interesting conversation, cards, food, people, ???, dark comities, philosophy, people watching, bad movies, sleep, silliness, randomness, and other good things, going on rants, walking no place in particular with good company, mixing drinks, conversations you'd think you'd have to be high for, but infact only have whill dead sober in the middle of some idle tuesday, chocolate
people who are interesting but not pretentious, girls who do not fit the above discription and, a stunning brunette with nice curves, and a 6 figure salary, who wants to support my audiobook addiction...
placebo, nirvana, man-o-war, led Zeppelin, guns 'n' roses, smashing pumpkins, garbage, pink floid, anything but country
Gattaca, heathers, monty python, plan 9 from outerspace, equilibrium, fight club, heathers, donny darko, rockey horror, the LOTR trilogy, movies that are so bad there good, the matrix(only the first one), movies that make you think
firefly, daily show
hitch-hikers guid to the galaxy, Jonathan Strange and mr Norrell, dune, lord of the rings, dune, Lord of the Flies, enders game, 1984, the giver
pink man, the umbrella man, the joke guy, and ofcorse the reverend dr.
i will a shiny penny to any one who has talked to all 4 or even knows who they are