOU I'M NOT THE ONE !
All Kinds Basically whatever puts me in a good mood
Horror Movies I'll have you screaming 4 more.... SHHHHH! But willing to watch whatever
I love crime shows. You can always learn from them.
Anything interesting