Ecussonmy best songs
Underoath/ Muse/ Jeff Buckley/ Sigur ros/ explosions in the sky/ Radiohead/ 30 seconds to mars/ Marilyn Manson/ Keane/ Calogero/ White Sripes/ Raphael/ Katie Medulla/ Kings of leon/ the strokes/ kasabian/ Bjork/ Tim Buckley/
Vanilla sky/ Orange Mécanique/ Eyes wide shut/ Barry Lyndon/ Shinning/ Seven/ dr strangelove/ Seven years in tibey/ L'ultime razzia (the killing)
fuck Tv.... Tv kill your creativity and make you a sheep... Life is short don't forget !!! don't waste your time
jules Verne
Stanley Kubrick /Andy Warhol / Salvatore Dali /Michael Jackson / David Beckham / Michael Jordan / Audrey Hedburn / David Bowie / Woodie Allen / Michel Granger / Matthew Bellamy