Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential profile picture

Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential

...i'm in glorious, shining disbelief....

About Me

I am hopefull. i am geeked out. i am in shock. i am shaky.

I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

Hope. Whistling in the dark. Happiness. Paper Tigers. Luck. Matching puzzle pieces.

I'd like to meet:

jesus, ghandi, bob dylan, neil young, jeff tweedy, kurt vonnegut jr, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Edward O. Wilson....and more. i realise there are a few deadies on here, but screw it, it's my list.


Wilco. Beck. Lou Reed. Queen. Steve Earle. Robert Johnson. Bob Dylan. Stone City Stragglers. Niel Young. AC/DC. Queens of the Stone Age. Air. Cake. The Rolling Stones. Johnny Cash. Simon and Garfunkle. David Bowie. The Beatles. Etta James. John Condron.The Velvet Underground. Nirvana. Stevie Wonder. Sonic Youth. The Brian Jonestown massacre. Hank Williams Sr. Hank Williams III. early REM. Rufus Wainwright. Regina Spektor. Deconstructing Jim. Ben Lee. The Mars Volta. Conor Oberst/Brighteyes. The Peels. Jimmie Rogers. Al Green. Ween. The Carter Family. James Brown. Weezer. The Flaming Lips. Les Paul. the song "the weight" by The Band (thanks amy). Spoon. Ray Charles. Prince. The smiths. The pixies. The Cure. Iron and wine. Sufjan Stevens. and more and more and on and on...i just don't have the time to list...



My Blog

* the Nearest Equation is You.

chapter 2: time in relation to distance from you. think of me as a clock. or: rather, a clock with a special wheel for measuring distances, and a spedometer. point A is me. point B is you. think of th...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 04:42:00 PST

(maybe i haven't made myself transparent)

i should be miserable, and stressed out, and angry, but i'm not. i have one person to thank for that. i love that girl. she gets me. to extrapoliate on the last blog i posted, i'll say this:...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 08:36:00 PST

i call bullshit

bullshit! fucking motherfucking goshdamn cocksucking bullshit.   details at a later date.
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 02:59:00 PST

There is an inner ring of Hell reserved for Racists.

May Botha rot in it. I hope his death was painful and long lasting. I'm going to have a drink and cheer. 1 more down, several million left to go. Breeding them out just takes too damn long. This douc...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 02:09:00 PST

>>one hand of fingers and the other thumb of use.

i'm pretty sure i broke a couple of fingers today. i'd explain how, but typing with only my right hand takes too long. needless to say i've taped the broken phalanges to the unbroken ones, and wi...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:16:00 PST


cash morning noon and night. in that order. the sun doesn't rise in the west. i have a sad feeling alot of my check on fri will be spent on a black suit with boots and shirt to match. training my hair...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 06:37:00 PST


both shoes and two socks thoroughly knocked from his feet at the same time, our hero had just gathered his courage and utter'd two or three words that had been eating at his gut for what seemed like a...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 02:09:00 PST

Aarggh! My Cornea!

I'VE SCRATCH'D MINE EYE! IT'S SWOLLEN AND RED AND CONSTANTLY WATERING AND I CAN'T SEE!!! MY DEPTH PERCEPTION IS OFF!!! i open it and all i see is a splotchy blur. then shooting stars of pain. needless...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 06:16:00 PST


the man is tired. sleeping on his feet, naps at lunchbreak. it's amazing what fifteen minutes every four hours or so will do, it turns out thomas edison was right about the human being only needing si...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 07:32:00 PST

+This is how it all starts.

For those of you who i haven't told, haven't spoke with for a while, or just plain don't know well enough, here's the deal... My friends know i've been roaming alot. At least, this last year or s...
Posted by Hon. Rev. Limitless Potential on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 01:12:00 PST