Chilliaxin with my Boys and my girls, word up to them. Reading thru all my fan mail, trust me its not easy, i may have to hire a secretary. I love good cancer stick every now and then. I love a few beers with the hommies. I just love life in general...
I would love to meet each and every one of my adoring fans. I know there a lot you out there, so please I ask that you all just be patient and you will get a chance to meet Billy Burns. I also welcome any new guys and girls that wish to become charter members of the Billy Burns Fan Club. Remember Kids it is hip and cool to be a member. Please get your parents permission if you are under 18 years of age....You may ask yourself, why should I become a member of the Billy Burns Fan Club? I'll tell you why, because its a pretty exclusive club. I mean it cant save you money on car insurace, or will it get you 2 for 1 Big Macs at McDonald's, or will ever get you out of a speeding ticket, but it will however make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside when you tell people you know Billy Burns.... People will want to be your friend now because you know Billy Burns. The Billy Burns Fan Club Card, for carrying memebers, is ticket that will open doors to opportunities that you never thought were possible before you became a memeber. When you go to the clubs show your card, you wont be a nobody in the club when you get in, now you will be VIP sippin' on that Gin and Juice, oh yeah laid back. Just please remember when you get a chance say thank you to Billy Burns for being who he is and just making every ones lives that much better. Thank you Billy Burns...
Oh I love TV, and I love my Xbox 360. I am issuing a Madden Challenge to anyone out there, I will take you on and win...
Steve is my #1 Hero, I also love Eric Gibree, I love all of my fans because without them there wouldnt be a Billy Burns...