Code Blue Commercial. I'm in the Board Rm getting Text! Inturn Start from Episode One!Automaton Transfusion Trailor Release Date in 2008
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The Choctaw Indians! My Great Grandfathers from Miss, On my Mothers side they called him "Jap" and on my Fathers side his name was "Jessy". They are men I never knew but from their blood in my viens I will continue their Dream. I am their hope for the future and with honor I accept this God given journey. Just a small part of my family tree...People who live for the moment and don't judge and people who praise God with out limits.
Host for Music Central on MadFaceTVMovie Set pics
"The Artist's Way: A Spriritual Path to Higher Creativity." by Julia Cameron "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success." by Deepak Chopra "The Nature of Success." by Mac Anderson "The Prophet." Kahlil Gibran
My Mother Janice, Father Howard, and Brother Marcus! It is their prayers that keep me and love that protect... I owe them my life!